int. deadly office

7 men fill the office of mob boss Tony the tin (middle aged, built like a linebacker, greasy thinning hair wearing a costly suit.) The office is lined with gangster memorabilia, including the very guns used by Bonny and Clyde when they were killed.

All of the intense focus in the room is on the two men sitting face to face in the middle. One, Tony the tin, sharpens an old school shaving razor without taking his eyes off the man in front of him.

That other man being Phoenix Steel (30ish, think Cole from Charmed but younger and more dangerous sexy, wearing dark and expensive suit) who fixates on the blade.

tony the tin

(Russian accent)

Let me learn you a little about how I got to where I sit and what it takes to gain this kind of power.

Phoenix continues to fixate on the blade. He doesn't show any response despite Tony the tin clearly waiting for one. One of the henchman pistol whips Phoenix across the face.

henchman 1

Pay attention wormling!

Phoenix spits out blood. His gaze returns to the blade. Tony the tin shrugs his shoulders.


I had scripped and worked and bloodied my way to about the level you are now and the big pig above me started to get all nervous like. So he thought it would be a most brilliant idea to make the example of me by dragging me in to see my family.. mother.. sister.. brother.. wife.. children.. all being held with blades to their throats.

The slightest wince crosses Phoenix's face, almost not noticable.


Now this magnificent monster of a man slid a blade across to me and let me know that if I sliced open my own throat right then and there, that he would let my family go free, unscratched, as a message to all others that good things come from bowing down to his whims.

Blood leaks from Phoenix's lip but he makes no attempt to stop it.


Now.. as I am sitting in front of you with that very blade in this very moment, alive and swell, you can probably ponder that his request of me wasn't obliged. His error though was having all his little piggies with full hands killing my family after handing me the means to take his black soul.

Tony the tin licks his lips.


I tell you know, I had his throat slit open wider than a whore's legs before his goons could make it near me. So my family all found their maker in that moment too. So be it. The spilling of their blood, their very life and death helped me to get to where I am now on this very day and I'll deal with that karma when I get to hell and I promise you that I'll find the man there that put me in that situation and cut his head smooth off next time.

The sound of a door closing in another room. Phoenix's eyes dart to the door and back to the blade.


Now, you've done rather cool for yourself, young Phoenix. Come up incredibly speedy, built a mostly loyal crew, seized upon some power, territory and cleaned up some wealth without anybody really knowing anything about you.

A muffled scream from the other room. Phoenix's eyes widen as his attention turns to the door.


The knot with coming up too fast though is you haven't had the time to see if you can truly trust everyone in your crew. And unfortunately for you... rats will squeak.

Tony the tin nods his head to a henchman near the door. He opens the door and waves someone in. A giant, bulking henchman drags a small teenage girl (ANGEL, 16, dark hair, bright eyes) into the room with a blade at her throat.

Phoenix turns sickly pale, lets emotion finally show.



Phoenix moves to rise from his seat but the henchman pulls the blade closer to Angel's throat, shakes his head.


You fu..

Tony the tin interrupts.


How sweet to see you caring so much for baby sister. I wonder, just how ice berg ruthless and power starving you are, Phoenix. Can you grasp my level and more or turn to puddle of blood and fade into history while lil sis goes freebird as a gesture to all those that do the right by me.

Phoenix's look of fear and gaze at his sister turns to ice cold, steely resentment at Tony the tin. Phoenix's knuckles turn white as he grips the chair in anger.


Let me embrace my sister one last time before my blood spills for you.

Tony the tin cocks his head.


Granted. But don't forget the men waiting to slay you both down if funny thoughts cross that mind.

Phoenix rises. Tony nods at the huge henchman who lets Angel go to her brother.


I'm so sorry, I..

Phoenix holds her close in loving embrace.


It's okay.


Can you..?


I don't know.

Tony the tin bangs his hand on his leg.


Enough! It's time.

A henchman puts a gun to Angel's head and pulls her away from Phoenix. Tony the tin slides his razor blade across the floor to Phoenix.


Open your throat to the reaper now or twice the blood will be fed to his thirst.

Phoenix's hand trembles a little as he picks up the blade. His eyes never leave Angel and the gun at her head. He focusses on the hand holding the gun as he lifts the blade up. The trigger finger peels away from the gun and snaps backwards, breaks.

The henchman SCREAMS out in pain, drops the gun. Angel elbows the wounded henchman in the groin which drops him to the ground.


Kill them! Make the carcess, now!

The huge henchman swipes a blade at Angel but is thrown through a wall by some invisible force. Phoenix drops his upturned hand and lunges at the next nearest henchman to Angel.

He cuts him down with the blade then ducks to avoid the swinging baseball bat attack of another henchman. Phoenix swipes the bat from hand as he rises again and swings around, with furious momentum, crashing the bat into the skull of the henchman.

Two henchman remain. They both stand in front of the clearly shaken Tony the tin.


You're.. You're one of those things.. You're a..


I'm a force you shouldn't have got in the way of.

Tony the tin scrambles to the back of the room, behind his desk. The two henchman advance at Phoenix. He swipes his hand through the air which sends one henchman's head crashing into the other. Both drop to the ground.

Tony the tin pulls a revolver from his desk, aims it at Phoenix.


You freako! Shift that arm again and I'll deliver a bullet through your brain quicker than you can wiggle your finger.

