Turning 30 And What I Have Learned
Conor Clarke
Helping and guiding my clients through transition coaching to develop them on both a personal and professional level | Transition Coach | Chartered Accountant | Former Recruitment Consultant
I turned 30 a couple of months ago. Nothing has changed drastically since then. It is just a number. Turning 30 only matters if you decide to tell yourself a story about what it means. I know some people said that turning 30 was an eye-opener and got them thinking of what they have not achieved with their life and are experiencing a crisis. Some examples of this ‘crisis’ people have told me are that they are single, renting or living at home with their parents, stuck in a job they hate, have not progressed to this job title or salary they want, not married, no children, don’t have a mortgage and have not travelled.?Some of these points relate to me and I don’t see it as a crisis. The good thing even if you are 30 or older, all those things you want to do and achieve can still be done. It might just take a little longer.
I find with some people who panic when turning 30 let fear control them and lack self-awareness. A problem with some of the millennial generation is that a lot of people compare themselves to others and are more influenced by the external such as society’s expectations and other’s opinions instead of following their own internal motives.
I see my 30's as a great opportunity to continue to grow both on a personal and professional level. I want to learn new skills, try new hobbies, continue to travel and have new friendships. I am working as a recruitment consultant and still have my coaching business. I am enjoying both recuitment and coaching for now.
I share a few insights into what I have learned during my 30 years that might help those that are younger than me which are the following:
To be happy with your life you need to choose what you want to do and not think what you should do. If you are choosing to not live in line with your values and chasing an illusion of what you think happiness and success is, you’ll never be happy. False hope will keep you going. You’ll experience more pain and misery as a result. Take the time to do the personal development work and understand who you are, your values, skills, strengths, passions, hobbies and interests. When you are more self-aware, it is easier to trust your instinct and intuition. As a result you will be conscience of your own decision making and living in line with your authentic self.
?2)?Career Disillusionment
The first job you do after you finish university might turn out to be the greatest disappointment you ever experienced. It was for me. At times I felt bored and frustrated with the work I was doing. Unfortunately, this is more common for people now and no one should feel sad in their role after finishing university or in any job.
If the signs are there early, I would encourage you to just quit and don’t worry about leaving a role that doesn’t make you feel fulfilled without another job lined up. It will all fall into place after you leave. Trust me. It will work out. If you are open to trying something new and accept the learning from previous experiences you will find work that inspires you.
?3) Other People’s Views Of You
I would have been an idealist in my early 20’s. Having a vision in how adults live their life and how we should behave. This was my problem when I would encounter difficult people or people who just did not like me. Just accept those difficult people for who they are.?If they don’t like you, choose to gossip, make fun of you or complain about you, it’s their reality that they are struggling with and not dealing with their own issues and insecurities. It is not our responsibility for their own unhappiness. It is not your business to know what they think about you and if they do give their opinion of you, choose your own response in how you deal with them and don’t hand them your power of choice. There are going to be difficult and narcissistic people no matter what age you are. Don’t waste your precious time dealing and listening to these people. Don’t let what they say affect you. You know yourself well and have the answers. Just live the life you want and enjoy yourself.
I would encourage to travel if you can afford it. I find it the best investment in yourself. You will experience different cultures and meet fantastic people along the way. Don’t wait to travel if you can do it now.
?5)?Win and Learn Mindset
Just say ‘yes’ more to opportunities and don’t worry if it doesn’t work out. Adapt a mindset that is ‘Win and Learn’. This is a growth mindset. You will continue to develop as a person by being open to new experiences which can allow you to gain new knowledge and skillset.?
This would be my advice to those younger than me and hopefully it might be helpful to some people.