Turko, our dog
Idoia Andueza Begué
Professional communicator with C2 level of English. Translator and English Teacher
Have you ever had a pet, such as a cat or a dog? If so, I am sure that you love it as if it were another member of your family. What’s more, you might treat it as if it were your child. Am I wrong? That’s precisely the reason why their passing away is a rather difficult time, which is what my family and I, especially one of my brothers, went through one day in July 2008 when our dog had to be put down. Indeed, our dog, Turko, is still greatly missed.
To be honest, I don’t remember exactly when we adopted Turko, however, I do recall that he was a tiny ball of fur. At that time, he was just a puppy and while he moved with us to Bara?ain, his brother remained with my uncle and aunt in Villava. He was super cute, a unique German Shepherd and Husky mixed breed, therefore, his paws were white. In fact, in the beginning, my mother attempted to call him Socks.
At first, he used to move around the attic, which was often destroyed by him even though we would cover the entire floor with newspapers. As a matter of fact, he was quite naughty but we adored him. Over time, when he grew up, we moved him to the garden and my father built a mini house for him. He had a lot of space so he would spend hours and hours running around.
The most special thing about him was that he was the most loving dog ever. For instance, whenever you arrived home, he would run towards you, wagging his tail to show happiness. What a lovely welcome. Regrettably, he had rheumatism, so one day, when he was already old, around fourteen years old, he became paralyzed. I recall that that day we were worried since Turko hadn’t come (as he usually did) to the living room to stay with us. The problem was that he wasn’t able to move at all. Me and my mother found him on the floor. I will never forget that image. I couldn’t leave him. It was heartbreaking since he was in so much pain.?
All in all, we decided that the best thing for him was to let him go... although he will always be in our hearts. The house in Bara?ain has never been the same without him. We miss you Turko, we always will.