Phoenix opens his mouth to speak and Tony the tin pulls the trigger. Action in slo mo as Angel's face contorts to fear. Phoenix though, exudes steely determination. He sees the bullet leave the gun among sparks. A bead of sweat rolls down Tony the tin's face.



Back to normal speed and the blade in Phoenix's hand flys out of his grip, slices through the bullet in mid air and finds a new home in the forehead of Tony the tin.

The halves of the bullet hit the corners of the room behind Phoenix and Angel while Tony hits the ground. A look of disbelief and shock etched into his face as his life departs.



Angel rushes to hug Phoenix whose brow furrows as he embraces her back. He seems concerned about the fact he just took lifes. Angel notices.


You had no choice, Phoe.



ext. mansion driveway - night

Phoenix and Angel pull up in his midnight black ford mustang.


Just come in for a bit. It'll be ripe. Everyone will be so happy to see you, I swear.


Everyone's there?


Well apart from you and Romeo. He's still in europe somewhere and the only time we hear from him is when he needs money.


Hm. I'll catch up with you soon okay. I've got some matters to sort out right now though that can't go undealt with.


We love you ya know.


I know. I gotta roll.



Angel gets out of the car. Phoenix calls out of the window.


I love you too sis. You know how things burn between me and her though.

Angel smiles warmly.


I know bro.






Start packing your wand when you go out, okay. Your life and safety is more important than the bullcrap laws of paranoid and ignorant non-magics.

Angel nods her head.

EXT. MANSION - night

An old woman(OMA STEEL 70'S think Jacki Weaver in Animal kingdom dressed to the nines with fine jewelry) watches from a second story window as Angel strolls up the driveway to the mansion. Phoenix stares at the house.

Begin flashback 16 years ago

ext. mansion - day

A mercedes benz pulls into the driveway with Oma driving and a 16 year old Phoenix in private boarding school uniform reading The prince by Niccolo Machiavelli in the back seat.

Phoenix waves to the gardener who winks back with cold, dead eyes as he shovels the last of the snow from the driveway.

Oma enters the mansion through the front door with Phoenix not far behind.


Don't forget the entrance protection spell.

Phoenix is distracted by the hollow stare of the gardener.


Uh huh.

end flashback

int. mansion

Angel attempts to sneak up to her bedroom when she is busted by her older sister (SURACI late 20's tall slender, natural good looks, minumum makeup, semi-attractive business attire)


Where were you this afternoon? You know it's the one day of the week you're meant to come help out down the office and learn some of the fam biz.


I.. I was..


She was with Phoenix, despite me strictly forbidding her from doing so outside of this house.


You know that's not fair Oma.

Suraci stands by Oma's side, facing off with Angel.


And you should know how dangerous he is and the risks of being around him.


I'm sorry. He's my brother though. He's our brother, our family. I just miss him and he would never let anything happen to me.


How many times do we have to go through this. He bailed on us all remember, at the worst possible time and now you bail on me when I need your help at the office.


We just worry about you hun. We all know what kind of life he has been living and we only want the best for you.


I know Oma. I appreciate it, I really do. I'm just super tired. I'm going to chase some z's.

Angel makes her way up a marble staircase. Oma and Suraci give each other a look. Suraci shrugs her shoulders, shakes her head.

int. nightclub office

Phoenix sits with feet up on his desk as he drinks macallan scotch. He studies some folders and watches his crew in the club through monitors. One of the folders is marked 'possibles'. Another 'threats' and another has it's name marked out.


Which one.. which one?

He leans in closer as one of his men (SALAUD 30ish greasy hair, slightly overweight) in suits leads someone through the club. The office door opens and Salaud enters.


What's up Sal?


There's some dude here to see you bruv. He reckons he's your brother.


Let him roll in.

A young man (ROMEO 20ish tanned with bleached blond hair) enters the office with cocky swagger.


Nice bar Phoenix, I hope it livens up a bit more on weekends.


Well well well, the wanderer returns.

Sal lingers by the door.


You sure you want the place closed tonight? Could be pumping.


Yep. You can leave us Sal.

Phoenix holds a hand up to Romeo until he sees Sal walk away through the monitor. Romeo leans down, pervs on Sals behind as he walks away.


He's cute.

Romeo shuts the door.


If you say so. It's good to see you brother. Couldn't get any money from the fam?


It ain't like that big bro. I'm in some dangerous sticky and I need your help.


You got to learn how to unstick yourself little man.


Like you?


I don't have to go smooching up to Oma or anyone every time things get rough.


Are you ever going to get over that crap with her?

Phoenix sips his scotch.


Why are you here man? What kind of big disaster have you got yourself into this time?

Romeo pours himself a glass of scotch.


Since you haven't bothered to offer yet. And it's some shit the rest of the family wouldn't understand. Just you.


One of them problems, huh. Well as long as favors are being passed around, I got something I need you to do.

int. club bar

Romeo storms out of the office and towards the bar, where Sal sits in a group. Romeo slams a ten dollar note on the table.


I ask for life saving help and all a brother can give is ten bucks and some god damn preaching. I need a drink.

Sal and a couple of the crew give Romeo interested looks. Sal glances over at one of the cameras. He leans in close to Romeo.


Any brother of the great Phoenix is a brother of ours, isn't that right boys?


Yeah, for sure.

One of the crew pours Romeo a drink and slides his tenner back to him.


We'll extend a hand man, just have a few drinks with us first. It'll be good to hear some embarrassing stories about the prince from his brother haha.

Romeo clinks his drink against Sal's.


