Tune into The Ask Avani Show at 3pm GMT - Topic: The UK has huge issues right now...#Brexit #SurvivalSex #UniversalCredit #BattleForNo10 #CanWeFixGB??
Avani Rene
UK Singer/Songwriter/Radio Show Producer/Radio Talk Show Host at SoMetro Radio on the Get Global Network - US radio (multiple US internet radio stations)
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Today's show topic will be:
The UK has huge issues right now with Brexit, the rise in survival sex work due to the new Universal Credit benefits system and the Prime Minister leadership battle in full swing, so what is it going to take to fix Great Britain’s problems??
Oh, it’s really hotting up here in the UK now - and I don’t just mean the weather! Lol!
Yes, we all know that here in the UK we have a lot of problems and they seem to be getting worse right now!
As if all the craziness with Brexit wasn’t enough, we’ve also got the benefits system, which is supposed to help people in their hour of financial need, that is in complete disarray because of the new system – Universal Credit - which is being rolled out.
So, this is causing even more people to go into financial hardship and deeper debt.
It is also making more people live in abject poverty and misery and these are people who are already suffering and struggling to get by!
The new Universal Credit benefits system looks like it will suffer an imminent implosion! Not just because of all the errors, ridiculously long waiting times people are facing to get money when they make claims, or the way the new system is being rolled out and enforced, but also because it is bringing to light another situation that the UK government has been trying to ignore, but has finally had to acknowledge: The rise of survival sex work.
There are countless stories in the media, both online and in the newspapers, about people selling themselves because Universal Credit has left them without any money, destitute and feeling extremely stressed because they know without that money they won’t be able to feed their children!
Some women have revealed that they became so desperate for money they prostituted themselves, sleeping with strangers for as little as £30, £10 or even £5 just to be able to get some money to be able to buy some food, get some gas or electric!!
I mean, what a position to be in - they can’t buy get food because they haven’t got any money, but they don’t want to steal because if they get caught, they will get a criminal record, end up in prison and definitely lose their children to the care system! But, on the other hand, they are seriously struggling to make ends meet financially because they are either unemployed or in extremely low paid work and they’re having problems getting access to Universal Credit and help from the state, that they’re entitled to get!
But the UK government and the Department for Work and Pensions just do not care!
A report by Professor Philip Allston on poverty, who visited UK cities and towns in November 2018 for two weeks and had more than 300 written submissions admitted for his analysis, has concluded that:
‘ "The bottom line is that much of the glue that has held British society together since the Second World War has been deliberately removed and replaced with a harsh and uncaring ethos."
The Australian professor, who is based at New York University, said government policies had led to the "systematic immiseration [economic impoverishment]" of a significant part of the UK population, meaning they had continually put people further into poverty.
Some observers might conclude that the DWP had been tasked with "designing a digital and sanitised version of the 19th Century workhouse, made infamous by Charles Dickens", he said. ‘
Quoted from the article:
Poverty in the UK is 'systematic' and 'tragic', says UN special rapporteur - BBC News:
They are also many other stories about people who have been desperate for money, who have applied to get the advance that some were told was available from the Department for Work and Pensions while they were waiting for their application for Universal Credit to be processed and begin.
But a lot of those people did not realise that they would have to pay that money back as well, as it was only a loan. So, they were immediately plunged further into debt when the money for the advance (which was actually a loan) that they had received also started being taken out of their Universal Credit payments once their claim started.
Some people have had to wait for months before they started receiving any money! Sometimes they were waiting for over three months, in very extreme cases it was six months or even longer!
This is also causing homelessness to rise because some landlords, understandably, got fed up of waiting for their tenants Universal Credit claims to start, which means that those tenants got into rent arrears, then the landlords have evicted them for being in arrears and for non-payment of rent; all because the tenants were waiting for the money from Universal Credit to pay their rent!
But it’s also very sad and heartbreaking as so many lives are being ruined just because people are not getting access to the money that they need and are, again, legally entitled to!
What’s worse is that there are even more people, mainly women, but men have started to come forward and say that they have done it as well, who have engaged in survival sex work just to be able to try and get some money so they could buy some food or electric – can you believe that?!
It is absolutely disgusting the way the UK government have allowed people, many of whom are already struggling, even though they are working and on low pay (with the rise of zero hours contracts and more companies taking advantage by not paying proper wages; let alone the minimum wage), to continue to struggle and slide further into poverty and debt!
The government has also turned the benefits system into their own punching bag punishment system as a way of penalising people who are already in poverty by making it increasingly difficult for people to apply to get the money, that they are legally entitled to, with an endless round of form-filling, degrading and humiliating assessments, plus conflicting and confusing requests for proof of disability and health problems.
