Turning the Tables on Václav Havel
Richard Harris
Putting the public back into public spaces. Joining-up joined-up thinking with Truth, Trust, and Transparency
Václav Havel (1936-2011) was?a former dissident, who?served as the last president of Czechoslovakia from 1989 until?its?dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1992 and then as first president of the Czech Republic from 1993 to 2003. Havel’s vision of civil society can be characterized as a 'society for all'. He called for active citizenship and encouraged people to work together, build communities around various interests and fight publicly for their causes.
There are now 48 Václav Havel’s Places around the world dedicated to his memory. Each?comprises two chairs linked by a round table with a tree growing through its centre. Their installation is a worldwide project initiated by the Czech ambassador to the US, Petr Gandalovi?, and the architect and designer Bo?ek ?ípek. The aim is to create a network of places in public spaces that can contribute to meeting and the holding of genuine dialogue – places where it will be possible to hold discussions and reflect in the spirit of the ideals and philosophy of Václav Havel.
Anyone interested in placing the Václav Havel’s Place?VHP must receive written consent from?Havel's widow. She decides, she grants. It is therefore necessary to contact her through the Vize 97 foundation. If she consents, the?price of the VHP?is CZK 260,000, around €10,000, for two armchairs and a mini round table in between with space in the middle of the table a tree. The VHP price does not include transport and?installation. Invitations are requested for two people to the unveiling ceremony as well as payment for travel and accommodation. Around the table is a text by Václav Havel in Czech and English: "Truth and love must win over lies and hatred". So far so good.
But on Google, you'll find plenty of images of local, national and international dignitaries at the inaugurations of all these VHPs. What I couldn't find is any sign of "discussions" actually taking place. What we seem to have is the great and the good paying lip service (and large sums of money) in the name of?"genuine dialogue", for a photo opportunity which?does not capture the spirit of the ideals and philosophy of Václav Havel. Please correct me if I am wrong.
My question: If the point of the exercise is to facilitate public conversation, why wait for Mrs?Havel's consent for a VIP table for two?
The answer: Towns can make available NOW?safe and accessible public space for meetings in all shapes and sizes, if they want to, which generally they don't.?
My answer:?PIAZZER, a service to public venue owners to simplify the bureaucracy and to enable organisers to use the best public spaces for their meetings.