Deal. Any of you guys rocking that magic blood?

Some other members of Phoenix's crew who sit on the other side of the bar's main room start whispering among themselves upon hearing the mention of magic.


Haha, hell no mang. We run and gun the normal human way. Screw those freaks, right? I mean, it's not there fault n all but this is our world not theirs.


Yeah true.

crew member 1

Why would you ask about magic?


I.. You can never be too careful who you're kicking it with in this city, ya know. Can't trust a magic.

One of the crew from the other side of the bar gazes up into one of the cameras. Sal wraps an arm around Romeo.


Let's blow out. It's dead tonight in here and the city is alive.

Romeo skols his drink. He departs with Sal and the crew that hang around him.

int. warehouse

Romeo and the crew make their way through a warehouse which is packed with wild crowds, screaming, cheering, drinking, fighting.

The attention all revolves around a glowing caged ring in the middle. There's a private viewing box with one way glass up above everyone else.

In the middle of the ring two young homeless looking men are tossed into the ring by burly security. A wand each are thrown to them once the cage doors are locked and glowing again.

Romeo's attention is drawn to the young men with wands. An eccentric dressed announcer strides around on top of the cage with a mic in hand.


You all know the rules. It's like magic baby. Two in, one out. Old western style duel with wands drawn on the signal. Kapow, by bye, hello.

The announcer waves to a stunning young woman who prances around the cage perimeter in a tiny bikini. She revs the crowd up with wiggles and winks.


What the hell?


It's us normal's way of keeping them in check, ya know. They have to be reminded whose city this is.


Plus it's damn entertaining. Old school shit in new ways, ya know.


What's to stop them using their magic on everyone else.


We've got a super legit magic on our side who puts a sweet spell on the cage so they can't get out with their wands and cause trouble.


They look like homeless kids though, like they just need some help, not this.


You got to be careful who you trust these days man. You never know who'll put a wand in your back or whose a dragon in mice skin.


Does Phoenix ever come to these events?


He hasn't got clock for fun like this man. Dude's all serious all the time.


Boss man doesn't even let us talk about magic round him. Who knows if he against magics or a sympathiser or what, man. He could be one for all we know.


Now if boss man was a magic, there's a good chance young Romeo here would be one too, right?

The crew stands a little closer to Romeo.


Are you a magic Romeo?

Romeo shakes his head.


Nah man. I wouldn't be scratching for help off Phoenix or anyone if I was. I'd be running shit like a boss haha.


I guess Phoenix isn't either than.


How long have you been clocking in for that prick? You seem like more of a boss yourself, the way these guys follow you around.

Sal looks at Romeo with cocked eye.


Your brother has beanstalked us quickly man, I wouldn't disrespect him, blood or not. But yeah, I see myself running more things sooner rather than later. When Phoenix rises up higher and someone has to step up too of course.

The two young men in the cage face off with each other, wands in hand, nerves in faded muscles. One looks half frightened to death, distracted and like he hasn't eaten or washed in a long time. The other looks just as dirty but more focused. Nervous but determined.


Annnddd hheeeeerrrreee weeeeee BLOW!

The woman in bikini flashes her breasts at the magics. The scared one panicks and drops his wand.

The other fires off a spell instantly which flys at his opponents head and hits him in the ear. It takes half of his ear off, sprays blood on the woman's chest.

The crowd ROARS with excitement. Earless drops to his knees as he HOLLERS out in pain. His opponent strides towards him with wand aimed at head.

Bloodthirsty voices YELL out.


Finish him! Do it! Yeah!

Romeo holds his breath, turns a little pale. Earless crys and scrambles for his wand. He rolls over, avoiding his opponents next attack while grabbing his wand.

He fires off a spell as soon as the wand is in his hand and the spell hits his attacker directly in the chest. It leaves a scorch mark in flesh as the opponent drops dead to the cage floor.

The crowd goes nuts, cheering wildly.


What happens to the winner?


Dude's got to keep scrapping until he dies, or runs out of magics to duel. That was just his first battle.

Romeo nods his head. One of the members of Phoenix's crew from the other group in the bar watches Romeo and Sal from a distance.

int. mansion study

Angel enters a room where two men (MICHAEL STEEL MID 20'S MUSCULAR AND WEATHERBEATEN OVER PLAIN GOOD LOOKS) and (KURT (OPA) STEEL 70's SIMILAR TO MICHAEL BUT A LOT OLDER) study building and construction plans on a giant table.


Hey fellas.


Hey darling.




How's the grind?


Work's work. Superstar here thinks he knows it all but he's still got a few things to learn from the ol dog yet before he takes my seat.

Angel hugs Kurt.


Haha, well you keep him on his toes then Opa.

Kurt rubs Michael's head.


Oh I will.

Kurt leans in close to whisper in Angel's ear.


Don't tell him but he could already do my job with ease. I'm not ready to retire just yet though. The work gives me a break from your Oma.


Hehe, you cheeky bugger. Is it okay if I drag Michael away just for a few minutes? I need to talk to him about something.


No worries lovely. My stomach has been grumbling for something to eat for a while now and slave driver here keeps me hard at it.

Kurt playfully punches Michael in the arm as he leaves the room. Angel's cute smile changes to serious instantly once Opa leaves the room.


Michael, we have to do something about Phoe and Oma. I hate how much danger he lives in because he is off on his own. He should be with us, protected by family.


We both know he can have his own back well enough.


