Any one who has ever flown frequently in the friendly skies has experienced some form of turbulence. It ranges from a bumpy ride to severe drops in altitude in seconds. Turbulence is simply chaotic air flow due to changes in pressure or velocity. When a planes wings travel through it it changes the lift patterns of the wings. Since the wings are attached to the cabin, you feel the changes. The only way you would not is if the wings could flex more like a bird, but the plane is too heavy to allow that. A bird has hollow bones so its weight is miniscule allowing easier lift. An airplanes speed and control allow it to plow through this turbulent air without disrupting its course. It may alter it a few hundred feet here and there but the destination and time of arrival generally is not altered much. Regarding exercise and weight loss you must set a course to follow and stick to it. Once you have direction you need a constant speed or velocity towards the destination. If your destination is X amount of pounds, then you mark exactly when you want to arrive and what your machine, your mind and body need to do to get there. Your mind is the computer that you need to program to wake up at a designated time to consume the best fuel and run the engines (your body) for 1 hour, 30 minutes or 15 minutes to achieve maximum burn. You can open up flight trackers on the computer and it will show you a specific flight number, say Tampa to Philadelphia, that flies every day and it will tell you the exact times of arrival for the last month. You can see that no matter what happens with weather, turbulence, mechanical issues, etc. the plane almost always departs and arrives close to the designated times scheduled. As long as you consistently exercise and eat well, you are going to arrive at your destination. Their will be some form of chaos or turbulence everyday that will try to throw you off course. I could list a hundred things that try to throw me off. Unless I have an injury, I am going to do some form of aerobic training 6 days a week. An injury to my lower extremity may keep me from running, but I can still do upper extremity work, and vice versa. Great food intake should never be altered although it is okay to grab a not so healthy snack on the road when your scheduled routine is disrupted. For me, I know that if I wait to exercise after work it is far more likely to be disrupted, hijacked or cancelled altogether. If I get up a 30 minutes earlier I can get my 30 minute run in and then any other activity I can get in later in the day is icing on the cake. It is not easy but my routine teaches my body to expect it and it does not feel right if I stay stranded on the tarmac (home). Statistics show that as the day goes on flights are more likely to be delayed or even cancelled. The first flight in the morning is best. You taxi out to the runway and turn and accelerate without even stopping at sunrise. It is wonderful way to start your day unimpeded by lacing up your shoes, warming up your muscles and flying down the trail before any one or anything can impede you. Then you can go about your daily routines with the satisfaction of knowing you do not have to work out later. As the day goes on the weather increases the chances of turbulence. As your day goes on the turbulence starts to build up. Do not let it impede your course, even if you do not like to exercise early, just exercise consistently. Your body will come to expect the workout because that is what is on the schedule. Plow through the chaos to reach your destination! The stronger you get the more turbo power you have to deal with turbulence.