Turning Entrepreneurial Insights into Actions
Hugh Massie
Titan 100 CEO, Behavioral AI Solutions Architect, Money Energy Pioneer, DNA Initiator, High Stakes Decision Orchestrator, Boys Without Fathers Mentor, Award Winning Innovator and Author, Devoted Dad, and Golfer
This article first appeared in Nasdaq.
Understanding the financial health of a company is critical for all business owners, leaders and investors.
That’s the “lens” one of our associates, Jack, has in mind. He is working with a privately owned business “suffering” from the speed of their success and was retained to reorganize teams and departments, advise on further hiring and to assist with business culture. He called me to get some advice.
Jack explained that too many daily changes to plans and, more worryingly, little budgetary control were real issues. He was troubled by the company's financial health and believed that most, if not all of it, stemmed from the owner, Steve, who appeared to have a total disregard for financial planning and analysis.
For example, Jack referenced the purchase of top-class vehicles for Steve and his second-in-command, followed by the purchase of a fourth warehouse in anticipation of use, but with no contracts on the books to support the buying. In fact, simultaneously, previously acquired warehouse remained empty and unused.
Fiscal control is not a given
This entrepreneur-business owner, Steve, was on an upward incline, but Jack discerned that he was heading the business into disaster if no fiscal control was asserted. Several department managers told Jack they had queried the lack of budgetary control with Steve, but to no avail. Instead, they were concerned that Steve was chasing too many contracts without clearly defining a) what they added to the business and b) defining the return on considerable investments.
Jack's discussions with Steve only served to concern him further as the response was always the same, “I'm going to be the biggest and the best; I'll get to the details later." At this point, Jack realized he was?dealing with a behavior issue and not a strategy one; hence coming to talk to me.
Measure risk, success factors
Based on a behavioral analysis finding, I advised Jack to focus on potential performance risks and performance success factors.
The results of the discovery process that Steve completed revealed:
This insight made it clear that Jack should focus on Steve's?financial behavior?driving his interactions and decisions.
Reveal, then manage
For any person, regardless of their role in life, understanding what drives decision-making around the emotion of money and the entrepreneurial hunger for success might genuinely be inherent and in need of management.
Why? We all have inherent behaviors – of which we may not even be aware – and those can really be a challenge when money and money decisions come into play. When these are revealed, understood and managed, success is far more likely to be achieved.
Entrepreneurial success begins with self-awareness: Having a clear understanding of your entrepreneurial character, personality, strengths, limitations, motivation and emotional intelligence is crucial.
Quantifiable characteristics
Our research over 20 years has established five characteristics often found in successful entrepreneurs who have revenues over $1M (and present more strongly in those with revenues over $10M). If known and managed, success was an outcome. If not, the venture was more likely to fail.
The “fiscal five” characteristics are:
Armed with this behavioral insight, Jack was able to work with Steve to streamline his processes and achieve his goals. But crucially, it required Steve to understand his financial personality and how to manage it. And importantly, he needs to avoid the triggers that would take him off course again.
Our two decades of behavioral research around mastering and managing “entrepreneurial style” is voluminous enough that it now fills an e-book, so we will no doubt be addressing various aspects of this again in this space. In the meantime, if you have entrepreneurial insights or challenges to share, I’d love to hear from you and may be able to help roll our research into your solutions.