TVW Coverage - March 21, 2025

TVW Coverage - March 21, 2025

Day 68 of the 105-day legislative session. Policy committee hearings in the morning, House Finance Cmte in the afternoon, plus non-legislative coverage.

Legislative Committee Hearings…

8am Senate Labor & Commerce: Votes on a half dozen governor appointees plus bills including HB1874 textured hair training, HB1788 workers comp benefits, HB1524 isolated employees, HB1875 paid leave/immigration proceedings, HB1879 hospital worker breaks, HB1821 interested party/prevailing wage laws.

8am Senate Health & Long-Term Care: Hearing HB1971 prescription hormone therapy, HB1755 percutaneous coronary intervention, HB1395 streamlined home care worker background checks, HB1531 public officials/communicable diseases; votes on previously heard bills.

8:30am House Health Care & Wellness: Hearing SJM8002 concerning Medicare, SJM8004 concerning universal health care; work session—work of the Universal Health Care Commission.

10:30am Senate Environment, Energy & Technology: Hearing HB1990 utility companies disaster costs, HB1842 PUDs/captive insurers, HB1522 electric utility wildfire plans, HB1814 SEPA/trails and paths; votes on previously heard bills.

10:30am Senate Housing: Hearing HB1760 mobile homes/low-income households, HB1403 condo construction laws, HB1108 task force on housing cost drivers; votes on bills including HB1096 lot splitting, HB1491 transit-oriented housing, HB1899 homelessness point-in-time count.

10:30am Senate State Govt, Tribal Affairs & Elections: Hearing HB1573 oath of office time period, HB1102 support/services for veterans, HB1934 info disclosure/employment investigations; votes on bills including HB1759 Dec. 12 “Day of the 12s”, HB1631 establishing the state marine forest.

10:30am House Labor & Workplace Standards: Hearing SB5101 hate crime/bias victims, SB5503 public employee collective bargaining; votes on bills including SB5041 unemployment for striking or locked out workers, SB5104 workplace coercion/immigration status, SB5501 employer requirements for driving.

10:30am House Technology, Economic Development, & Veterans: Votes on bills including SB5492 sustainable state tourism promotion, SB5420 veteran/spouse access to state benefits, SB5649 supply chain competitiveness infrastructure program.

10:30am House Civil Rights & Judiciary: Hearing SB5632 confidentiality of records/other states, SB5651 exemptions from garnishment, SB5169 testimony of children; votes on bills including SB5202 judicial orders/abuse survivors, SB5129 common interest communities.

10:30am House Local Government: Votes on SB5184 minimum parking requirements, SB5559 subdivision process within UGAs, SB5571 exterior cladding materials, SB5509 siting child care centers, SB5558 GMA comprehensive plan/development reg timelines.

10:30am House Agriculture & Natural Resources: Votes on SB5076 Puget Sound nonspot shrimp license, SB5157 valuable materials/habitat projects, SB5165 deer/elk damage compensation, SB5212 water resource area 1 adjudication claims, SB5485 livestock identification.

1:30pm House Finance: Hearing SB5529 counties/ADUs/tax exemptions, SB5516 community center property tax exemption, SB5252 nonprofit meeting places property taxes, SB5368 studying alcohol taxes/fees.

Non-Legislative Coverage…

The WA Fish and Wildlife Commission holds an all-day meeting…

8am: Public input, director’s report, decision on Best Available Science Policy, briefing/public hearing on commercial Dungeness Crab rules.

1pm: Mid-Columbia River White Sturgeon briefing and decision, Quagga and Zebra Mussel briefing, discussion on Ruckelshaus Report, briefing/public hearing on cougar season setting and rules and black bear season setting.

And more…

9am WA State Supreme Court/WA State Bar Assn Board of Governors: WSBA equity and justice plan, pilot project of entity regulation, pathways to licensure implementation, financial update/communications, proposed policy for WSBA’s administration of Supreme Court boards, check-in re WSBA public defense standards.

9am Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board: WA Public Ports update, WA Assn of Counties update, WSDOT truck parking update, NW Seaport Alliance presentation, Inland Intermodal feasibility study, six-year investment survey, capital budget update, Spokane Valley project update, more.

10am WA State Building Code Council: Energy code hearing—site vs. source energy consideration, committee reports, more.


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