He shouldn't have to though. Family are meant to be there for each other, no matter what.


Listen Angel. As nice as it would be for us all to be that dream happy family with hugs and Christmases, it's his issues keeping him away and my energies need to be focussed on this make or break project Steel developement is undertaking.


That's all anyone is this house cares about. The family business. What's the point of a successful family business if the family isn't together to benefit from it?


I'm sorry but you're preaching to the wrong ears.

Angel slouches.



int. nice home

Phoenix enters a den/rumpus room. He leans against a small home bar and rubs his forehead. He pours a drink of scotch which he quickly drinks.

begin flashback 16 years ago


Teenage Phoenix runs down a hallway with a big grin on his face towards the sounds of LAUGHTER. The front door of the house opens behind him, not that he notices.

Phoenix bursts into a living room where his parents and siblings are all playing. A giant christmas tree is stacked with presents. Infant baby Angel gurgles with joy in her mother's lap.

Mother beams with warmth and love when she sees Phoenix.


My boy!

Phoenix rushes over to give Angel a tender kiss on her forehead and his mother a big loving hug. The rest of the siblings and their father all gather round to greet Phoenix with love.


I missed you all so much.


We missed you too son.

A look of terror comes over the father's face as the gardener enters the room with burning eyes and wand in hand.

end flashback

INT. NICE HOME - study

Phoenix downs another scotch as a stunning African/American woman enters the room with piercing blue eyes (ELIZA 30ish SLENDER BUT CURVY IN RIGHT PLACES WITH STRONG ENERGY)

She holds Phoenix from behind and hugs him tight with her eyes closed and head pressed against his body, enjoying the moment.


I love you.


You too, love.


Could you have chats with Rizen before you have another drink hun. He's been having trouble sleeping again and I know seeing you would help a lot.


Of course.

Eliza wipes a tear from his face from behind. He turns around and tenderly kisses her.


You're my breath, you know that.


I know baby. And you've got me forever and always.

They hug tightly.

int. hallway

Phoenix whispers into his phone.


Did you scratch any info out? Well keep at it. Maybe head back to the club and get to know some of the magic guys I've got in the crew... You're where?

Phoenix rubs his jaw.


Just play it winter alright. We'll deal with that situation later. I'll catch you soon.

int. bedroom

Phoenix softly enters the room. His young son (RIZEN STEEL 10 FRAGILE LOOKING BUT INTENSE EYES) sits up in bed.


Hey dad.


Hey son. Mum said you've been having trouble sleeping?


Yeah. I just miss you is all. I wish you could come home earlier.

Phoenix gazes into his sons eyes.


I'll try and be home more mate but you have to toughen up, okay. You have to become a man who doesn't need anyone or rely on anyone but himself as it's a cruel world out there when your an adult, when you're any age. You must be strong to survive.


Like you?


Yeah mate. It's okay to love and care about people like your mother and me but you can't need anyone. You know what I mean?


I do dad.

Rizen rolls over to go to sleep. He gives Phoenix the cold shoulder. Phoenix goes to say something else but stops himself. He pats Rizen on the shoulder before heading to the door.



I hate you.

Phoenix hesitates momentarily, then leaves.

ext. club

Phoenix pulls up in his car in his reserved spot. Romeo is there pacing with swagger stride while smoking a joint.


Man, I came to you to get first aid for trouble, not get fed into the bear's cave. Those non magics you roll with are triple k crazy.

Phoenix drags Romeo around a corner by the collar of his hundred dollar shirt. He glances around as Romeo straightens his shirt out.


Well..? Do you think Sal or any of the others that roll with him are a rat in the crew?

Romeo trys to look cool while fiddling with his lighter to spark another joint.


They were def holding something back from me but yeah, one of them at least could def be a squeaker. Maybe that whole group could be plotting to roll you over.



Romeo drags hard on his joint in shaky hands.


It's a bad vibe man, especially with what's happening to the homeless magic youths. This whole city is bad energy. I shouldn't have come.


Grow a set, would you. The whole world is scrambled puzzle pieces. You can't run away from that.


Are you gonna help me with my probs or what? I did what you damn asked and I ain't sticking my head back in that rat nest. I swear I could feel it in their eyes. They knew what I was and they wanted to eat me me because of it.

Phoenix pulls his phone out for Romeo. He plays a received video recording of a general from a foreign army being assasinated with a wand.



Romeo exhales deep then tightly hugs Phoenix.


Thank you!

Phoenix calmy breaks the hug and walks away.


Have a good life.

Romeo steps after Phoenix.


Wait! Don't be like that, man.


Phoenix storms thorugh the club main room towards his office. Romeo chaes after him.


What's your probs dude?!


Scurry off!

Phoenix enters his office, slams the door behind him.


Oh whatever!

Romeo spots the group of Phoenix's crew who are magics. They have a bottle of absinthe at their table. He heads over to them and pours himself a shot.


Don't ever get into it with fam, guys. They'll always end up letting you down.

One of the crew (CHRIS 20's messy hair, unshaven and wearing a hoody and beanie) slides his shot glass over for a top up.


Romeo, right?

Romeo tops off the shot glass.


Right.. How did you know?


You fooling? The family Steel are like celebrities of the magical community in this city.


So everyone knows who Phoenix is?


Nah, he has kept his idenity pretty well vaulted to protect his fam from anyone beefing with him but there are those he trusts.

magic crew member

Like us, the lost boys. Those that were there grinding from right at the start.


