Turns out “wolf” and “sheep” aren’t the only choices
?? Michael Bungay Stanier
Author of *The Coaching Habit* (1 million+ sold), *How to Work with (Almost) Anyone* & more ? I help people unlock greatness: theirs and others' ? #1 thought leader on coaching ?Top rated keynote speaker ? Rhodes Scholar
The following is an excerpt from my free weekly newsletter The Works . Each edition shares an insight, tool or story that will help you be a force for change, written by me, MBS - recognized as the #1 thought leader on #coaching in the world. Subscribe to get the full impact delivered straight to your inbox.
Sheep? Or wolf?
Shortly after starting Box of Crayons, I came across this quote from Hugh MacLeod, liked it so much I bought a print of it and hung it in my office.
I was clear I didn’t want to be a sheep.
No way! Not me! I’m interestingly different; I zig when others zag, etc., etc.
So that left me being a wolf.
Ah, well. The price of my independence, I guess, was loneliness.
I’ve changed my mind
I still don’t want to be a sheep.
When I read Seth’s book Purple Cow many years ago, I was inspired by his insight to find your point of difference and amplify it. I don’t want to be anonymous in a herd.
But, I don’t want to be a wolf, either.
It’s not about the wolf-iness of it.
Truthfully, deeply … I don’t want to be lonely.
Seek connection. (Here’s one way I do it.)
In this month’s HBR , the article “We’re Still Lonely at Work” suggests one countering tactic is to “maximize each work mode for connection”.
Here’s one tactic I use.
On a weekly (ish) basis, at a scheduled time, I log on to a Zoom call with people I know.
We do the briefest of check-ins—“My focus is to work on this”—and then we work together, cameras on and mics muted, doing our own thing for the next 50 minutes or so. Then, we do the briefest of check-outs.
I don’t fully understand why this works so well.
It’s likely a combination of…?
A “Deep Work” focus, naming something important to work on.
A “Pomodoro” structure, dedicated time to work, and dedicated time to stop.
The lightest of accountability structures: video on.
Other humans doing their thing, and the power of social norms to help me behave how I aspire to behave.
You can set up your own version of this. Reach out to one or two other people who you know might enjoy this form of working ‘alone, together.’ Agree on a time, and go for it!
=> And if you’d like to experience it for yourself, click the links to explore how this works as part of our How to Begin and The Conspiracy communities.
Alone, together
First, for the record, in nature, there’s actually no such thing as a “lone wolf”. They move and live and thrive in packs. (My fav 8 min documentary on wolves here .)
Second, regardless of my “just call me David Attenborough” insights, the choice isn’t down to sheep or wolf.
You can be remarkable. (Trust me, you are.)
You can be connected. (Trust me, you are.)
And you have to keep working at both.
Head of HR and Administration, Cast Connex; Program Advisory Council Member @ York University; proud Coralus (formerly SheEO) Activator, Chief Wellbeing Advisor @ Heal-3
6 小时前Great article. Thank you. I feel binary comparisons no longer serve. The either/or archetype is polarizing and can be conflicting. Life is a paradox and I can be a sheep at times (some boredom is highly underrated in this “always-on” society) and I can be a wolf at times (alone but not lonely). Different times and situations call for different characteristics. We can be both…joyfully and wholly.
CEO Coach, Keynote speaker, Author, Board member
14 小时前Brilliantly stated ?? Michael Bungay Stanier Love this idea and I'm going to give it a shot.
Life Strategist, Master Coach, Adult Educator & Author
17 小时前I do something like this with my writing buddies each working on a different book but we set aside time each week to do it together. It is highly productive and certainly helps maintain connection while being productive. Is this what working smarter actually looks like? Maybe?
Career Coach: Whether you are just starting out, at a crossroad, or ready to take a leap, I help you to successfully navigate your career path with ease
22 小时前Your timing is impeccable Michael! I have been struggling with the sensation of loneliness and love the idea of scheduling times to connect and work together and apart. Thank you!
I help executive coaches to generate a steady stream of leads by my LinkedIn Lead Gen Blueprint
1 天前This topic needs to be talked about more.