Turbocharge your Implementations, FREE
Two years ago, we released a Free & Open Source product, RoboArchitect. It's a commandline tool that turbocharges your automated processes. It provides functionality that you cannot get with simple batch scripts. As we plan for 2022, we are looking for additional ways to give back to the community.
We are excited to announce that we will be giving away FREE subscriptions to many of the tools we use to implement and maintain applications faster than our competitors! We will be making our portal available in the coming weeks, so be on the lookout for our announcement. You can subscribe to @Villani Analytics to be the first to know!
We will be releasing our utilities in phases, in order to ensure that we can adequately support you and can tweak our software based on your feedback. Just to give you a preview of a few of our utilities:
If you have any questions or are looking for assistance with your projects, please contact me and I will be sure to put you in touch with a member of the team.
#villytics #acceleratetechnology #villanianalytics
Great share, Daniel!