Turning uncertainty into confidence
Photo: WAGO

Turning uncertainty into confidence

Normally "turns of the year" provide a couple of days where the world seems to stand still where we can concentrate on our thoughts and feelings. Where we can recap ... so do I. And I feel like sharing my thoughts with you …

2019 came up with a lot of topics, just to mention a few:

  • Global challenges like trade war between China and USA, worldwide government debt, the risks of climate change ...
  • Technological developments (or let's say revolutions) through artificial intelligence, quantum computers, hyper-connectivity ...
  • Society calls on industry and politics to take responsibility, to act sustainably. People question, how profit comes about ...
  • Politics set climate targets, e.g. #EUgreendeal ...
  • Digital transformation: every company has to “write its own book” about that topic which is not easy …

In total: high complexity, that leads to efficiency pressure which requires great dynamic and agility in our actions. Can we still apply only leadership and management methods that made us successful the last decades in the next one? For sure not!


In fact in a few days we start a new decade that will for sure be a decade of change - and can be a decade of opportunities. We needed the past year to listen and understand, to put in order and most of all to accept what's going on. According to our company-culture, this process surprisingly led to a growth of solidity, trust and respect. And therefore I want to say thank you to the team and to all the colleagues, partners, customers and people, who have supported me and WAGO by asking the right questions again and again, by bringing in their inspiring ideas, by believing in our company, our brand, our vision and in the future ...

Thank you for turning uncertainty into confidence!

The reason why 

Our findings and discussions led to the conclusion, that it all has to do with "sustainability". That sustainability somehow is the answer to all the questions, that have appeared so far. Sounds generic? It isn't. Since everyone needs to define what input, what stake she or he can make. At the end efficiency programs as well as digitalization are tools to increase sustainability.

We must question if ongoing growth and our behavior and routines of the last decades will guide to a bright future for the next generations. Never ever in history we did have more information more shared knowledge more faster ways to communicate worldwide.

So never ever we had more responsibilities. We do see most of it all already today!

A few days ago I watched “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens again. I ask myself: what would the ghost of the future Christmas show us today about our future if we do not change? Will we understand at the end like Ebenezer Scrooge that we need to change?

Let's understand the "turn of the year" as a "turning point". To bundle our confidence and energy to sharpen WAGO's "reason why". To manifest the chances hidden in the requirements listed above and turn them into concrete actions. My wish is, that industries like us take responsibility and share knowledge, to quickly develop solutions together. For humanity, for our environment, for our industries, for our future.

It feels good to work for a company, that already does so. 

I wish everyone a peaceful and happy Christmas and a great turn of the year!




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