The start of what?


The start of everything, our gang, Phoenix's life on the streets and path to magical saviour, a purpose in so many of our lives.



Magical saviour? Lost boys? Me thinks the absinthe has you tickled.


He has kind of veered off track from the saviour type energy but you should have peeped your brother back in the days when the pain still scorched its hottest in his heart.


He saved the lives of countless magics who had been tossed aside by their loved ones and left to be beaten and killed on the streets.


Now it's all about playing gangster and gaining the kind of power that matters in the mortal world. Money, territory, success.


And you've got a problem with that?


I will never have a problem with Phoenix, the man who saved my life countless times. I do have a problem with what is happening to our kind out there though.


It's brutal times again, like the city knows the magics have little to no protection. There's been god damn witch burnings again. for fuck's sake.


What the hell?!


All these new laws against us, including being sent to the slammer if caught carrying a wand around, it really cripples us from defending ourselves when outnumbered. You know as well as I do that only a rare few can harness any real power without a wand.

Phoenix storms out of his office in baggy black hoody with fierce expression.


On your feet!

The lost boys scramble to their feet, except for Chris who rises slowly. Romeo leans against a table with shot glass in hand.


What's up?


We're rolling. Let's go.




As much as I would love to go on a school excursion, I forgot my permission slip.

Phoenix pushes Romeo towards the door with the lost boys.


You too. No questions. Message the guys you were with before and tell them to meet you where you were with them tonight.


What's going on bro?


Someone's going to die tonight.

Romeo discreetly slides his wand from out of his sleeve. He glances nervously at Phoenix.



Someone sure is.

int. mansion bedroom

Angel tosses and turns as she sweats while sleeping. She gasps for air and jerks upright in bed.


No, no, no..

She searches for her phone on the bedside table and calls Phoenix. It rings and rings.


Come on Phoe!

ext. warehouse carpark - night

Phoenix, Romeo, the lost boys and the non magics of Phoenix's crew all stand in a big group. The lost boys and the non magics stand opposite each other.

Phoenix's phone rings on silent in his pocket while he paces between the two halves of his crew, sussing them all out. Romeo stands at one end, between them all.

Phoenix glares deep into the eyes of random crew members, magic and non magic, as he paces. He stops in front of Romeo.


If anyone has anything they'd care to let slip and get off easy, now's the time, the last tick of the hand.

Romeo fiddles with his wand in his sleeve.


Noone? Okay. In we go. Get a stride on.

Magics slide wands down a little in their sleeves and non magics remove guns from pants. Phoenix leads the way with everyone behind him. Romeo follows from the back of the packs.


Phoenix lets the non magics go past him. He holds the lost boys back momentarily.



I'd keep the wands hidden if I was you.

Romeo grips his wand even tighter, eyes darting around.


What's the go bossman? You need the whole crew to come with you to take in a show? You haven't lost your balls, have you?

Phoenix winks at Sal.


It's time to send a message.



You wanna borrow my phone?

Phoenix pushes his way through the crowd towards the cage in the middle where two fresh homeless magics are being tossed in.

Romeo slips off into a back room. Chris nods his head to the lost boys who begin to spread out around the perimeter of the crowd.


Well, well, well, it seems we have a local celeb gracing us with his presence tonight. The fast rising gangster, Phoenix out of ashes. Would you care to place a wager on which of these young freaks takes the match out?

Phoenix steps up to the announcer.


A wager indeed. Does a hundred g's sound sugar enough?


Um, I'm not sure we can cover that?

The announcer looks up to the private viewing box. Phoenix quickly gesttures his hand in the direction of the box which smashes the one way glass with magic.

The back of a senior aged man is seen fleeing from the box with the magic crew member who was talking with Chris and Romeo at the bar.



Chris races off to a back door to pursue the traitor and his ally. Phoenix slams his palm against the cage and whispers a few words to himself.

The glowing of the cage and it's magic vanishes as the doors fly open. Phoenix waves his hand again and sends two wands from the grips of guards flying into the cage to the young magics.


What the hell Phoenix?! You're one of them?

Phoenix nods his head. Phoenix is momentarily distracted by gunfire in the crowd. Sal whips his gun out with old west reflexes and fires in the direction of Phoenix.

Phoenix turns back in shock to Sal who lowers his gun. A guard with a gun drops dead behind Phoenix from Sal's shot. Phoenix notices. Sal nods at him.

A crowd member swings a blade at Sal's head but has it blown from grip by a wand spell from one of the lost boys. Sal notices.


All for one and one for all huh.


Except the rat that betrayed us. I'll go after them as there's a powerful magic man with the rat. You and the boys clean up here and make sure all the magic prisoners are kept safe. And I do mean safe!

Sal salutes Phoenix and begins fist fighting guards around the cage. Lost boys use their wands to take out bad guys. Non magic crew members help with their fists and guns.

Phoenix takes off after the rat.

int. warehouse back room

Phoenix spots a group of the now free homeless magic youth. They are crowded around a bleeding out body and calling out for help. A couple of them are pointing to a back door.

random magic youth

They went that way.



Phoenix looks back and forth between a door that leads outside and his bleeding out brother, Romeo. Romeo has tears rolling down his face and a look of complete fear.


Phoenix.. Help me.. Please.


He saved us but there was nothing any of us could do. They old man overpowered us all by himself.


ARRGGHH! Use whatever magic you can to keep him alive. I'll send help.

