Turbulent Times
One year ago today, I had to break the news to my son that Toys”R”Us was closing. As he had just turned four years old, this news did not sit well with him.
Today, I’m still hearing about businesses closing for good or having to lay off employees.
It's easy to blame the CEO for layoffs or the closing of a business, but I can guarantee you that these actions were their last resort. There’s one thing you can do as a CEO to make sure your company is never in this position, and that is...
It is the CEO’s responsibility to generate leads. They can hire a Director of Marketing, a Marketing Coordinator or whatever personnel they need, but it is still ultimately their responsibility to make sure new customer leads are being generated.
Whether it’s in the form of customers coming through the door, making phone calls, or visiting your website, new leads must be generated. Without fresh leads, your company will die.
A company cannot survive on their existing customers alone, no matter how well you take care of them. Existing customers change locations, shift their business model or go out of business themselves, and there is nothing any amount of customer service can do to prevent that from happening.
If your company isn’t generating leads, the sales team can’t close leads. If the sales team can’t close leads, your company will not generate revenue. If your company can’t generate revenue, it will go out of business, because you will not have the money to operate.
Your company will also struggle if your fulfillment team can’t fulfill the orders generated by the sales team. Existing customers who are unhappy with your service will post negative reviews about your business, which will prevent new customers from considering your business.
If your company is not generating new leads, you need to do something about it today. Don’t wait until you need leads to survive. By then, it’s likely too late.
The first thing you need to do is get involved with your marketing team. That team may be internal employees or an external agency. Either way, ask for proof that they are generating leads. If they are not, empower them to develop a plan to make that happen, and then have them prove that the plan is generating leads.
If you want leads from ranking on search engines, I'm your man.
I have clients’ live search engine rankings I can show you and people who will confirm that my team delivers on what we say we can do.
DM me if you need help.