Turn Your Intranet Into a High-Powered Business Tool
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Turn Your Intranet Into a High-Powered Business Tool

Your company’s intranet is probably cluttered, unorganized, inconsistent, impossible to maintain, and downright unhelpful to users. Instead of being a tool that increases efficiency and streamlines business processes, it’s an obstacle users avoid at all costs. This is the norm for most intranets. But with a change in perspective, your intranet can transform into a powerful, useful tool.

Frustrating Flop to Essential Tool

When you put the same amount of effort in your intranet as you would your public-facing site, you’ll start to recognize the advantages of a powerful intranet.

  • It should behave like a website: The intranet should look, function, and behave like any other website you might come across. It might be for internal eyes only, but your users will have an easier time using something they recognize.
  • It needs to be user-tested: You still want to get users’ input on the intranet. Afterall, they’re going to be using it the most. Observe them, collect feedback, and implement changes that will make your intranet easier to use for them.
  • Use the intranet to solve business problems: Your intranet should be a tool your employees rely on to efficiently do their jobs. If your company has a glaring problem, the intranet is the place to create a solid solution.

An Afterthought No More

When you carefully plan out and create a user-centric intranet, you create an impressive tool that makes employees’ jobs easier and your business more efficient. Start changing your idea of what an intranet is, and show others the possibilities your company is missing.


What to learn more about changing your perspective on your intranet?

Read the full article: Turn Your Intranet Into a High-Powered Business Tool