Phoenix hurries off in the direction the powerful warlock went while also calling someone on his phone.


Save it. Your youngest grandson is bleeding out to death in the back of the warehouse behind the old lake avenue. He needs your magic to save him.

He hangs up the phone and barges through a back door.


Phoenix bursts outside to see Chris firing spells at a fleeing limo but it has already gotten too far away.


Shit! Did you get a look at the warlocks face?


Nah, sorry Phoenix. I do know who the rat is now though and I can't believe he was right under my nose. I'm sorry man.


God damn it, Chris. He's been running with the pack for near as long as you have.


Sorry. What are we going to do now? Did you see Romeo?

A light flashes across the sky from the other side of town and dives into the warehouse.


Romeo is being taken care of! He should be okay. You gather up the rest of the crew and bring all those potential new lost boys with you. I'll rendezvous at day break at the first home we all knew as a family. Make sure they all get a feed and some proper z's.


Cool cool. The crew could do with some more lost boys.


Considering who the rat is, you might want to rethink that.

INT. WAREHOUSE private room

Phoenix kicks around the damaged luxury room for clues. He picks up a broken bottle of whiskey.


What a waste.

He tosses it and cuts his finger on it accidentally. He grabs a handkerchief from beside one of the seats and cleans his finger. His attention is grabbed by a marking on the handkerchief.


That isn't good.

ext. secluded building - night

Phoenix rubs his forehead as he peers from behind some trees at a pitch black building with no doors or windows. Muscular, demonic looking gargoyles patrol the building exterior. The runaway limo is parked in a parking alot with Aston Martins, Bentleys, Rolls Royces and Jaguars.


This could be a long night.

Phoenix sits, makes himself as comfortable as possible behind some bushes wish his eye line on the limo.

begin flashback 16 years ago

int. mansion

The dead eyed gardener raises his wand in the direction of the family. Young Phoenix quickly casts a spell from his wand at the warlock but the energy is absorbed by an amulent around the warlock's neck.

The warlock fires a spell back which sends Phoenix flying across the room and against a wall. He thumps to the ground, unmoving. 

All the younger children begin cying and wailing. Mother rises up with a frightened but fierce expression. She steps towards the warlock, firing a spell from wand with each step.

Each spell is absorbed like before though. The warlock loses patience and fires back at her. The spell hits her in the chest. She drops dead instantly.



Father leaps to his feet, leaving baby Angel in the hands of Suraci. He charges yelling across the room but is quickly dropped dead by another spell from the warlock.

Phoenix hollers a bloodcurling scream of heartbreak before unleashing spells with flicks of his hand. Tears pour down his face as he unleashes powerful waves of emotion and magic.

The spells are again absorbed by the amulent but not without knocking the warlock back a little. The shocked evil man fires back and knocks Phoenix unconscious.

Oma comes storming into the room and waves her hand. The spell is absorbed but the Warlock is still sent skidding across the room towards a window.

He fires back at Oma who flicks his spell away. He readjusts his aim at Phoenix's young siblings in the middle of the room.

Opa dives through a window, tackles the warlock to the floor. They engage in furious wrestling and fistfighting. The warlocks wand casts a spell between them.

The spell is absorbed by the amulent. Opa gets the upper hand and snaps the warlock's neck, kills him. He lets the warlock's body lay dead on the rug.

The children all WAIL tears. Phoenix regains consciousness to the sights and sounds of the heartbreaking scene.

end flashback


Phoenix fights to keep his eyes open as he spys on the building. His eyes close and when they open again, the limo is gone.

Heavy footsteps appear behind Phoenix. Before he can do anything, a large stone, clawed hand grabs his head, tosses him against a tree. He crashes through branches and against a thick tree trunk with a sickening thud.


Oma moves the sickly pale Romeo through the air with levitation magic.


Angel, get that sheet down on the floor underneath him.

Angel scrambles to lay a dark sheet under Romeo who is muttering and pleading unintelligibly to himself and all.


Is he going to be okay?!

Oma quickly but tenderly lays Romeo down on the sheet.


I stopped the bleeding out but it's going to take some deep concentration to fix the internal damage and stop him dying.


What if..


Hush now child!

Angel sits back a little but still close with wide, wet eyed concentration. Oma kneels beside Romeo who grasps at her with flailing hand.





Oma closes her eyes. She begins breathing in a meditation style, slow and deep, in through nose, out through mouth as her hands hover above Romeo's chest and stomach.



Oma's hands start to glow. The same light brightens inside of Romeo. His eye lids flicker as eyes roll back in head.



Angel throws her hands to cover her mouth. Her sobs are muffled. The glowing magic light dims. Romeo's body goes limp, motionless. His eyes close.

Angel kneels beside Romeo with her head on his chest. Her tears mix with his blood on stained shirt.


Wake up Romeo, please.




Come on. Try again. I can help.




Try again! Please.

Angel slips her wand from her sleeve.


Quick. Tell me what to do. We can do it. We have to do it!

Oma returns to her healing stance over Romeo.


You know the basic healing spell. Repeat it over and over in your mind and make sure your breathing and focus are right. Tap into the universe and emotion but keep control.

Angel nods her head, holds her wand to Romeo's chest below Oma's hands. Angel breathes meditatively with tears rolling down her cheeks.

The light begins to glow again in Oma's hands and Romeo's chest. Angel's closed eyes squeeze tighter as she gives out focussed energies.

