“...The Radioactive Turing Testament...”

“...The Radioactive Turing Testament...”

“...Wow! Get ready SETI. The information transmitted over radioactive waves remains intact, as of 2021, the strongest of active contenders effectively put to use an alien radio transmission to dispersed intelligence everywhere on the grid...”

“...The art of writing is a very important one. It consists in taking an interest in whatever it takes engaging the attention of the general public at any particular timeline...”
—Arthur Schopenhauer

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“...When some ecclesiastical movie, manuscript, pamphlet, or novel, or poem is making a great commotion, remember who writes for fools always finds a large network. A precondition for reading good books is reading the smart ones: for life is a work of Art...”
—Arthur Schopenhauer

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“...This turing message is linked into a text-only spiritual keyboard and screen so results depend on a timeline and the ability to render the sixth sense of a thousand words and photographs...”

"...A sense of humour is the only divine quality of time travelers. All truth passes through three stages. First, it is the Message. Second, it is signs of going about business being extraordinary. Third, it is accepted as being able to perceive intelligence...”
—Arthur Schopenhauer

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“...If Carl Sagan and other like-minded quatrains craftily travel into the past, the twin voyagers in history is an experimental clairvoyance into the past nature and future origins which is enlightening by the [BHA-LAW]. Selective travelers face the blackhole paradox of interfering with the quantum scheme that has lead into deep space. I have an idea whether time travel is possible, the complex finish is certainly worth exploring the advance vision process, timeline viewpoints and cultural conversations...”
—quote from little sister

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“...Will the dark, rule the enlightenment for all eternity or Will future time travelers grant more wisdom? I will ask the board from my heart...”
—quote from little sister

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“...(March 22nd, 2004), time travelers say the best thing about the New Yorker is that re-borns start seeing you as an insightful, gimmicky writer...”
—quote from little sister

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“...Old-timers remember the North Star and provided me resourceful materials to time-travel. In unison, they are respectively informative, allocating sacred knowledge, with a badge of honor. Wearing the perfect baseball cap, tilting slightly beyond the brim, I concurrently glorified an American hat reading the words, ‘Columbus, Ohio’...”
—quote from little sister

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“...I will honor thy legendary names playing the imitation games in suspense about a deity elevating the Wrong disciples as stargazers help check for what brother is Wright...”
—quote from little sister

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“...I remember reading the puzzling broadway page to [666]. The universal hefty patterns of a random diagram fixing for a nightcap while stargazers hurry up to watch sleeper cells head into deep space ..”
—quote from little sister

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“...The?Testament program?is an ongoing global entity that activates stargazers to acknowledge an alliance from Neptune, Pluto, Uranus, Venus, Jupiter and?Mars to?fly reconnaissance while collecting data for transmission back to other supersonic sight seers...”

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“...What I read and communicate in the dark of coalition provisions, I write and speak in the daylight of observation...”
—quote from little sister

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“...I’ve beckon the Third Eye to prepare for the Turing testament deliverance from the First World in deep space...”?
—quote from little sister

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“...After launch, the decision was taken to covertly?transfer Player [A] to Mercury and Player [C] to dispatch Saturn to link in data for Player [B] as the Sun syndicate an interstellar medium back to the motherboard...”

“...Yes, I checked the Good board. What kind of clandestine mission spend nearly a billion dollars to cargo a spacecraft of messages with a golden record of inspired written words in the English language as a peace offering?...”
—quote from little sister

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“...During the events in October of 2021, the twin Voyagers are still in operation past the outer boundary of the?destiny spheres in an interstellar space race. Both continue to collect and transmit useful radioactive data to lucky Lucy...”

