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Dear reader,
Hear ye!
One of the biggest reasons why a piece of sales copy doesn't pull in sales is this:
Lack of Vision!
And when it comes to sales copy, a lack of vision means a lack of sales. If your copy isn’t converting, it’s because your readers can’t see a damn thing. In other words, they can't see what's at stake.
And that’s on you. Not them.
Most copywriters fail for one simple reason:
They give their readers no vision. And when they do, it’s half-arsed, and half the story.
As always, I shall explain.
You see, a single vision won’t cut it. You need two:
(1) The nightmare, and (2) The dream
The nightmare:
*The living hell they’ll endure if they do nothing.
*The pit in their stomach every time they check their bank balance.
*The sting of rejection when another prospect ghosts them.
*The shame when their spouse asks why they’re still broke.
*The look on their mistress's face when the card gets declined at dinner.
The dream:
*The heaven that awaits if they act now.
*The relief of knowing their business is thriving.
*The pride of proving everyone wrong.
*The respect that comes when success speaks for itself.
Most copywriters screw this up because they describe pain like they’re leaving a passive-aggressive Yelp review.
"Without this, you might struggle." "You could have a hard time making sales." "Things might not improve."
Nobody feels that, Freckles.
If you want your copy to punch like a heavyweight, make the pain visceral.
Make them feel the cold sweat when their last client cancels.
Make them hear the silence when their launch flops.
Make them taste the bitterness of another month in the same cycle of failure.
That’s what pages 70 and 196 in The 24 Laws of Attention will show you.
Most copywriters try to sell a boat without showing the customer that they’re drowning.
Don’t be one of them.
Turn your words into dollar signs or keep watching prospects slip through your fingers.
You can get your mitts on The 24 Laws of Attention here:
Your friend, Kelvin Email Marketing Maverick
P.S. I hope you salespeople see the importance of learning this skill. This isn’t just some copywriting technique; as I’ve said ad nauseam, sales is sales!