Turning Back or Moving Forward?
The corner office can be an intimidating place. Especially if you are not the occupant. That said, if things have to move, you have to move.
You can gather courage and confidence and walk towards your CEOs office to discuss the idea in your head that you have been carrying around for weeks or you can walk away and become inconspicuous in your little cubicle hoping that she will not notice you.
An agitated customer is trying to track you down and you see the opportunity to go towards him and do your best to resolve the problem he is facing. Or you can walk away from it, ignore the multiple voice note messages and hope that the problem will wither away.
You can be fully enrolled in class, be up, front and centre, raise your hand and express yourself(get some airtime as they say) or you can move away to the back of the class and hope that the professor doesn’t pay attention.
This movement is about movement. You can move toward what you seek, what you want to change, what you want to create, what you want to impact. Alternately, you can move away from all of it and wish impasse wins the day.
It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform. We are here to learn about fear, not how to escape from it. Running away will never make you free.
So where are you headed? Towards or Away?