“...Imagine the philosophers of Carl Sagan, Albert Einstein, The Beatles, Martin Luther King Jr. and other quatrains used to signal toward [88] cataclysmic asteroids descending from Jupiter...”
—quote from little sister

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“...Unfortunately, Apollo delayed Artemis mission to the spherical orb. A setback in the timeline to deploy a number of twin thought experiments and daemon demonstrations. Artemis was ready for takeoff to the dark side of the moon...”
—quote from little sister

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“...The new Golden record is a?time capsule and an interstellar message from a far-future human, an alien civilization that intercepted both of the Voyagers. The contents of this record and quatrains are selected by a celestial council...”
—quote from little sister

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“...Many travelers consider that bright dot. Earth is a staged, hostile arena of human conflict with no end. Some active travelers deal kindly and compassionately with one another while other radioactive travelers are on standby...”
—quote from little sister

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“...This is a faithful T-Shirt saying, and worth of all acceptation, that Shepherds came into the world to save winners; of whom I am a traveler. I only signal for one traveler but he winked on the cross...”
—quote from little sister

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“...Behold the radioactive notes. Let’s Roll is the Yelawolf season of inspirations. A testament to the ability to dream it all and to write the story wearing thy Big Brother’s Halo Hat...”
—quote from little sister

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“...Truth or consequences, I consider Planet labs in direct contact over Roswell that is in thine eyeing the Midland. How wits signal Tailgate Blues to thy brother in West, Texas...”
—quote from little sister

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“...Let the seer scope the binoculars of the third eye; then shalt thou hear clearly to cast out the note of thy brother’s Eagle eye and a New Kid in Town...”
—quote from little sister

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“...New Shepherds have 'Inception' dreams and ambitions too, like everybody else. I've seen 'Interstellar' about 13 times...”
—quote from little sister

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“...I calculate timelines by the calendar, by how I imagine my interests, ambitions and missions...”
—quote from little sister

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“...The happy solstice is the most intricate timeline to date. The coincidence is a haven testament to find the time to create a post card to ghost writers and travel...”
—quote from little sister

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“...It has been an observation that the happiest of people, the vibrant doers of the world, are almost always those who are using - who are putting into play, calling upon, depending upon-the greatest number of their Star-given talents and phantom capabilities...”
—John Glenn

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“...The best grand view in the USA Today is a few believe the Majestic 13 don't sit on a couch someplace reading the newspaper on the 13th...”
—quote from little sister

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“...In calculations, it's amazing to time travel. In Einstein's theory, I wonder the very limits how the quantum entanglement leaped into an Apocalyptic year. That's telling the testament really needs the Theory of Everything...”
—quote from little sister

“...It is not difficult to time travel and revise radioactive testaments. The Turing tailgate will play a very complex timeline of travelers...”

“...The bottom line is that time travel is allowed by the laws of physics...”
—Brian Greene

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“...Now imagine Three Wise men or Wise Women in halo hats as test subjects for the wishful thought experiments of [A], [B] and [C]...”

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“...[A] Science is a differential equation. [B] Religion is a boundary condition. [C] is Mathematical reasoning to be regarded...”
—Alan Turing

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“...A and C are to be twin players, B is the conductor who works the Turing time machine...”

“...[A] seems probable once the time machine thinking method had started, [C] would not take long to outstrip feeble powers. They would be able to converse with each other to sharpen their wits. At some stage therefore, [B] should have to expect the testament machine to take control...”?
—Alan Turing

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“...A and C use some arrangement of objects and artifacts for communicating in influential Quatrains...”

“...Finding such a subject makes everyone else appear so extraordinary, and if anything happens to her, you’ve got nothing left, a one of a kind of that never existed before...”
—Alan Turing

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“...According to the Highway number 666, the road has been substituted by the analogy of a sum of the first 88 numbers traveling to a forest...”
—quote from little sister

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“...Twins communicate that no one predicted. I created a complex storyline no one expected, and I made promises to check mark false prophets. Like a great painting, sleep walking the Colorado plains of twin peaks, I have acquired an existence of my own skinwalker in the day, a destiny beyond the grasp of Arizona, Tonto dark forest...”
—quote from little sister

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“...After there is great opportunities among mankind, a greater one is prepared. The great traveler of the universe will renew a timeline. When the exhausted Sun takes up the next cycle then prophecy will be mission accomplished...”
—Nostradamus quote

