Turning Back To The Old Paths Where Our Souls Find Rest.
?? D'Vorah Meijer
Founder - Owner | Prophetic Advisor-Consultant - Emotional Intelligence
I don't need to ponder much about today's message.
Our G-d is truly good. This past week, He has shown and confirmed His goodness in a remarkable way. Today, He provided this psalm to highlight it even further:
Tehillim 115 Orthodox Jewish Bible 115 Not unto us, Hashem, not unto us, but unto Thy Shem give kavod, for the sake of Thy chesed, and for Thy emes.
2 Why should the Goyim say, Where is now their Elohim?
3 But Eloheinu is in Shomayim; He hath done whatsoever He hath pleased.
4 Their atzabim (idols) are kesef and zahav, the ma'aseh (work) of the hands of adam.
5 Peh (mouth) they have, but they speak not; einayim (eyes) have they, but they see not;
6 Oznayim (ears) they have, but they hear not; af (nose) they have, but they smell not;
7 They have hands, but they handle not; raglayim (feet) have they, but they do not walk; neither do they speak through their garon (throat). 8 They that make them will be like them; so is kol asher bote'ach (every one that trusteth) in them. 9 O Yisroel, trust thou in Hashem. He is their ezrah (help) and their may. 10 O Bais Aharon, trust thou in Hashem; He is their ezrah (help) and their may. 11 The ones fearing Hashem, trust in Hashem; He is their ezrah (help) and their mag (shield). 12 Hashem hath been mindful of us; Yevarech. Yevarech es Bais Yisroel; Yevarech es Bais Aharon. 13 Yevarech Yirei Hashem (He will bless those who fear Hashem), the ketanim with the gedolim. 14 May Hashem give you increase, upon you and your banim.
15 May a barukhah be upon you by Hashem, Oseh Shomayim va'Aretz (Maker of Heaven and Earth).
16 The heavens, even Shomayim, is Hashem's, but HaAretz He gave to the Bnei Adam.
17 The mesim (dead ones) praise not Hashem, nor do any that descend into Dumah (the silent [place of Sheol]).
18 But we will bless Hashem from this time forth v'ad olam (and to forevermore). Praise Hashem.
And to give further confirmation, I received a message from Rabbi Shaya Fox *** With the opportunity to provide feedback. And that was just a big affirmative “wow†for me.
Rabbi Shaya Fox*** CEO of DATA & Dallas Community Kollel | Building Jewish Passion, Knowledge & Devotion
My Article Summary
- Combatting Antisemitism is a new fad - it's very important BUT we it can't our sole response. Although it may feel better but may not be the most critical response
- Our Identity as Jews can't be defined by our enemies - so many Jews since October 7th identify as fighting Antisemitism rather than passionate Jews
- We have such a rich Torah, religion, and people - we can't allow ourselves to become merely "freedom fighters"
- During the Purim Story - one of our greatest threats of destruction
- Antisemitism is supernatural - it makes no sense- must be fought primarily with supernatural; Spirituality
- God is clearly sending the Jewish people a message - it can't just be to react by fighting the Antisemitism and hate
*** Used/shared with permission.
I could confirm Rabbi Shaya Fox that I had a same kind of message from G-d and I asked if I could place his article summary in my newsletter.
?In every possible way G-D indicates that it is time for ALL His children to have HIM in the first place. And that can only happen if we have followed the path that HE shows us in His word
Failing to deny our flesh and relying on our own understanding leads us away from Him. We often seek success and abundant blessings. However, in Deuteronomy, He reminds us that we must experience both blessings and curses
Devarim 30
30 And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee,>> the brocha and the kelalah,?<< which I have set before thee, and thou shalt cause them to return to thy heart among kol HaGoyim, whither Hashem Eloheicha hath driven thee, 2 And shalt return unto Hashem Eloheicha, and shalt obey His voice according to all that I command thee today, thou and thy banim, bekhol levavcha uvekhol nafshecha; 3 That then Hashem Eloheicha will bring you back from the golus, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from kol ha'amim whither Hashem Eloheicha hath dispersed thee.
I recall a time, long ago, when Yochanan and I experienced such immense blessing and prosperity that it was almost overwhelming. One evening, after a weekend filled with blessings, we were washing dishes. I said to Yochanan, “I almost don’t know what to say or how to thank our Father for all this kindness.†Suddenly, I heard Him say:
“Remember this time, even when you face very different >OPPOSITE<??circumstances.â€
That evening, when G-d Himself announced that a completely different time was coming, marked the beginning of a period filled with resistance, sorrow, and illness. This journey led us to a boot camp guided by G-d’s hand, which ultimately refined us. We found ourselves in a bedroom with a single bed, a mattress on the floor, and one chair. This lasted for exactly two years and three months. During this time, we were not allowed to receive visitors and did not go on visits, but we were enveloped in His presence in its fullest form. We experienced what can only be described as miracles and witnessed the birth of something new.
?When it seemed almost hopeless, I experienced something unusual. Moving into a new house—or in our case, a new room—feels like stepping into foreign territory. It doesn’t feel like home at first. However, over time, I added small personal touches: a fresh bouquet of flowers each week or a beautiful blooming branch. Despite the limited freedom of movement, this space gradually became a kind of home.
But during a Shabbat, I suddenly had a feeling that I was no longer in the familiar space. Suddenly, from one moment to the next, it was just as strange to me as it was in the beginning. And I told that to Yochanan and Klarine, who always celebrate Shabbat with us. Klarine told me that I had told her earlier (a few months ago) during a walk that I had faith that we would be in a new house next summer. Well, this prediction was from the Ruach HaKodesh. Because barely a week later, again on Shabbat, I heard Yochanan's cell phone. He read the message, looked at me and said "We have a house"
To make a long story short, it was true! G-d had made it clear to me when we moved into our friends’ bedroom that there was a waiting period for me. I wasn’t allowed to do anything to try to get a house; I could only pray and listen to Him. However, Yochanan was permitted to register on one list, which included several housing associations. But I did not know this.
At one point, he received an invitation to view a house, but he was in 7th place.
He wrote to the housing association, explaining that it was too much to ask to drive six hours to view a house for which he was unlikely to be eligible. A short time later, he saw another house that G-d gave him a good feeling about. It turned out to be the same house as before, but he didn’t realize it at the time. He was the last person to respond, but he was invited to view it and was told he was in 1st place. This meant that if he liked it, the house was his!
In a country with 400,000 people looking for a home, this was not only a miracle but also seemed impossible. This past summer, we moved into our house. It was a sign that from one moment to the next, I no longer felt at home in the bedroom.
G-d casts His shadow ahead when we lean on Him and expect it from Him. When we allow ourselves to be guided down to the smallest details, we see the G-d of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov part the sea again when His children can do nothing else but trust in Him.
Then something happens! He glorifies His name!
Just like the Rabbi, I also felt that He has a message for us! His set-apart holy people must return to the old paths where our souls find rest. In total surrender to Him, we must fight evil with His light on the way to victory in His time!
Yochan just told me what he has been reading in our newspaper this afternoon:
We are facing a huge housing shortage in the South of the Netherlands. In Central Brabant alone, 24,000 households are looking for a home. Source: Brabants Dagblad
To Be Continued ...
To read more you can find my testimonies on one of my websites.
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5 个月D'Vorah Meijer Shana Tova.