Turn the Key
Imagine a big castle. The walls are 100 feet high. The many towers shooting up from it are even higher. It is so big, it would take you hours to walk around it. As you look at this impressive structure from the outside, you imagine how luxurious and awesome it must be on the inside. If you could only get inside. The walls are huge!
But, in your hand is a key. You walk up to the door and put the key in the lock. It fits! You turn the key and it works. The door opens and you're in! With that one key, you now have access to the whole castle.
It only takes one key to unlock the castle. If you can unlock the door to get in, you have access to a whole castle and everything inside. This is a metaphor for the power of the single idea. One truth, one insight, one strategy, one question, one answer, one change, one turn, one step, one action can open up a whole realm to you.
I had a powerful experience of this a couple years ago. It was one question: What is one thing if you stopped doing it would have the biggest impact in your life? When I heard that question I immediately knew what that would be. No matter what I started in my life, I knew if I didn’t stop this, I could add ten positive things into my life and it wouldn’t matter. One change has opened up a whole realm for me. Isn't it exciting to know that today you could turn a key that could open up a whole new realm for you? The important action is you have to turn the key. Thoughts determine what you want, but actions determine what you get. Let's go! Take the key, stick it in the lock, turn it, and step inside!