National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG )
We must take action to strike back & respond against irrational anti-turf, anti-golf & anti-pesticide hate-speech & harmful-prohibitions.?
A single NATIONAL LOBBY GROUP is desperately needed to represent the entire turf industry, which includes, of course, the golf industry.??
This is because leaders of trade associations are absolute failures with their policy-making & public affairs lobbying.??
These amateurish & inept leaders only pay lip service to the importance of protecting superintendent & their facilities, & will go no further than writing worthless responses, creating pointless position papers, & sending ineffective letters of complaint to government officials who already hate & despise the golf industry.??
These leaders & their trade associations have no credibility in policy-making & public affairs lobbying regarding issues like pest control products.??
Even worse, the industry-leaders’ standard strategy for handling hate-speech has been to pay no attention to these threats.??
Incredibly, some industry-leaders have become acolytes of those who conspire to annihilate the turf industry, & its businesses, its assets, & its customers.??
Some idiotic industry-leaders have actually adopted the policy to publicly support harmful-prohibitions against conventional pest control products needed to protect the urban landscape.??
The paying-members of trade associations must ask themselves the following question?...??
Are We Better Off Than We Were A Decade Ago ?
The answer is NO.??
Leaders of trade associations have been failures with their policy-making & public affairs lobbying.??
They have failed to make any correct decisions.??
They are cowards, they do not care, & they can no longer be trusted.??
Trust No One In The Associations
They operate trade associations like idiots.??
They are responsible for fragmenting the turf industry at a time when unity must be paramount.??
A NATIONAL LOBBY GROUP must be mandated to take action on behalf of the entire turf industry, & strike back & respond against all anti-pesticide & anti-golf hate-speech, as well as harmful-prohibitions.??
In the past, some trade associations have made some attempts with policies & lobbying.??
But, they have always fallen short, because they are operated by amateurs.??
This is because not one industry-leaders has any expertise, training, or background in matters concerning policy-making & lobbying.??
Hence, paying-members of trade associations are not being protected from harm by any of their trade associations.??
Striking back with a turf industry lobby group is the only correct solution.??
We Must Strike Back Against Lies &
Mis-Information Designed To Humiliate,
Damage, & Destroy Businesses
That Operate In The Turf Industry
There are road-blocks.??
Currently, there is no single organization suited to lobby on behalf of the entire turf industry.??
Then, leaders must find an independent lobby group.??
There are already too many associations & there is a lack of trust between them ???
Then, leaders must find ways to earn the trust back.??
The turf industry is far too diverse ???
Then, leaders must learn to understand all facets of the turf industry.??
What direction must be taken by the independent lobby group.??
Read the section entitled Critical Issues For Policy-Making & Public Affairs Lobbying in the link below.??
If political parties can work together, then so can trade associations.??
This task is far too difficult, according to some unmotivated leaders ???
Then, these lazy & incompetent leaders must resign from their positions.??
Get Off Our Grass, & Let Us Find Great Hero Leaders
Perhaps we cannot ascribe malice to leaders which can be explained by incompetence & laziness, mixed with a desire to operate with their heads up their bжtts.??
We Want To Be Better Off A Decade From Now H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G
Explore The Following Link?...??
√ -- GOLF INDUSTRY -- Policy-Making & Public Affairs Lobbying -- Critical Issues To Defend The Golf Industry -- Post -- LINK