No Turning Back The Clock
From the moment our sun peeked out from behind the horizon, we could officially say we've been living thru the longest daylight day of the year, but unfortunately, starting tomorrow, the daylight hours will slowly start decreasing as the sun begins it march back to the south. I'm still wondering where all those weeks and months went since the first of the year arrived. I'm sure my having been extra-busy since the beginning of May, had a great deal to do with that loss of time feeling I've been having.
In spite of there being only two out of office appointments today, the time slots between them were filled with phone calls from people wanting advice or more detailed information on various homes that've been listed. Believe it or not, extended phone conversations can definitely eat into one's free time.
A scheduled appointment to show the last remaining condo over at Prairie Place on 1st, went quite well, and since the buyer's had never before been in that complex, more time was spent with them, just to make sure they were up to speed with the all the extras offered. I have a 'feeling' they'll likely be the new owners, and only because of how excited the wife was over the unit's floor plan, along with the layout of the common areas.
If we don't get that unit sold in the next couple of weeks, I'm gonna place an advertisement in Clear Lake's 'Mirror Reporter', because the floor plans of Prairie Place's units, are almost identical to what 'The Gardens' condos have which is located right next to Central Gardens in Clear Lake. Since those units sell for far more money, I would think anyone looking at those, would take a closer look at Prairie Place on 1st. From what I've been told, Prairie Place has far more extras to offer than 'The Gardens'.
The rain we've been getting on and off today has definitely been a bit of an annoyance because while I was out this afternoon, it was pouring down rain while the sun was shining. I'm hoping we don't have any flash-flooding because they've predicted up to two inches out of this storm front. It sounds like it's supposed to be raining most of the day tomorrow, so I'll hopefully have enough free time to get a tedious and time consuming cleanup fully completed. I don't even want to get started on how much I absolutely hate cleaning up after others, because I always take it as a personal affront.
I had my first showing at 15472 Winnebago Ave. this afternoon, and from what I could tell, the buyer seemed somewhat interested, so hopefully I'll be getting a call asking for a second look. Unfortunately the showing took place during one of our cloudbursts, so hopefully the next time we're there, the sun will be shining. I have to run up there with some new 2A batteries tomorrow, just so I can see if the central air will work. I truly hate those battery operated thermostats.
I was momentarily shocked when reading in today's Globe Gazette where there are Counties in Iowa having reported cases of cancer which are far above our National average, but I had to remind myself of the fact that for a very many years, I'd come to believe it's all the herbicides and insecticides our farmers are spraying on their fields year-over-year. What I found the most troubling, is seeing where Cerro Gordo County is number 10 down from the top of all Counties in Iowa. Keep in mind, Iowa has 99 Counties, which means we've got more cancer-causing issues than the other 89. When I scrolled down, I did notice most of our surrounding Counties are right up there as well.
Since I'm familiar with Allamakee County's many hills and woodlands, it came as no surprise that they're not in the top 50 Counties that were named as being cancer hot-spots, which should give more evidence that it's the chemicals our farmers are putting on their fields that's increasing the cancer rates in our State. Another interesting fact, is that in spite Allamakee County being much larger by landmass, they still didn't make the top 50 cut. Very interesting reading. By the way, Palo Alto County is #1 on the list which is several Counties west of us.
One of my phone calls today was from a long-time client/customer who's now going thru an unexpected life transition, and about all I could do was comfort and encourage. Unfortunately, it always seems those who're the most hardworking, giving and trustworthy their entire lives, end up getting the short ends of the sticks. I firmly offered the reminder that there's no turning back the clock, so instead of dwelling on the past, it's best to get thru these times of troubles, and work toward enjoying those much-deserved better days ahead. I truly understand how the emotional roller-coasters of others, have wearing effects on those around them. I continually thank the powers that be for not cursing me with toxic mood swings.
Tonight's One-liner is: Depression is the inability to construct a future.
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