Romeo's eyes shoot open. He rocks up to a sitting position, SHOUTS out randomly before gasping for breath.


Banana noise!

Angel tackles him with a loving hug.


You loser. You scared the wings off me.


What the hell happened?

Oma clears her throat. Romeo sheepishly looks around.


Oh.. Hey Oma. What's up?

Angel hugs him tighter.


A bleeding heavily, battered and bruised Phoenix waves spells at the magical guard gargoyle which have no effect on the enchanted creature.


Fuck this!

Phoenix waves a quicksand spell under the creatures feet before he also throws up a fog spell to block the gargoyles sight. By the time the creature makes its way thorugh the fog, Phoenix is long gone.

int. abandoned cinema

The lost boys and the rescued magic homeless are either gathered around barrel fires or sleeping on makeshift cots. Painted magical symbols mark every wall and entrance.

Most of the cinema seats have been ripped out a long time ago to make room for cots and shelves brimming with old, thick books.

A senior aged man tends to the wounded with natural remedies and healing potions. Chris assists him in anyway he can. His phone rings which he answers.


Phoenix.. you alright man? Oh what?! Are you sure? Right. I'll be there a s a p. Too bad. I''m coming.


Phoenix sits on the bar, sipping some scotch and wiping blood from his face. Sal comes in with gun twirling around his finger.


Sup sup, king tut?


Well I'm living, thanks to you. Barely.

Sal leaps up to sit on the bar too, not too far from Phoenix. Sal places his gun on his lap, pointing in Phoenix's direction.


Don't sweat it. Yeah you look like Voldermort done came and went a round on your ass. Oohwee.

Phoenix pours him a drink.


Nice reference. You read the books?


Cheers. Nah, I did catch the movies though.

Phoenix nods, clinks glasses.


I loved those books man.


Cool cool.




So... You've been rocking magic this whole time we've known each other and you still take the streets and power with bullets and bodies?


It's like running a race against a one legged opponent. You don't go all out do ya?


I guess. You could give their knee a kick and stroll the win in though.


What if you only had one leg and your teammate with two was taking on another one legger? How would you feel? What side would you rather be on? No.. Same questions but if you had both legs same as opponent but your teammate used steroids?


I feel ya.

Sal skols his drink.


Man, I just wanna live and thrive. If you're magic, so be it. Better I be on your side than have you against me.


What about other magics? Like those homeless kids that were being slaughterhoused at the fights?


If they're your kind, than they're my kind, Phoenix. You know I march behind you. Plus half the crew is already magic, right?

Sal lights a smoke.




Those magies went off at the fighthouse. Shit. Place got torn up. Me and the normals might not have made it out of there without em.

Phoenix sneers a little at Sal's use of the words magies and normals.


Magic has kept your back for a lot of calendars now thanks to me and the other magics in the crew.

Phoenix tops the drinks off.


Yeah? I'm grateful man. Truly.


Are you?


I'm breathing and loving life. Of course I am. Like I've always said, we're going far together.

Phoenix nods his head, drinks some scotch.


What's with the interrigation, man? You don't trust ME all of a sudden? I'm not the one been keeping secrets.


Behaviour has been filth towards magics in this city. Had to probe a bit to see where your heads at on it all. Is that not normal?

Sal bites his lip.


Fair enough.

They both drink.


The old lost boys and new stand with peaked interest in front of the stage that Phoenix stands strong on.


You've been made to feel like less than you are, like something unworthy and unloved. Like something is wrong with you for being born the way you are. You are not alone in this, I promise you. We have all been through this crap and I swear on my blood that you now have a family to be a part of, that you don't have to deal with the hate and ignorance out there alone anymore.

The group of magics CHEER passionately.


Together we can survive and together we will thrive! Let it be known that anyone who dares try to hurt us or hate us for who we are that that shit won't stand and we will fight back, will protect our own.



We will not back down until we are treated as equals.

random voice from crowd

We're not equals though. We're better than them.


The moment we start living with that mindset, then we become just as bad as them. The times they are a changing, my friends, and we're the winds it blows in on but it mustn't be a change of bad energy and hate. There will always be evil and ignorance in hearts, no matter how or who they are born. What we have been born with can't be used to make the world an even colder, more hatefilled place. I don't know if it's a gift from a god or a curse from the damned but I do know that we are all human, magics and non magics, all in this world together and as long as you're part of this family or in my city at all, you won't use your magic against others, magic or non magic, unless your own life or another's is in danger.

Some of the crowd CHEER. Others MURMUR among themselves.


Anyone got a problem with that? Cause if you do, you best be removing your presence from my being and my city, damn asap.

A couple of the youths MUTTER under their breath as they force their way out of the crowd and towards an exit. Phoenix looks at one of the longer serving lost boys.


Follow them and cast a location forgetting spell once they are far enough away. The last thing we need is more rats sniffing round our homes.

The lost boy nods and takes off after the departed. Phoenix studies the rest of the magic crowd.


Where the hell is Chris?!

The lost boys shrug their shoulders.


Rats everywhere and my magic lieutenant is nowhere to be found. I don't like the smell of it.


Chris and a radiant, heavily maked up, young woman stroll hand in hand along a city block. He swirls her around in an awkward dance move which brings a happy GIGGLE from her.

They stop to kiss outside of an apartment building. The doorman CHUCKLES.

chris's gf

Do you love me?


Like you're Guinevere babe.


Aww. Does that make you my Lancelot?


I could be your King Arthur.


