A Twin Article in Three Scenes
So I drove and thought that I will write a pair of Twin-Articles.
But how does one compose Twin-Articles and make it evident to the reader that these are Twin-Articles to be read together?
I seem to be starting with an article which is not part of the Twin-Articles. Therefore I will be writing three articles. It is thus evident that I have never written Twin-Articles and That I don't know how to execute the feat. Notice that I call it a feat, whereas when I conceived it, it was a mere Twin-Articles. One would hope that at some point I will be compose Twin-Articles without impossible convolutions.
Let me press on.
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of time", it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, etc...
In short it was July 2021. I will categorise myself under "Wisdom"? but we are one-country, one-nation. Thus the appalling things that happened in this one-country-one-nation point to me. I am a member of this one-country-one-nation.
High crimes and misdemeanours! - The American will say. Worthy of lynching maybe??
It must be said that Dickens has achieved a Twin-Article with some aplomb...but I digress
Therefore I need to examine myself - how did I contribute to the senseless violence that happened in our country? I should search my heart!
Wrong!! cries the scientist. The heart's function is to pump blood, not ferment insurrection!! So madam scientist where do I look, i cry in bewilderment?
Well.....that is a very deep question, says the scientist, hand on chin, sitting in some impossible pose of one knee nearly up to the chin on an impossibly small "thing", maybe a rock...?
You see I would have said search Space-Time. But is is becoming clear that Space and Time are not fundamental character of the universe ----- Good Heavens!! but that cannot be!
No the reality (or Simulation) is that Space and Time are not Fundamental, says madam scientist trying to show some semblance of dignity in that impossible pose
Hence my Twin-Article:
The Physicist leans towards Information as the fundamental character of the universe - Which I like, since I spent my misspent young adulthood in the realm of Information Management.
I told you so!! Stop pottering with your Space-Time and Quantum entanglement. It will all end in tears!! Consciousness is Fundamental!!
I forgot to mention, that the Janus-like Philosopher-Neuroscientist thus spake. (some Shakespeare to show that I am cultured)
The twin article - On one side Consciousness as the foundation of nature and on the other side Information as the fundamental character of the universe
To be continued....with the two articles.......Consciousness vs Information - Not to be missed!
By the way I did not quote Dickens from memory. I can't memorise anything even if my life depended on it. I am, however, proud that I did not Google it. I searched for the physical book and got it from the real fount.