Is TV Advertising Right for B2B?
More B2B brands are testing TV advertising.

Is TV Advertising Right for B2B?

B2B advertisers tend to take longer than their B2C counterparts to warm up to new channels. Which makes sense.??

B2B has more niche audiences. And more expensive campaigns as a result of tighter targeting.?

So testing a new channel as a B2B brand can be risky.??

But also very important.


Each week, we break down another marketing trend so you can skip having a breakdown.?

Is TV the next big move for B2B?

TV advertising is often considered impractical for anyone targeting business leaders. And it's true many B2B brands aren’t right for TV.?

But not every B2B brand is alike. And as TV evolves, more B2B brands are testing the channel. Here's why:??

  • Digital alone limits reach . The average B2B purchase decision still involves 6-10 people. Using highly targeted digital ads can sometimes mean missing an important decision-maker. Which makes TV’s broad reach a helpful complement to digital.?
  • TV creates future demand . Brand-building absolutely matters for B2B! Research from LinkedIn’s B2B Institute recommends a 40/60 split between brand-building and lead generation.?
  • CTV’s evolution. B2B advertisers hesitant to step away from their existing channels might be more open to testing TV advertising with CTV in their media mix. CTV provides similar targeting and measurement options as digital, but with the visibility and emotional impact of any traditional TV commercial.?

Key takeaway: TV advertising might be an unorthodox option for some, but its growing value for B2B advertisers is undeniable. And everything we know about marketing today reinforces the importance of brand-building for all business types.?


We ask an experienced group of business leaders, marketers and statisticians about strategies for success.????

What does creative thinking look like?

Answer: "Creative thinking is the freedom to problem-solve. Whether it’s paint on a canvas or notes on a page, it’s the freedom to take risks, the decisions you make along the way, and the willingness to step back and change things in order to create new possibilities."

Eric Pilhofer , SVP Creative

Artist and entrepreneur Eric Pilhofer brings creativity to every TV commercial he produces. When work is over, he's usually cycling or sourcing inspiration for his next big idea.??



Here we celebrate books, podcasts, videos, and influencers that are actively pushing marketing into the future.??

Watch: eMarketer's Doubling Down on First-Party Data

We don’t normally promote our own content... so we thought we could just this once! Nancy Taffera-Santos, SVP Media Solutions and Strategy at eMarketer, is joined by our own Angela Voss and Matt Hultgren to discuss first-party data with TV plus how to optimize campaigns to get more out of your TV advertising investments.??

Our favorite insight? For businesses traditionally skeptical of TV’s value, Angela notes that “all impressions have value as long as they come at the right cost.” ?


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