Turning People Into Profit Leaders

Turning People Into Profit Leaders

" In the middle of every difficulty comes opportunity "

-- Albert Einstein

Forward Thinking in 2018 - Insights, Ideas and Solutions

Setting Your Goals

In my conversations with hundreds of people over the years, I have found that they all have one thing in common. They have taken the time to sit down and create a clear blueprint for themselves and their future lives. Even if they started the process of goal setting and personal strategic planning with a little scepticism, every one of them has become a true believer.

Becoming a True Believer

Every one of them has been amazed at the incredible power of goal setting and strategic planning. Every one of them has accomplished far more than they ever believed possible in selling and they ascribe their success to the deliberate process of thinking through every aspect of their work and their lives, and then developing a detailed, written road map to get them to where they wanted to go.

The Definition of Happiness

Happiness has been defined as, "The progressive achievement of a worthy ideal, or goal." When you are working progressively, step-by-step toward something that is important to you, you generate within yourself a continuous feeling of success and achievement.

You feel more positive and motivated. You feel more in control of your own life. You feel happier and more fulfilled. You feel like a winner, and you soon develop the psychological momentum that enables you to overcome obstacles and plough through adversity as you move toward achieving the goals that are most important to you.

Determine Your Values

Personal strategic planning begins with your determining what it is you believe in and stand for-your values. Your values lie at the very core of everything you are as a human being. Your values are the unifying principles and core beliefs of your personality and your character. The virtues and qualities that you stand for are what constitute the person you have become from the beginning of your life to this moment.

Your values, virtues and inner beliefs are the axle around which the wheel of your life turns. All improvement in your life begins with you clarifying your true values and then committing yourself to live consistent with them.

Fuzzy or Clear?

Successful people are successful because they are very clear about their values. Unsuccessful people are fuzzy or unsure. Complete failures have no real values at all.

Build Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

Values clarification is the beginning exercise in building self-confidence, self-esteem and personal character. When you take the time to think through your fundamental values, and then commit yourself to living your life consistent with them, you feel a surge of mental strength and well-being. You feel stronger and more capable. You feel more cantered in the universe and more competent of accomplishing the goals you set for yourself.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, decide for yourself what makes you truly happy and then organize your life around it. Write down your goals and make plans to achieve them.

Second, begin with your values by deciding what it is you stand for and believe in. Commit yourself to live consistent with your inner most convictions - and you'll never make another mistake.

What are your forward thinking plans for 2017?

Five Qualities of Top Teams

Over the years, exhaustive research has been done on top teams. There seem to be given characteristics or qualities of peak-performance teams that you can incorporate into your own business. Here they are:

Shared Goals and Objectives

In a smoothly functioning team, everyone is clear about what the team is expected to accomplish. The goals of the team are shared and discussed by everyone. Each team member gives his or her ideas and input into how the goals and objectives can be best achieved. Each person feels like a part of a larger organisation.

Shared Values and Principles

In excellent teams, there is regular discussion about the values, principles, and behaviours that guide the decisions of the team. The leader encourages values such as honesty, openness, punctuality, responsibility for completing assignments, quality work, and so on. Everyone discusses and agrees on what they are.

Shared Plans of Action

In this phase of team building, you go around the table and have each member of the team explain exactly what part of the work he or she is going to accept responsibility for completing. At the end of this discussion, each member knows what every other member is going to be doing and how his or her own work fits in with the work of the team.

Lead the Action

There must always be a clear boss or leader in any organization. Democracy is a fine concept, but it goes only so far in business. Someone must be in command and take charge. And that someone is probably you. On a good team, everyone knows who is in charge. The leader sets an example for the others. The leader becomes the role model.

Continuous Review and Evaluation

In this final phase, the team regularly evaluates its progress from two perspectives. First, is the team getting the results that are expected by its customers or other in the company? In dealing with customers, does the team set up mechanisms to continually ask customers, "how are we doing?"

Bringing the Team Together

One of the most important things you do in building a peak performance organization is to hold regular staff meetings. Bring your people together weekly, at a fixed time, to talk, discuss, catch up on progress, learn how the company is doing, and generally share ideas, opinions, and insights.

Action Exercise

Conduct a values clarification exercise with your entire team. Then mutually agree to live and work by the common values.

"Set Yourself Up For Personal, Professional and Financial Greatness!"

To turn your dreams into a reality, you must have tools that will guarantee your success. The programs in this package have been hand-picked especially for those who have big things to accomplish in their lives. Each program will help you take your wealth, personal growth and business to the next level! "Increase Your Effectiveness as a Solid Leader, Triple Company Profits!"

Leadership is the critical factor that determines the success of any business or department. The ability to select, manage, motivate, and guide employees to achieve results is the true measure of any leader's success.

