Turning thanks into long term memory
The brain has to be the most powerful CPU device we will ever own. This ability to hold on to a piece of information temporarily in order to complete a task is specifically human. It causes certain regions of the brain to become very active, in particular the pre-frontal lobe. Information is transferred from short-to long-term memory through the hippocampus [ a bit like a sorting centre where these new sensations are compared with previously recorded ones ]
Simply saying thank you to your team at the right time and in the right way becomes huge muscle memory for them. Do it right and that memory is transferred to long-term memory and allows them to recall what behavior they exhibited in order to get those thanks and continually apply that behavior in the hope of having the associated sensations replay.
We need to get better about applying gratitude in business so that it transfers from short to long term memory and creates the stimulation and desire to be at our best. It builds relationships, loyalty and creates goodwill.
At Vodafone New Zealand we have fantastic tools that allow us to say thank you. It can be as simple as a ' thank you e-card to a nomination for rewards vouchers and can culminate in being named a global hero.
How often are you saying ' thank you ' ?
Nice article Brett - a great 'memory jogger' about the power of 'thank you'!