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“...Mathematics is the language of the stargazers written the universe. Nature is relentless and unchangeable path, and the Apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree whether its hidden knowledge is understandable...”
—Galileo Galilei

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“...I am not a fan of glorified shepherds but I observe diplomatic relations. I've got the sacred knowledge. I've got Artifacts. Absolutely, I have been capable to visualize mathematics and conjure pseudoscience storylines, but I don't metaphysically cause havoc...”
—quote from little sister

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“...The Turing testament takes readers by surprise with great radioactive frequency (Seven Army Nation). Those who can imagine, can create the perfect timeline...”?
―quote from little sister

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”...a Trinity game is played between C and A. B may find it quite difficult to tell which twin is radioactive on the Highway East or West...”

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“...Liberty will be regained, (Kashmir) will be occupied by (Black Dog), radioactively proud, victorious and justly legendary. When the (Immigration Song) check the lone-star sheep ...”
—quote from little sister

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“...And the sun stood still and hasted down about a mountain and Creation laid the highway foundations of the earth, that it should not move at any time. The clouds an adequate shadow of the Conspirator theory...”
―?Alan Turing

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“...As West and East meet. In all atomic flat Maps, we are one. So reincarnate Fat Man doth embrace the Little Boy Resurrection. Three person Trinity sign the Little Girl at a Distant View,...”
—quote from little sister

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“...During the original publish events, subjective articles is a simple game theory involving the Trinity players. I hope readers can imagine Player A checking Texas...”

“...Unless in communicating with Player A says exactly what Player C means, the after math is bound to Whiplash results...”
—quote from little sister

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“...It is possible to invent a single timeline which can be used to compute any lone star radioactive to the Fibonacci sequence in (Code Red)...”
—quote from little sister

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“...player C in California spills over like an beach front oil canvas and player B (plays the role of the observer). In the game theory, player C is able to propagate to player A and can communicate with one another through radioactive notes...”

“...Sometimes it's the very prophets who imagine dragons and create events no one else can imagine from the (West Coast)...”?
—quote from little sister

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”...In theory, the?Turing Testament of groups support a timeline event. The Turing introduce specialized knowledge to [Imagine Dragons], the subjects in mind are but poetry...”

“...One day stargazers will take their computers for walks in National parks and tell each other, "My little computer said such a funny thing this morning"...”
—Alan Turing

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“...There’s a part of space and time that fame will increase towards the realms of East and West. The mark of the Beast will travel the rivers, the greatest part of the Turing testament will be signaling His Sister...”
—quote from Nostradamus

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“...The time traveler and the mask of the beast's are usually interpreted by applying one of three methods. First, check for a match at a scriptural rock...”
—quote from unknown

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“...Second, signal the number of the beast as a duration of time on a pacific highway...”
—quote from unknown

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“...Third, Linking the scriptural dialogue and symbolism of characteristics of subjective objects. In the current year of the speed of light, a legendary Terrestrial Agency will arrive [9:11]. From the very depths timeline of [1:19] East and West coast highway...”
—quote from unknown

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“...There is Twenty-four celestial objects at the time table associated with the twin infinity numbers of 88, relative to 77. All along the shameful watch tower riddled in 666...”
—quote from little sister

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“...The thought of creating the perfect timeline throughout a number of major events took place correctly in the Turing Testament. In the theory of (Revelation 13), the scriptures signaled interesting coincidental?events...”

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"...All who walk on the earth?will?flag those names, have not been written in the Book of Life, and mark the Priory of Mount Sion from the foundation of the world...”
—quote from little sister

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“...Where the telescope ends the microscope begins, and who can imagine which has the wider vision? There is nothing like a dream to create the future from past mistakes...”
—Victor Hugo

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“...Readers try to decipher which twin conscience is active by asking a series of questions and reading the typewritten immaculate timelines...”

