Turn Your Dusty Art Into Your Valuable Assets
HOT Energy Group
Underground Energy Storage | Deep Geothermal Energy | Oil & Gas | Best-in-Class Consultancy, Lab & Training Solutions
Authored by Dr Claudia Steiner-Luckabauer, Principal Petrophysicist, HOT Energy Group
Have you ever dreamed of discovering a hidden treasure? Yes? Well, this is your chance! Get into your archives and start grabbing for logs that were run before Facebook and co. These logs are holding a vast amount of invaluable information.
Nowadays, during re-development, these ancient logs are gaining growing attention and are increasingly integrated in sedimentological, geological and petrophysical work. Experienced log analysts can extract decision-critical information on rock type and petrophysical properties. Prior to this interpretation, though, the paper logs are required to be digitised. But will it be even possible to create a digital trustworthy log set?
This digitisation is in many cases outsourced to third parties and often QCed on random tests. The focus is held on the log interpretation whereas not too much emphasis is put on the digitisation. However, experience shows that inaccuracy or even incorrectness can lead to misinterpretation and in the worst case misleading estimates of your reserves.
We at HOT don’t underestimate the digitisation! It is an art, just as the log interpretation itself. Once handled properly, it will give valuable contribution to all following disciplines providing a solid fundament. Experience with ancient log reading and a high-standard QC create the thin lines between success and failure.
Are you curious to know more about our log digitisation approach? Contact us at [email protected] or visit www.hoteng.com.