Turning Crap Into Craploads of Bucks!
“I feel bad for people who don’t drink. When they wake up in the morning, that’s as good as they’re going to feel all day.” ~ Frank Sinatra
"Ol Blue Eyes" sure had a knack for spin, didn't he?
Let's talk about "spin" for a moment.
I don't care what you call it - spin, making the skeleton dance, or creative PR, it doesn't matter.
The ability to flip a perceived negative into a positive can be tremendously advantageous for business owners and marketers alike.
You know, every single person on God's green earth has their fair share of flaws and blemishes, don't they?
And guess what?
So does every single product or service.
NO product or service is perfect.
Not Apple. Not Mercedez Benz. Not even mine!
BUT....what normally happens is a marketer will create a sales pitch by focusing ONLY on their product's good points and totally ignoring (sweeping under the rug) their product's bad points.
This is dumb.
The reason this is dumb is twofold:
(1) Most product or service's bad points are as glaringly obvious as a Lycra-clad cyclist's erection. You're not kidding anyone by not mentioning your product's bad points, Chico.
(2) You're leaving mucho bucks on the table by ignoring your product's bad points.
You agree with point (1) but you're not sure about point (2)?
That's cuz I haven't explained it yet!
Look, it's very simple.
What you do is, you list all your product's bad points (hopefully there's not too many), and then you add a little "Ol Blue Eyes" spin to them.
In other words, you turn your product's bad points into...
...A Reason To Buy!
For example:
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