Twelve Days of StressMas-Day 8

Twelve Days of StressMas-Day 8


On the eighth day of StressMas what gift can you give to yourself?

Eight maids a milking?? First off, who would think a bird would be called “maids a milking.”? And why add such a confusing title into a carol?? Anyhow, rather than figure than out, our time can be better spent embracing the gift of values.

Stress Hack #8 – Embrace Values

What values are central to your being, to your core.? You may not be able to easily rattle off your core values, but you know them intrinsically.? You feel them in your body when something is occurring that is inconsistent with your values (causing stress) , and you know the state of calm and peace that exists when your actions are in alignment with your values (ease and flow).

Your values inform you in your everyday life.? They inform you about what you do professionally.? What you are willing to going along with or endure within your workplace.? Whether your values are in alignment those of your co-workers.? Whether your values are in alignment with those who lead you, or consistent with the core values of your employer.?

Your values will vary in terms of adherence to them.? Some values may be flexible to stretch or ignore depending on the circumstances (one might call that situational values).? Other values may be core to who you are and thus non-negotiable.? The values that are core to who you are will likely be in present several domains of your life.

It is equally important to identify those values that may not be serving you well.? Rather than creating boundaries for you or serving to protect you, they might be preventing or limiting your growth and self-development.? Values can used as a false “blanket rule” to not do something.? Values can also serve as “proxies” that are keeping you from being stretched (in a good way) beyond your normal boundaries.?

Your values may have been unknowingly adopted by you from nurture or environment.? It is amazing the number of things in your life – including values – that you believe have been intelligently assented to.? Much of who you are, what you do, what you like, and what you believe are products of your upbringing and your life experiences. ?

However, you now have agency over yourself and you must do the deep work, the self-examining work, to determine who you are today, and who you aspire to be tomorrow.



