TweetChat - A Collective Review of this underrated activity
Let’s talk about tweet chats.
Why? Because everyone is tweet chatting. Tweet chats are not the latest but the easiest way of engaging people on Twitter. In the last one year, I have participated in more than 100 tweet chats. I love tweet chats. I participate mostly in tweet chats related to HR leadership, HR tech, Recruitment, Social media, entrepreneurship, books, women empowerment, etc., basically all the topics I like. There were several kinds of tweetchats, like pre-event tweet chat, pre-talk tweetchat, and pre-launch tweet chat, a special day marking tweetchat, post-event tweetchat, contest tweetchat, awareness campaign tweetchat, influencer tweetchat and what not. The ideas, concepts, titles, and handles are different but the motive behind every tweetchat remains the same, “ENGAGEMENT” and that’s what anyone would expect from a tweetchat, “Is it engaging enough”?
Who determines if a Tweetchat is engaging enough- THE HOST
The person or persons who are hosting the tweetchat are totally responsible to make sure that the tweetchat serves its very purpose of engagement. So for that, one should never forget these two things about engagement – engagement starts with paying attention and goes on with follow up. The host whether it’s a person or a company must pay attention to what’s being written. Every person who is on that tweetchat, matters. Everything he/she writes, matters. Pay attention and engage.How? A simple like, or a comment or a reply or retweet, whatever, engage. Don’t let it get lost just like that. For example, the host said, “I love the concept of compassionate leadership”. The participant said, “I don’t”. The host must engage and probe, “What are your views about it”. It’s just an example of carrying it on, taking it forward. Even a simple thumbs up or a smiley can do the trick. Following up is nothing but responding and stimulating. Stimulate by asking further questions, follow up and engage, don’t let the words fall into a cyber vacuum. That’s the whole idea.
It’s not Q&A – its CHAT.
The format of tweetchat has become more like a Q&A session and that’s not compulsory. I reckon that’s to initiate a discussion but then that discussion never happens and it becomes a quiz session where the host is bombarding question after question and people are giving answers. Where does that take the tweet chat? It becomes a classroom, with the host as a quiz master and a whole class of participants, giving their best. It should be rather like a panel talk. In a panel talk, the moderator plays the role of a stimulator, a collaborator of talks. The host of the tweet chat should act like a moderator of panel talk, where everybody who is participating is on the panel. Moderator has a point of view, but since he/she is a moderator, has to be neutral and should voice every opinion, that came on the table. So make it more like a chat, a group chat, a panel discussion, where everybody talks and everybody listens and not like a classroom. It’s not mandatory to throw a question. Just saying. Think better than that.
Stay relevant and have fun
Adding a little quirk and fun to the tweet chat only helps. There is no need to be all serious and jargon-filled. Keep the chat real, relevant and fun filled. That’s how chats are supposed to be. Not to take any comment which is against your opinion or matter of liking as a personal attack and always keep it light. It’s a tweet chat. I remember joining few tweet chats and then leaving just because they were not fun at all. Remember staying on many because I felt they are relevant and fun too.
Tweet chats I love
I have joined many tweetchats. More than 100, from almost 10 different platforms. Here I’ll name the few I enjoy the most. Tweetchats by Peoplematters, especially before any event, though they can definitely be far better if they reduce the number of questions asked and increase the engagement level. I love the tweetchat by SHRM #Nextchat. The engagement level of this tweetchat is insane, people look forward to it, they are fun-filled, and also full of so many insights. There are many tweetchats apart from these, which I have been joining on regular basis but these two stand out when we talk about HR Industry tweetchats.
I would like to mention here about the tweetchat I enjoyed the most in the last one year and why? A tweetchat organized by Penguin India. This was a contest tweetchat. I didn’t win anything but I had so much fun. I remember every participant of that tweetchat sharing the same emotion. The engagement level was superb, the host was awesome. Highly energetic, involved, funny, quirky, came up with one-liners and replied to every single tweet and that too in a very interesting way. Kept a very subtle mix of talking business and establishing connect. The tweetchat lasted for an hour. The topic was very simple, (I don’t even remember now) but the host was praised throughout the tweet chat by all the participants for being so cool and highly engaging. That’s how tweetchat should be.
Hoping and looking forward to participating in more tweet chats, whether in HR or Tech or entrepreneurship, to get better every time. The most engaging feature of twitter is tweetchat, let’s use it efficiently.
In case, you would like to connect with me on twitter, my handle @shaliniharnot
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