This is a form of social control and has helped to increase slave labour in many forms!! Although the UK government constantly says that they want to clamp down and stop modern day slavery and help people to have better lives, I’m not seeing it?!
Also, a lot of times, but not always, patients who are trying to apply for benefits and Universal Credit payments sometimes have to pay to get letters of proof from their doctor or GP, that explain in detail their illness or physical disability (depending on the situation) to give to the benefits authorities as another form of proof.
Even then, the benefits authorities do not believe them and have written assessments about claimants on record and even sent out letters to the claimant saying that they think the claimant is lying!
Benefits claimant 'disgusted' by DWP after 'lying bitch' comment
| Society | The Guardian:
A lot of the problems that people are suffering with are health conditions and illnesses which, for some, will never get better and that they may never recover from.
But they are still being forced to continue to prove that they are ill and in need of financial assistance from the state.
But recently, in March 2019, I saw reports where benefits officials from the Department for Work and Pensions were sending out letters directly to GP doctors (without informing the claimant they would do so) telling the doctors that they should not give severely ill patients anymore sicknotes to prove eligibility for benefits going forward. This is because the DWP are trying to make more people look like they are eligible to go back to work by saying those people are fit enough and then forcing them to do so by cutting off their benefits payments!
That is absolutely atrocious and underhanded behaviour because it is causing more people to go into poverty, debt and even die because they are not getting the financial assistance that they need from the government through the benefits system.
Don't Give Your Severely Ill Patients Sick Notes For Benefits, DWP Tells GPs |
HuffPost UK:
Plus, the fantasy that more jobs have been created and people are being paid better wages because of the Conservative Party is an absolute joke!
When will UK politicians start to realise that they work for the UK public and laws are, usually, made for a reason.
Too many companies are getting away with not paying people, who should actually be classed as workers, proper wages and working benefits.
This means that those companies can force people, who are actually working for them, to class themselves as ‘self-employed’ so that those businesses don’t have to pay proper wages or employee benefits such as tax, national insurance, sick pay, holiday pay, maternity/paternity pay and other things like that.
So, the government need to enforce employment laws, so that workers are not taken advantage of by companies who are exploiting legal loopholes (and there are a lot of companies who have been exploiting UK employment laws for decades)!
I’ve said this before, it’s time for change!
But I don’t just mean the UK government forcing these loopholes to be closed by law.
What I want to see is a complete overhaul of the employment law system and heavy penalties in future, so that all companies are made aware that if they do not pay people properly; even if it’s minimum wage by the hour, then they will be fined severely for each person they do that to, they could go out of business and they may even face jail time! What do you think?
I like that idea because I am completely sick and tired of seeing the suffering and poverty that people are having to endure!
I definitely think that would start to focus the minds of rogue employers to make them start acting right?!
So, when Prime Minister Theresa May finally announced her resignation, most of the UK rejoiced and that’s when the political wolves who had been howling, broke free of their chains, flexed and extended their claws, then started hunting for blood!
Watch UK Prime Minister Theresa May's resignation speech - Business Insider:
But if Theresa May thinks that anybody really felt truly sorry for her when her voice finally cracked, with some semblance of emotion, when she was doing her resignation speech in front of the media outside of Number 10 Downing Street, then she really needs to think again!
Theresa May’s behaviour and demeanour throughout her time as Prime Minister is especially notable when it comes to the tragic loss of life and devastation caused to the survivors of the Grenfell tower fire tragedy, the problems with Universal Credit, the rise of people being driven into survival sex work due to poverty, unemployment and homelessness, the fact that there are so many more children growing up in poverty in 2019, which has actually risen since the recession, plus the way MPs interact with each other but yet cannot seem to get anything done, because they are too busy fighting like cats in a sack in the House of Commons!
So, when UK Grime artist Stormzy decided to voice his opinion last year in 2018 while performing at the Brit awards, he gained worldwide attention and collective agreement from many people around the world:
Stormzy at the Brit Awards: 'Yo, Theresa May, where's the money for Grenfell?' - YouTube:
Owen Jones: No Sympathy For Theresa May - YouTube:
Theresa May’s often ice cold, emotionless demeanour and heartless actions have earned her the nickname of the ‘May-bot’ which is ironic because, (even though we know that real robots don’t actually feel emotion), scientists and computer programmers could and probably are drawing up plans to design and program more robots to display and try to at least emulate human empathy, sympathy and the guise of caring when speaking to a human?!
