Twas the Night before
'Richard Markel
Event Planner creating regional conferences where chapters are developed. at Assn for Wedding Professionals Int'l
Twas the night before
And all through the house,
The girlfriend was angry
She wasn't a spouse!
She hoped for the joy
That Christmas would bring.
But Christmas had passed,
And she still had no ring!
They'd been together
For over two years.
Long-term commitment-
That must be his fear.
She thought, "That's the reason
That I'm still single.
I'm breaking it off!
Then the phone gave a jingle.
"Come outside," said the voice,
And then went away.
She opened the door,
And there was a sleigh!
He whisked her away,
Grinned like a fox
Got down on one knee
And opened the box.
T'was the first day of New Year
Her eyes opened wide.
"Yesterday, I'm a girlfriend.
Today, I'm a bride!"
She started to panic
"There's so much to do!
To plan a whole wedding.
before I can say I do?"
Then she remembered
The Bridal Expo’s ad.
And suddenly she
Felt tremendously glad!
Her eyes, how they twinkled!
Her smile seemed to glow!
"I Can plan everything
At the upcoming Bridal Expo!
Reception hall! Caterer!
Florist and tux!
Save money, save time,
And no acid reflux!
With Planners and designers,
Rentals and more
Door prizes, honeymoons
And gifts galore
Plus with a whole
18 hours to shop
We’ll save tons of money
and shop till we drop!
Limo! DJ!
Photographer & Gown!
I won't have to be running
all over town!
So she called her attendants
To the Expo they all flew.
Ate catering samples
And wedding cake, too!
And I heard her exclaim
Holding prizes she won,
"I found all that I need
Now my planning is done!"
If you are not planning on exhibiting in a show, reconsider. Shows are the ultimate way to increase your wedding business. Tried a show and it didn't work? Email me what you did and I will reply with a different approach. If the show brings brides you will get bookings. Never did a show, don't know where to find them? I can assist. Email me and let me know. Travel agents and destination planners, want to get into a show for nearly nothing? I may have a show for you. Reply with I want a Nearly free show booth in the subject line.
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