TURNER Takes:?August 2024
TURNER Public Relations
We are Creators. Doers. Explorers. We want to work with brands who feel the same.
The latest / greatest from TURNER.
Fresh Takes
Insight from the TURNER team and conversations with our favorite content creators.
TURNER’s Autumn Enoch recently hosted a roundtable discussion with the editors at one of our favorite outlets — Fodor’s Travel, which has been inspiring wanderlust since 1949. During our conversation, we wanted to know how to rise to the top when it comes to inbox interest.
In the wake of blockbuster, gotta-see-it-to-believe-it Taylor Swift and Beyoncé arena tours in 2023, Gig Tripping has emerged as one of the hottest travel trends in 2024. These aren’t just concerts — they’re citywide events, with enormous economic impact.
As the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve, influencers have emerged as powerful allies for brands who want to connect with their target audience. However, despite the proven success of influencer marketing, several misconceptions still linger.
Dates To Remember
What’s coming up? Here are a few dates and events to keep in mind as summer rolls on.
Headlines To Watch
The Boom in Travel Spending Has Slowed. Hotels and airlines expect Americans to partake in less leisure travel and pare down the trips they take in the months ahead.
Turning 25, 50, 75? Consider Taking an ‘Extreme’ Vacation. Many people choose to mark major milestone events with luxury vacations that are all about pampering. But for a select few, it can be an opportunity to push themselves to their physical limit on epic hikes.
Today’s consumers are increasingly inspired by their favorite TV shows and movies. By aligning ads with this engaging content, travel brands can reach consumers at pivotal moments in their planning journey and enhance conversion rates.
Three Things
Recommendations from the TURNER team. This month, Senior Digital Manager?Karla Hernandez?shares a few recent faves.