Turning the Tables: Resolving Bulk Settlement
Medical Lien Management, Inc.
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Berkshire Hathaway has a reputation for being unresponsive to payment claims. They often delay their payment processes, claiming issues such as insufficient documentation, irrelevant injuries, and non-compliance. However, MLM’s team is an expert in difficult cases like these, providing bulk settlement solutions that ensure successful outcomes.
In a recent case, Berkshire denied payment because the entity was not the original owner. Medlegal Photocopy Services transferred all its rights, benefits, and assets to Medlegal Services LLC through a “Notice of Assignment,” confirming the transfer's validity. Along with the assets, Medlegal Services LLC inherited a significant amount of unpaid bills for the previous owner's photocopy services, including those from Berkshire Hathaway.
The global insurance industry is grappling with the highest rate of claims inflation seen in decades. For 2023, rising costs due to inflation are expected to significantly affect claims across all lines of business, adding complexity to the bulk settlement landscape. Kennedys Law.?
This may slow settlements or increase dispute rates with insurers.
Berkshire denied payment to Medlegal Services LLC, claiming they owed nothing since the previous owner provided services and arguing that a dissolved company couldn't assign assets.
MLM, representing Medlegal Services, provided proper documentation to prove all assignments were filed within 20 days of the asset transfer. The statute clarifies payment directions, not to invalidate liens, and avoiding payment on this basis unjustly enriches the insurer. Therefore, the transfer of the right was validated, enabling MLM to resolve bulk settlements efficiently.
Our legal representatives confirmed the official transfer of ownership, giving Medlegal Services LLC the right to receive payment for pending bills. After continuous efforts and expert negotiations, MLM settled the bills with Berkshire, collecting a bulk settlement payment of $460,000, 76% of the outstanding balance. This bulk settlement solution significantly increased our client's revenue.
In 2023, the FTC and CFPB resolved several high-profile debt settlement cases, including a $22.3 million refund to consumers for deceptive practices. Goodwin.?
This underscores the increasing regulatory scrutiny and the need for proper documentation and transparency in bulk settlements.
MLM's experienced lawyers and expert negotiators successfully navigated the complexities of dealing with a major insurance company, demonstrating how to resolve bulk settlement challenges for clients. Contact us today and let us help ease your hassles.
Read more about how MLM Uses the RFA System for Client’s Benefit?