Adeyemi Ajayi

It is quite interesting to see the continuity of the war that started in 2007. There was period of peace and dominance between 2011 and 2017 when another war started again…now with different enemy. The gist is full of sentiments but glides toward business strategy and direct components of the society we all live in.

Beginning of the War

On 1 February 2007, a young brilliant lawyer launched a Direct Broadcast Satellite TV which I call “Fighter 1”. The company had the fastest growth in the history of cable TV in Nigeria. Within a space of 3 years, it attracted over 200,000 subscribers, playing close to a non-indigenous company that had existed for about 12 years then. The market space was open for competition, but a strong contender never existed until Fighter 1 showed up with powerful muscle to win round one of the war within its 2 years of existence. Nigerians were happy and were ready to give the TV station good support. The support for Fighter 1 was based on local ownership and the entry strategy (which was the price and about same value). The company gained relevance and became stronger. DOMINUS was dealt upper cut which made it lose subscribers and probably decline in sales. The entry and operational strategy was superb.

Weapons of War: Season 1

Fighter 1 had great weapon in its strategic approach to the market…price, quality and local push. The TV became fast buy for everyone who wanted to have good view …just as DOMINUS provided. I sat back then and asked myself if the strategy was sustainable…seeing that DOMINUS had a market dominance which was seen to be unfair. With price slash and good team, Fighter 1 was riding on higher waves. DOMINUS, in its weak state, tried to crash the price (just as Glo forced MTN to migrate from per second billing). DOMINUS was resilient and navigated through the tough times with strong spirit and high hopes. The weapon DOMINUS had then was the experience, business politics, parent company support and reservoir of financial muscle. I recalled that my brother told me that DOMINUS will soon return to their homeland and I told him that “it is not possible”. With these two class of weapons, I know very well that DOMINUS will stage a comeback. I knew that some strategies were not just sustainable.

What Went wrong: Season 1

The first war was lost on a single product line which dominated the market space- The EPL Right. Prior to Fighter 1 competitively bidding for the right, DOMINUS was already paying $4m but Fighter 1 paid about $32m to win the right beating DOMINUS out of the market. Research indicated that most premium subscribers do so because of EPL. Now, they shifted and market base became a migrating factor. DOMINUS was overtaken! While premium bouquet for DOMINUS was N9,000 Fighter 1 charged N4,500. The subscriber base grew for Fighter 1.

In July 2010, the bid was up again and Fighter 1 made a deposit of $40m with intention to close the payment in a short time. The company struggled to balance the payment to hit $115m so that it can launch in August 2010. I understand that all efforts failed due to poor board politics and economic crisis. The lenders stood aloof and promoters’ languages were not in-sync. The MD tried his best, but nothing happened. Off the bid went to DOMINUS which was another technical know-out against Fighter 1.

People blamed the lifestyle of the business owner, but I disagreed stating that what people invest in you is the ability they see in you and not otherwise. Another issue that probably contributed to its downfall was weak technical resolutions. On 21 November 2011, the window of Digital Satellite TV business closed on Fighter 1 and DOMINUS could breathe normally. Nigerians were not happy and came up with many versions of the story, but hey…profitability in business must come with certain level of understanding and brutality.

Season 2: Now Enter FIGHTER 2

When it was announced that another cable TV will launch on 1st of October 2017 with all the glamour and shout-outs! I laughed and wondered where we all lost our thinking caps (I don't mean to be rude). FIGHTER 2 launched advert unprepared. I was expecting the company to be ready for sales immediately the website was plugged and advert launched. The company was supposed to be everywhere with people and also indicated there offices. The sales Agents are supposed to have commenced aggressive marketing. There ought to be tele-marketing and drive for sensitization on social media. The number of followers on social media should be a fair test of popularity and ability to match DOMINUS in the market. DOMINUS was silent and were not quick to make any adjustment because I believe they relied on their MARKET EXPERIENCE, EXCELLENT BUSINESS POLITICS, CUSTOMER BASE AND ABILITY TO NAVIGATE THE TERRAIN. I don’t these can be matched.

DOMINUS remains the dominant market for EPL which is a single product line that can drive excellence in digital market business in Nigeria. Once you have the ability to win EPL, you can win the TV space. Lots of people asked the question if EPL was among the packages to be delivered by FIGHTER 2…even of FIGHTER 2 has same, the entry strategy as the poorest I have ever seen. The quality of its device should have been tested in viewing centres to compare with DOMINUS. Picture quality and resolutions would have been a good seller. The promoters should have been unveiled and adverts should have hit a mega-tone. The market drive should have started from March or April (at least). Coming out to campaign at late hour indicated that the business is not ready for market.

Next thing

There are strategies that a local company can adopt to weaken DOMINUS. There are ways you can play DOMINUS out of the market and become dominant. I have seen people fail in business and complain about a dominant player, but hey! Complaints cannot sold this. You need to think in another box. FIGHTER 2 has disappointed Nigerians and one bad thing for business is to have reputational failure. It is worse than starting the business. I wish I can offer ideas to FIGHTER 2 owners on how to play in the market. I have written business plans for great companies who are involved in retail end marketing and they have succeeded and still growing. To attract the right people, look into your BRAND, MARKETING STRATEGIES, OPERATIONS, PEOPLE MANAGEMENT AND SOUND CUSTOMER SERVICE.

I stand to be corrected. I do not see a TV station that can match DOMINUS in the next 2 years…but it can be weaken if there is right strategy.

I think FIGHTER 2 is still booting…let’s wait and see!


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