Ohhh, I like the sound of being a Queen.

Chris's gf kisses him on the forehead.


Video chat me later, k?


Indeed, sweet Queen.

The girlfriend goes up some stairs and into the bulding where the doorman holds the door open for her. Chris does a little dance on the spot before walking away.

He spots a limo down the street. As he gets closer and pays more attention he realizes it's the limo from the warehouse.


Oh shit!

He moves closer to get a better look and hopefully spot who is in it. He uses building steps and parked cars to hide himself as he draws near.

By the time he is real close, he is peeking around the corner from a dark alleyway.


Who are you?

The door of the limo opens and the rat lost boy gets out.


There you are, you sneaky bastard.

Another leg comes out of the limo. Chris's attention spikes, eyebrows raise.


Come on, come on.

Sal slides out of the limo backseat. He quickly scans around the area with paranoid energy. Chris pulls back into the alleyway as Sal's vision comes his way.

Chris breathes nervously. He waits a bit then slowly peeks back around the corner. The limo is driving away in the same direction the rat lost boy is walking.

Chris ducks back into the alleyway. He pulls his phone from a pocket and finds Phoenix's name in the contacts. He presses dial.

A gun is pressed to his head while the phone calls. Sal steps into the picture and shoves Chris behind an overflowing dumpster.


Wait.. You..

BEP! Sal fires a bullet deep into Chris's brain with a silenced gun. He collapses to the ground, lifeless, gone. The phone call is answered on his phone next to his dead body.

phoenix o.v.

Hey.. Chris.. Chris?

Sal watches the phone as he scratches his crotch with the gun. The call ends.


Hello. I'm Sal

EXT. MANSION - night

Phoenix sits in his car, rubbing his jaw, tongue in cheek. He SIGHS and exits the vehichle before slowly making his way up the driveway to the front door.

He goes to knock but hesitates. The door swings open anyway. Angel springs out, surprising Phoenix.


Boo! Hehe.


Hah. Thanks for the heartattack.


Well you looked like the last thing you were gonna do is knock so I took that out of the equation for you.


For me or you?

Angel shrugs.


All of us I guess.


Speaking of all of us, is baby boy here?


Yeah, come in.

Phoenix doesn't move, just kind of stares through Angel.

begin flashback 16 years ago


Young Phoenix stands in shock as he looks down at his siblings crying over their dead parents. Tears roll down his cheek too.

He attempts to comfort his brothers and sisters but is pushed out of the way by Oma who hisses at him.


I told you to cast the protection spell! This is your fault!




Get out. Get out!





Phoenix takes a last look at his siblings as tears pour down his face. He turns and sprints down the hallway, out the front door, into snowy weather.

end flashback


Adult Phoenix's gaze focusses on Angel.


Is SHE here?


Yeah but come on bro.


Hun. Just get Romeo, okay?

Angel SIGHS.



Angel SIGHS again, jogs off to find Romeo. Phoenix attempts a phone call to Chris while he waits but the call goes straight to voicemail.


Where the hell are you bro?

Romeo steps out of the front door, closes it behind him.


Right here bruv.


Looking livelier than last time I seen you too.


Man, I glimpsed those pearly gates, I swear. Cheers for biting the bullet and calling Oma for me.


Yeah well, I would say you owe me one but it feels like I'm the one that owes you still. You done well freeing the new lost boys, putting your own life on the line for others like that.

Romeo attempts to look cool, nonfussed but he blushes a little.


Twas nothing man.

Phoenix pats Romeo on the shoulder with a lasting kind grip.


You stepped up for your kind, brother. I'm proud of you.

Romeo flashes a winning smile with bright blushing cheeks. His eyes moisten up a little.


S'll good.


Feel free to come down the club anytime you want. I'll teach you a few magic things so you don't get your ass handed to you next time.


Cool cool, I just might do.


Alright, well I'll see you around. Keep an eye on Angel for me when you can, yeah?


Yeah bro.

Phoenix strides away.

int. dark room

The rat lost boy sits tied up to a chair in the middle of the room. His face is strained red and stained too from bloody tears.

Phoenix circles him like a shark.


One way or another, I'm going to get that information out of your treacherous self.

The lost boy bucks and squirms wildly but can't break loose of a spell that binds his arms and legs. Phoenix waves his hand over the rat's head.

rat lost boy

Please stop! ARRGGHH!


You put the lives of every person I love and care about at risk. There's no mercy for a thing like you.

A dark glowing spreads from Phoenix's hand into the rat's head. The rat shakes violently and froths at the mouth.



Blood trickles steadily from his eyes and ears.


Tell me!


ARRGGGHH.. Cant... Spell blocking...

Phoenix stops using his magic on the rat lost boy.




There's a spell.. cast on me.. blocking me from.. revealing certain info.. I want.. to live


I'll remove it and then you can give up the names and maybe live.


It's too powerful... even for you... Will kill me trying.


I guess that's bad news for you than.

pan out to outside of room door

ext. room

Screams ring out.



There's a loud thud followed by dead silence.

Phoenix exits the room with a frustrated expression while dabbing blood from his jacket. The rat lost boy lays motionless on the floor in the room.

begin flashback 16 years ago

ext. park - day

Slow zoom in from long shot

Young Phoenix sits on a merry go round with with his knees pulled up to chest and head resting against them. He rocks back and forth sobbing with tears flowing as snow falls upon him.

A photo of him with his family is slowly covered by snow in his hands.

end flashback



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