As she says goodbye, Maybot finally shows her humanity | John Crace | Politics | The Guardian:
So, now we have another Prime Minister leadership battle in the works as well!
Yes, I did say battle because that’s what it is, a complete minefield of backstabbing, fakeness, false promises, political grandstanding, narcissistic behaviour, cowardice and absolute delusions of grandeur!
I mean, I could go on but I think you get the gist of what I’m saying:
It’s an absolute hot mess and we, the UK public, are completely and utterly sick of it!!
2019 Conservative Party (UK) leadership election - Wikipedia:
Another reason why I think the UK public are fed up is because we are not even going to get to choose who the new Prime Minister will be this time!
It is all going to be decided within the Conservative Party plus amongst their 160,000+ members and the people of the United Kingdom are just going to have to put up with it!!
I think that is out of order because it is the public who are going to suffer a great deal because of the decisions and policies brought in by whoever the next UK prime minister is!
There were 13 candidates at the beginning, different MPs in the Conservative Party who all put themselves forward in the race to become the new leader of the Conservative Party and ultimately; the thing which I think they considered to be far more important, the next UK Prime Minister.
From the beginning, the person who has been tipped to be crowned as the next leader of the Conservative party and new UK Prime Minister is former Foreign Secretary and Mayor of London, Boris Johnson.
But, for the life of me, I cannot understand why?!
But, of course, there were many other MPs who fancied themselves in the role as well and could not wait to put themselves forward!
So, with all the twists and turns, it has been hard to keep up with who put themselves forward, who dropped out (sometimes not even two days after they had declared themselves as being in the running) because they didn’t get enough votes of support from their party colleagues, who disapproved of whom the most and why they were so disparaging about another candidates’ policies if any other candidates were to become the next Prime Minister and then who would turn around,(after they had left the leadership race) and back someone else who they had been running against just hours before they had been eliminated!
Plus, I can’t forget the MPs who sometimes looked like they had to try and eat humble pie because they had decided to throw their weight behind a former fellow candidate who was still in the race; probably because they wanted a nice plum job in that persons new government if the person they had started backing actually became the next Prime Minister!
So after all the craziness, the leadership race for the next Prime Minister is down to two and it’s between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt.
At one point people thought it was going to be between Boris Johnson and Michael Gove but, I have to say, I’m glad it wasn’t him in the end.
I also have to mention that a lot of people think there has been some, what you might call, jiggery-pokery; or in other words some vote rigging and fiddling to make sure that Michael Gove got pushed out of the race at that crucial moment when it looked like he might be going head-to-head with Boris Johnson, because sources are saying that Boris Johnson wanted to get revenge on Michael Gove for wrecking his chances of becoming Prime Minister back in 2016 by launching a rival bid then.
Boris rejoices as arch-rival Michael Gove is knocked out of Tory leadership race | Politics | News | Express.co.uk:
But, let me be honest and clear, I don’t want anybody else in the Conservative Party to become the next UK Prime Minister either!
I am completely sick of the ‘pass the baton’ mentality which seems to plague all UK political parties, when they get into sticky situations!
For example, if the current Prime Minister, from whichever party is in government, finally realises the game is up and they have to leave under whatever cloud of disgrace they have found themselves in (which, usually, leaves a sour taste in the mouth for the UK public; as they’ve either done something they shouldn’t have or they haven’t done something they should have done and promised to do while in office), then the MPs in that political party all club together to give the next person-in-waiting the job of being the next UK Prime Minister!
That is all just so that particular political party can stay in power for as long as possible - never mind what the UK public actually needs, let alone wants!
This has happened with Tony Blair and Gordon Brown from the Labour Party and it also happened with David Cameron and Theresa May in the Conservative party in 2016.
I think the reason why, apparently about 3/4 of, the Conservative Party at present, are backing Boris Johnson to become the next UK prime minister is because it’s all about the Old Boys Club “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” mentality that has reigned supreme for so long, where they promise to help each other and give favours, including tax cuts for the rich and much, much more!
I’m just going to say it: the title of Prime Minister doesn’t actually mean somebody has actual power or is in control; let me just be very clear about that!
All it means is that their name is above the door of Number 10 Downing Street, they’re in the hot seat and they look like they’re in charge – and for some people all they want is to be able to say that they were the UK Prime Minister and they were in authority; for however short a time that might have been, because it looks good and it soothes their ego!
Also, I have to say this: it’s very funny to me how, in 2016, nobody else in the Conservative Party was rushing to put their name forward to become the next Prime Minister after David Cameron left.
