'Twas the night before Christmas at the radio studio...
Merry Christmas
Adapted by RadioLinx
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the studio,
Not a producer was stirring, not even the radio show hero.
The stockings were hung by the control board with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
The on-air hosts paused for a commercial break,
Knowing they might be the first to see his namesake.
A sleepy-eyed producer just uploaded the latest podcast,
Maybe this year she’ll get to make the announcement in the newscast.
There is hope the news won’t slow the Internet,
Please, just not before I put down my headset.
Then suddenly on the roof there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.
Away to the hall I ran in a flash,
Could it be the man with the gift stash?
The snow was glistening from a string of LED lights,
Surely, his appearance would make this the best of nights.
When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny rein-deer.
With a jolly old driver so lively and quick,
I knew in an instant, this must be St. Nick.
He texted and shouted, calling them each by name:
"Now Ryan! Now Julie! Now Howard and Ramsey! On, M.G., Stephen, Laura and Hannity!
Over the solar panel! To the top of the roof!
Down the chimney came St. Nicholas in a matter of a poof.
He had a furry hat and was dressed in 80s retro, from head to toe. His clothes were torn, yet he had a glow.
A stash of goodies he carried in his sack,
Could these be for me, oh what did he pack?
He stood up and with a jolly good laugh exclaimed,
These gifts are for you and the many who many not be as famed.
For the talk show host who sets the record straight,
A regular guest rotation on the cable channel that stays up late.
A gift for the show producer and podcast editor,
A vanity URL, to easily be found on any web browser.
This is for you my favorite DJ, better than sitting on Santa’s lap,
A digital place for your show and your very own app.
I bring tidings of great joy, higher PPM and UV numbers,
Along with a book of adlibs so you never run out of on-air banters.
And most of all, for you who must work on Christmas Eve,
To entertain, inform, and amuse those of us who listen and believe.
Your on-air broadcasts, both AM and FM, make the night a better place, As well as those who entertain in the digital space.
That jolly old man was gone as soon as he appeared.
As he flew off into the night, we heard the news and cheered.
Quick, everyone gather near, pull the editor from her podcast,
For tonight she will make the announcement on the newscast.
“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night”!
— Wishing you and your family the happiest of holidays.
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