Turning Up the Heat: How Thermophilic Cultures Transform Cheese
Codex-ing? Biotech Ingredients
Biotech Ingredients for the Dairy, Meat, Bakery, Beverage & Nutraceutical Industry.
Thermophilic cultures play a pivotal role in the cheesemaking industry, particularly for cheeses that require higher temperatures during their production process. These heat-loving bacterial cultures thrive at temperatures between 35-48°C (95-113°F), making them ideal for a variety of cheeses, from semi-hard to very hard types especially European and Italian-style cheeses.
Benefits in Cheesemaking:
Key Strains & Their Functions:
Below is a short description of our thermophilic strains along with their applications:
LyoPro? TPF
Composition: St. thermophilus.
Description: Provides shelf-life stability, mild aroma, and moderately high acidification.
Application: Soft and stretchy cheeses like mozzarella, pizza cheese, and pasta filata.
LyoPro? STB
Composition: St. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus.
Description: Improves performance and reduces browning.
Application: Soft and stretchy cheese like pizza cheese and pasta filata.
LyoPro? STH
Composition: St. thermophilus, L. helveticus.
Description: Relatively average amount of proteolysis while improving melting performance and reducing browning.
Application: Pliable cheese like mozzarella and pasta filata, and provolone.
LyoPro? TAC
Composition: St. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. helveticus.
Description: High proteolysis with a strong aroma.
Application: Aged cheeses like Pecorino, Parmesan, and Grana.
LyoPro? TAS
Composition: St. thermophilus, L. lactis, L. helveticus.
Description: Extensive proteolysis with moderately high acidification and aroma.
Application: For cheeses like Pecorino and Grana with longer ripening times.
Try our LyoPro? TPF, LyoPro? STB, LyoPro? STH, LyoPro? TAC , and LyoPro? TAS cultures! Available in the following pack sizes:
More information available on our website!