Tunnel Monitoring: Advanced Survey and Monitoring Sensors
Having come into existence from the earliest of human civilizations, tunnels have long been a part of mankind. However, things have changed drastically, when it comes to the whole lifecycle of a bridge, right from its very ideation to long-term maintenance.
A key role played in this lifecycle is by?geotechnical monitoring , which ensures that a tunnel isn’t just maintained, but also exists harmoniously with other structures around it. In this blog, we’ll explore a specific part of Geotech monitoring that gets this job done: tunnel monitoring sensors.
Importance of a Tunnel Monitoring System?
Before diving into the numerous types of tunnel monitoring sensors, it’s key to know why they’re significant. Ultimately, all these instruments are implemented to create a complete monitoring system to analyse the tunnel’s behaviour over time. Moreover, it also helps to verify the stability of the tunnel, understand if its design is credible or not, and assess the sequence and intensity of the various operations its construction will involve.
All in all,?tunnel monitoring ?reflects its significance in three main areas: –
The tunnel monitoring instrumentation installed on the surface, provide data on the subsurface and surface conditions. These sensors are also installed on ...[Continue Reading ]