In this fast-moving book, I will reveal the strategies used by top executives and business owners everywhere to achieve astounding results in difficult markets against determined competition. Go from good to great!

Take on board `Accelerate with Impact` - ISBN: 978-1-84549-289-2

Get Smart!

Creativity is your key to the future. All progress comes about as the result of finding better, faster, cheaper, easier or different ways to do things and this requires the continual honing of your creative thinking skills.

Your Key Job At Work

One of the key functions of the executive is problem solving, which takes up as much as 50 percent of executive time. It can be said with some confidence that your ability to deal with problems creatively and effectively is the key determinant of your success as a manager. It would be hard to imagine an effective executive who could not solve problems and make decisions with a high level of competence.

Step On Your Own Acceleration

I've studied and lectured on creative thinking for years and I've come to the conclusion that there is virtually no problem you cannot solve, no goal you cannot achieve, no obstacle you cannot overcome if you know how to apply the creative powers of your mind, like a laser beam, to cut through every difficulty in your life and your work.

Earn More, Faster

The benefits of functioning with more creativity can be enormous. Each of us wants to earn more money, be promoted faster, and enjoy greater status, prestige and recognition. In most cases however, we can only earn more by producing more or of better quality or cheaper or faster - and this requires doing things differently, using creativity.

Step On Your Own Acceleration

The good news is that creativity is a skill and a talent that can be learned and developed through practice. With this skill, you can dramatically accelerate your personal and professional growth. By sharpening your thinking skills and exercising your natural creative powers, you can multiply the value of your efforts and rapidly increase the quantity and quality of your rewards.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do immediately to be more creative.

First, see yourself as a professional problem-solver and look upon every difficulty or challenge as an opportunity to develop your creative powers.

Second, look for problems you can solve and obstacles you can overcome. The more you seek for answers and ideas, the smarter and more creative you become.

"Your Blueprint for Success and Achievement"

If you want to set goals for yourself, but don't know where to start—this workbook is for you! This process will get you excited and motivated to define your goals and turn them into reality. Create your blueprint for a lifetime of success, prosperity and achievement! `Create Your Own Success Story` ISBN 978-1-84549-260-1


I share my views on Leadership for Profit Leaders.

Leadership is about empowering staff to take responsibility and to be accountable are the secrets to business success.

Encouraging leadership and people management skills at `every` level of an organisation is key to success. Leadership matters `everywhere`. People really only need four items at work; 1) a job that interests them, 2) a chance to progress in their job, 3) to be treated with respect, 4) to have a boss who helps them succeed.

Human Resources are everybody`s responsibility. You cannot expect it to be something processed by the HR department - every manager has to be skilled in HR process for success within the business. Of course, you have to have specialist resource - the approach is to really embed the importance of managing people into the wider workforce for success.

Leadership is about results

? results beyond last year

? results beyond your previous best

? results beyond the competition

The responsibility of Directors of the organisation is to develop leadership capability and capacity to enable individuals and organisations to learn, grow and change and achieve improved, sustainable results.

People = Performance = Productivity = Profit

"Two little words that can make the difference: START NOW."

Fresh thinking requires a vision to see beyond the conventional. When you combine excellent quality with outstanding value for money you will begin to realise the full potential of creative and well presented business solutions. Together, the sky`s the limit. Have passion to learn and let the knowledge help you to be successful in life.

Also, to help you become more successful please take on board these powerful publications that show you the way to be successful in business and in life as follows:

To help you succeed in your journey for success please take on board the comprehensive publications:

`Accelerate with Impact` - ISBN: 978-1-84549-289-2


`Create Your Own Success Story` ISBN 978-1-84549-260-1

Makes all the difference......Enjoy Your Journey...

Have fun, learn heaps, and remember life is all about commitment, have the right attitude to make `your` own success in life with others!


May all your success be fun and may all your fun be successful!


Make 2018 AND BEYOND to `Manage your Goals for Success`...

Now go and be successful and appreciated.

Are you programmed for success?

How are you developing your character for Success and Happiness?

What are your solutions for Success in Business?

Sharing information from many sources for your success.

Daniel Rodriguez

Board Member at San Gabriel Pomona Regional Center/ Former Make a Difference Committee Member at Embassy Suites Valencia

7 年

Awesome reading. Learned a lot from it. Thanks for proving me this excerpt to read Colin.

Wolfgang Kloser

Gesch?ftsführer; Managing Director bei AMST-Systemtechnik GmbH

8 年

Couldn't write it better. Thank you!

Vincent Rainey

N.Ireland’s first mortgage broker/ Property Developer/CoFounder of QuizHouse Entertainment Group

8 年

Excellent piece Colin. Many thanks


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