Turning Setbacks Into Successes

Turning Setbacks Into Successes

When I first worked with traders in financial markets on a full-time basis, I was struck by how they responded to losses in their trading. Three groups stood out:

  1. The first group kept trading after losing, often by increasing their risk-taking. They were clearly frustrated with their losses and driven to get the money back. They absolutely refused to quit. They took losing money as a kind of affront and redoubled their trading efforts.
  2. The second group was also frustrated with their losses, but was determined to not allow those losses to pile up. They took breaks in their trading, calmed themselves down, and often stopped trading for the remainder of the day. Their goals was to regain emotional equilibrium and not let frustration drive their decision making.
  3. The third group was also quite frustrated with losses, but those traders stayed at their desks and they stopped trading. Instead they doggedly tracked down the sources of their poor trading and did not stop in their analyses until they figured out where they had erred. Only then did they return to trading.

Over time, distinct differences in outcomes became evident among the three groups. The first group was most prone to blowup, as they doubled down on risk-taking precisely at the times they were trading their worst. Frustration, for them, led to reactive and often destructive decision making.

The second group never blew up, but rarely excelled. Their focus on not losing money kept them emotionally controlled, but did little to help them learn from their setbacks. In other words, they succeeded at coping, but not at developing as traders.

It was the third group that, over time, proved to be the most successful. They were every bit as frustrated as the first two groups, but they channeled their frustration toward betterment. In the terms of psychologist Carol Dweck, they operated with a growth mindset. They stayed engaged in their work, but constructively. It wasn’t so much that they had mastered markets; rather, they mastered the process of turning setbacks into learning successes.

Textbooks on trading psychology said that my observations should not have happened. Success at trading, common wisdom held, was a function of controlling one’s emotions. The great traders were ones who could approach risk-taking with zen-like equanimity. My experience was just the opposite. The successful traders were dogged in their competitive drive. They would not let setbacks go until they they had figured them out and turned them into learning lessons.

This experience was captured well by Martin Seligman, who describes the conceptual backbone behind the master resilience training program delivered to the U.S. Army. Resilience, the ability to bounce back from setback, is a function of optimism and five building blocks that are taught in the program:

  • Positive emotion
  • Engagement
  • Relationships
  • Meaning
  • Accomplishment

These in turn reflect five areas of strength: emotional fitness, social fitness, family fitness, spiritual fitness, and physical health.

In other words, people who experience positive emotion, a high degree of engagement, positive relationships, a sense of meaning and purpose, and a sense of accomplishment are more likely to bounce back from adversity constructively than those who are not psychologically wealthy.

From Seligman’s perspective, the important takeaway of research in this field is that resilience is not an all-or-none trait. It is a set of competencies that can be taught and developed.

The Importance Of Failure In Success

We can learn much from reverse-engineering our successes. Indeed, that is one of the most powerful ways we can learn about our strengths. Our successes, however, don’t typically push us to greater levels of resilience. We learn to bounce back from setbacks–and grow from them–by having setbacks.

A good example of this is the study of two groups of art students making clay pots. One group was graded for the quantity of their work output and the other was graded for quality. At the end of the assessment period, the two groups were judged for artistic accomplishment. The quantity group significantly outperformed the quality group. They made many pots, many imperfect pots, and kept improving the pots. The quality group had far fewer failures–and achieved less. The moral of the study is to fail fast and fail often if you’re seeking success.

It’s back to the idea of life as a gymnasium: in the gym, if you want a workout that builds your strength or aerobic fitness, you have to bump up against your limits. No serious bodybuilder raises the level of weights lifted and then becomes discouraged if they can’t sustain 10 reps. No, the new level of weight becomes the new challenge. You can’t build yourself without failing–and then using failure as motivation, inspiration, and source of learning.

That is why that third group of traders sustained success in financial markets. They failed as often as the other groups, but they treated failure as challenge and opportunity, not as threat. Every day at work was like a day at the gym–pushing their limits to the point of failure and then drawing upon psychological reserves to turn failure into success.

When Resilience Becomes Resilient

The resilience of the peak performer challenges what we know about willpower as a kind of muscle that periodically fatigues. To sustain a process of failing and then bouncing back should be exhausting. When you speak with the kinds of peak performers as those in that third group of traders, however, you hear something different. They are actually energized by the challenges in life’s gym. Failing and surmounting inspires and gives resources; it doesn't deplete them.

This is where Emilia Lahti’s concept of sisu is very important. Sisu, a concept native to Finnish culture, reflects a positive action mindset in the face of adversity. Lahti notes that it represents a kind of second wind, a drawing upon hidden resources when those are most needed. Resilient people, it would seem, have developed skills at accessing this second wind. This is what enables them to overcome the everyday limits of normal willpower.

Fail fast, fail often might not be a bad mantra for sisu training. We are most likely to turn setbacks into successes when those setbacks help us draw upon new sources of energy and inspiration. When resilience is itself resilient, failure becomes an essential driver of achievement.

Author: Brett Steenbarger Source: Forbes | March 16, 2015


About Frank Nagy

Frank Nagy is a published author and is Managing Director of Frank Nagy Financial Services. Since 1998, Mr. Nagy has been providing business consultation to traders, money managers and investment advisers seeking to launch their own hedge fund, Forex fund or fixed income arbitrage fund.

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