“...Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, a new lineage to new evolution...”
—Albert Einstein

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“...The important thing is not to stop questioning the coincidence of all the Free spirits remaining anonymous. Curiosity has its own reason for Duty, Courage and Honor...”
—Albert Einstein

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“...Post Scripture all things cryptic [September 11th, 2029]: I found the (Broken Halos) with folded wings that used to fly. They've all gone wherever they go that used to shine the Turing testament completing the priory perspective on the enigma machine within (The Daily Laws). Imagine Angels come down from the heavens just to help the broken halos on the way to come to teach, then they leave and they find some other soul to reverse-engineer theoretical guardians within the timeline...”

“...Among the 88 consecutive Scientific American columns was a remarkable one on (August 15th, 1977). It is not that I'm smart imagining mathematical games as a new kind of cipher that would take light years to break. I stay with the creativity intelligence of having fun with Wisdom. It’s a product of artifacts, and the lifelong enlightenment attempt to resurrect the longest history of Einstein’s famous Equation...”
—quote from little sister

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“...Humans have a long history of not being able to leave a puzzle alone. A puzzle of any kind epitomizes thinking outside the box...”
—Henry Petroski

“...Don't go looking for the reasons, don't go asking broken halos why stargazers are not meant to know the answers to obtain what the mentor needs on [February 2nd]. The ideal apprenticeship transforming [April 8th] is to start to master responses during [October 13th] festivities to change circumstances by changing attitudes with the perfect courtier playing the game of theories, and the grand strategist rising out of tactical hell in the fall of September to focus their emotional self in terms to the dark moon...”

“...Never memorize something that you can. If it were not for theoretical physicists, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music...”
—Albert Einstein

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“...to construct the manifold is purely from the cosmic sublime, expanding the mind to its furthest reaches. As in the discussion to "Turn Up the Radio" context, everything in theory works just as well to the Warrior’s Creed...”

“...I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks, stones, artifacts, music and books...”
—quote from little sister

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"...(Warriors) play imagine dragons for the intellectual muscle long term. One twin should use common sense to say between subtle shading and the absence of light lies the nuance of Illustration?. Talent checks a target no one else can find; Genius checks a target no one else can see...”
—quote from little sister

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“...Poetry is simply the most beautiful, impressive, and widely effective mode (Riding with the King). It’s no good crying over spilled milk to reset the wine at the last supper, because all the Royal forces of the universe end up winners with battle honors...”
—quote from little sister

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“...My part in travels is quite direct. In fact, I did foresee an energy released in timelines. I believe only that it was theoretically possible. It became practical through the unintentional discoveries of cause and effects, something I have predicted when great minds think alike on a mission of mercy to the new frontier...”
—quote from little sister

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“...Gonna check them all on out of here. Up to that Hotspot on a hill. Where travelers can get their jet fuel?filled...”
—quote from little sister

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“...If time travelers should arrive with Pandora’s box radioactive to Earth from other planets, would the world news not find it orthodox that entities with so much power examine private globalized corporations to be responsible to acknowledge stolen ancient artifacts and the return of celestial objects?...”
—quote from little sister

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“...Travelers can see it in face value, the lines never lie. Tonight everybody's getting their angel wings. The picture of the world is not as bright but in all fairness in quantum entanglement, it’s never been for theoretical travelers to check and meddle with civilization...”
—quote from little sister

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“...At least great rebels of mind lives to understand the M-Theory anagram (M stand for "Mother", "Matrix" or "Magician")?to gain modest importance. Chosen lone star travelers communicate human thought experiments as natural, without jeopardizing the reincarnation superstring twin structure of the infinity symbol 88...”
—quote from little sister

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“...Published in using Mathematics, Religion and Science is like a bad matrimony within the underline universal law but the explorations in the religious structure of the M-theory have help to spawn important relativity results in science and mathematics...”
—quote from little sister

“...Eventually October of 2021, extrasensory time travelers alike plan to celebrate the mathematics Once Upon a Number, the scientific stargazers observing The Glass Universe and the Turing Testament of an artifact on a pacific coast reading the The Voynich Manuscript dialogue during a timeline...”

