Turning a Crisis into an Opportunity
In an organization,when you are an early joiners, it is very usual that every day comes with a new challenge and a new lesson. When I entered Emipro, there was not a single day when I didn't learn a new lesson either out of my mistake or out of the situation faced. The biggest take home I had in the initial days at Emipro was, no system can be build overnight. It takes a real blood and sweat to build an empire which is standing on the pillars of ethics and commitment to deliver the best.?
As an HR manager, I was responsible for managing employee relations and making sure everything ran smoothly. Being responsible, I have seen my fair share of tough days. But the day I am about to describe was probably one of the toughest days in my career so far. It was a typical Monday morning and I was going through my usual routine when three of my employees came into my chamber. Initially I thought they have come for some idea sharing as I used to allow my employees to visit me often to share their ideas and as we were on the verge of having our annual day celebration it was assumed that they have come up with some of the ideas for the celebration. But within few minutes after they have entered my chamber, one of them initiated a talk and ultimately all the three of them offered their resignation all at once.
The three employees were some of the best performers in our organization and I couldn't understand why they would want to resign. As an HR manager, I am trained to handle such situations calmly and professionally. So, I took a deep breath and asked them why they wanted to leave. As I listened to them, I knew that something was not right. It was not normal for three people to come together and resign at the same time. Though I didn't react in the same moment but I did not appreciate their act of coming together to inform me about their willingness to resign from their post. I had to take immediate action and investigate the situation further.
After some investigation, I discovered that the three employees had been discussing their plans to leave the company for some time. They had decided to resign together in the hope of negotiating better terms for their departure. This situation was not acceptable, and I knew that we needed to develop a system to prevent it from happening again. This incident made us realize the importance of having a strict open door policy. We had always encouraged our employees to come to us with any issues they might have had with the company, but it was evident that this approach wasn't working. So, we decided to make our open door policy more rigid, and we enhanced our Resignation process in our ERP which will monitor such incidents closely.
The system would require employees to give an intimation for their resigning meeting with HR well in advance and it would also require their managers to be informed of the resignation in advance, everything through ERP system. This way, we could prevent any sudden resignations and have time to plan for the future. We worked hard to make the system more accurate, and it was a success. The resigning system not only helped us prevent sudden resignations but also made the process smoother for both employees and managers.
Looking back to this incident the only thing still makes me feel disappointed is that, if they would have appear alone infront of me my convincing power to stop them for resigning would have helped us making them stay more with us. But, I always believe that if we are losing a good employee, our employee are also losing a good company! The loss is equal.
This incident taught us a lot, and we took it as an opportunity to improve our processes and policies. As an HR manager, I learned that it's essential to have a robust system in place to identify and address any potential issues before they escalate. We are now more vigilant and proactive in addressing our employees' concerns, and we hope that incidents like this won't happen again.