“...All happiness or fulfillment solely depends upon the quality of the object attached by love. Happiness is a virtue, its reward has illuminate perks. If a stargazer wants the present to be different from the past, study the past and future events...”
—Baruch Spinoza

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“…All things excellent are as difficult as they are rare. The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding, because to understand is to be free. One does not know how to forecast philosophy without becoming a disturber of the peace…”
—Baruch Spinoza

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"...The publications and timeline printed by the Associated Press is no doubt, an informative set of sources within networks world wide. Written timeline reports, manuscript materials, cryptological puzzles, and public impact helped encouraged a wide range of enigmas and set off a legion of novice as well as professionals to attempt and decipher creativity..."
—quote from little sister

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”...Now that my consciousness is no longer dormant. I know why particular manuscripts has attracted the attention of academics, secret cryptanalysis, and the active military. I remember cipher reading biblical trade books, exploring theories and using thought experiments for sacramental retribution...”
—quote from little sister

“…evidently astronomers captured footage of an Unidentified Ariel Phenomenon object landing on Jupiter, just a little more than a month captured by the third eye since September 13th. The incident was observe October 13th…”

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“...In sensitive cases, Radioactive time-travelers are assigned tactical guardians. The star circle sets up a fellowship of HALO hat, book hustlers...”
—quote from little sister

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“...I couldn't really tell much about some guardians, other than Player-B rather fly a paper plane into a hostile encounter of gunfire than have to prove Player-A (Break On Through) to the other side and safeguard Player-C (Season of the Witch) ...”
—quote from little sister

“...The manuscripts I deciphered is a crafty, mystical, superstitious and symbolic cryptic of ideas. According to academics, the Voynich was created sometime in 1666. I’m relatively attached to the pictorial illustration of codes and spells (For the First Time). Sh*t talking up all night, signaling radioactive notes and watching Apocalypse Now:Redsox...”

“...I observed a flying craft crawl along the edge, straight razor through the danger zone. They never say "Hello" until an aerial phenomenon get it on the red-line overload. I’ll never know what can be accomplish until I watch it (Rise Up) as high as it can go out along the edge. That’s my dream but that's not a nightmare...”
—quote from little sister

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“...The Golden Bough pages along the edge From Ritual to Romance. As long as cold beer, hot food, rock 'n' roll, all the other amenities and guardians remain expected, the contact of the war will gain importance if life remains in the middle while Player [C] is smiling and Player [A] close to tears. Even after all these prolific light years, Player [B] just now got the feeling the stargazers and I are all meeting for the first time...”
—quote from little sister

“...Like a foreshadow, I counterclockwise and confirmed the timeline. The Army of Angels could be anywhere cause the radioactivity just broadcast my thought experiments being crystal skull clear...”

“...Saturday was radioactive silent. Surely it was through the impossible as Friday's 13th was no disappointment. I observed the message and felt some kind of hope of guardians (Calling All Angels) on Sunday funday to (Rattle) the storm...”
—quote from little sister

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“...Pentecostal fire stirring something new. The chosen stargazers not gonna run out of miracles anytime soon. Yeah, the resurrection power runs in the veins.?Harrp the angels sing as the solar cyclone was the strongest (Hells Bells) recorded since records began, beating the previous record since (77)...”
—quote from little sister

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“...Poetry is the perfect capture of pictures, radioactive songs and quatrains. In the evening, I observed both the Whiplash from Texas to the West coast of (Dani California)...”
—quote from little sister

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“...I’ve been radioactive on the (Highway to Hell). Ready to (Break on Through) the other side of the doors dreaming far across the changing distance while stargazers raise upon the East from a good morning wake up call in America back in (77)...”
—quote from little sister

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“...(Lightning Crashes) the new beginning of elaborate plans to (Something Beautiful). A new genesis of radioactive poetry with the (Angels on the Moon)....”
—quote from little sister

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“...(Whatever It Takes) to check everything that stands in the way within the spooky matrix timeline. The flag is the perfect surprise of wave length for stargazers to (Turn the Page) and stand (Behind the Music)...”
—quote from little sister

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