Do you know why?
It’s because they all knew that handling Brexit was going to be an absolute mess!
The EU referendum had just happened, so they knew there would be no escaping it, they could not brush the result to leave the European Union under the carpet or try to kick that proverbial can down the road!
Whoever became the next Prime Minister would absolutely have to acknowledge the fact that, at that time, over 17 million members of the UK public had voted to leave the European Union and that’s what the country expected to happen.
All MPs in the Conservative Party knew it was a poisonous chalice which they did not want any part of, so they did not want to take that job on and have that be a part of their supposed legacy as Prime Minister once they finally left office, because they knew it would probably fail and go horribly wrong!
Universal Credit:
Theresa May can save her legacy by slashing 5 week wait, ex-civil service boss demands:
It has been reported that the new UK Prime Minister is due be announced on the 23rd of July 2019 with the new incumbent taking over on the 24th of July
(presumably after Prime Minister’s Questions).
This is because they probably don’t want to be thrown into the lions den on the first day of their new job having to face all the other MPs and members of the House of Commons and also be in the spotlight of the media glare too soon?!
They will probably need, and definitely want, a bit of time; at least a few days, to adjust, settle in and let the hot seat of Prime Minister cool down, if possible, from memories of the last occupant! Lol!
But what I really want is a general election now because I am sick of the lot of them and I want be able to vote the whole Conservative Party out and consign them to becoming, if not a political party completely on the outside of UK politics then at least, the opposition.
The European Union and other countries around the world already see the UK as a joke now and they are laughing because of Brexit and all of the total chaos that has ensued since the referendum!
How much worse can, or will, it get if we end up with Boris Johnson in Downing Street?!
Can you really imagine Boris Johnson as the next UK prime minister??
I personally don’t think that would be a good idea! I mean, yes he is intelligent but I don’t think he’s got any common sense and he has definitely said some racist, sexist and discriminatory things in the past about black people, Muslims, women and more!
There have been many times that I have cringed upon hearing the reports of yet another example of Boris Johnson’s bad behaviour (and ultimately the negative publicity) that he has generated with his schoolboy antics, ill-judged comments and buffoonery!
Plus, Boris Johnson always has some kind of drama in his life!
One of the latest ones being the fact that he has been dodging having to engage in any debates on live TV with the other leadership candidates, and the one I think that the media is making even more of a big deal of unfortunately, is the fact that the police were called to the house he shares with his girlfriend because their next door neighbour heard him and his girlfriend having a row and decided to record it!
Boris Johnson: 'Frightened' neighbour defends recording partner row - BBC News:
Do you believe that a person who is trying to obtain one of the highest jobs in a country’s government, should not have some of their personal life at least summarised, at times; if not scrutinised more closely, especially when they are like Boris Johnson, who has demonstrated so many examples of inappropriate (and at times unacceptable behaviour)?
Also, don’t you think it would be pertinent for due diligence to be done about all aspects of political candidates lives to have a good idea about their behaviour and how they conduct themselves in public before they are just so casually propelled into such a high profile job, especially when they would be representing a nation around the world in serious political arenas if they became Prime Minister, when their antics has caught the attention of the media?
Boris Johnson says people should take more notice and interest in his policies, especially for dealing with things like Brexit, but it seems that he never really says much about what his policies would actually be?
Boris Johnson also seems to think that, if he does become the next UK Prime Minister then, he will be quite firm in taking the UK out of the European Union on October 31 2019 if no deal can be reached. Plus, he has also said that he would try to negotiate another deal with the EU (when they have explicitly said, repeatedly, that they will not reopen negotiations!).
There are reports that he will try to ‘cherry-pick’ parts of the deal to make it even more palatable for the Houses of Parliament to be happy to go along with.
But the EU has repeatedly said in the past that ‘cherry-picking’ would not be allowed either!
So, I’m not quite sure what Boris Johnson thinks he will achieve and I’m wondering if he has even considered the possibility that he may not be able to do any of those things and that he will end up having to ask for another Brexit extension, yet again!
Speculation has also been ramping up about the possibility of giving the UK public another referendum.
But, there are many on both sides who do not want that to happen.
The current UK government has spent so much time squabbling about Brexit and what to do, that they are at a complete impasse and something needs to be done to break the deadlock!
I mean, how much longer can UK politicians keep trying to ignore the issue of Brexit and how toxic it has become by continuously trying to stall for time and kick the can down the road?
I think they really need to wise up quickly and realise that they can’t even keep kicking the can down the road - because they’ve run out of road!…
Therefore, as you can see, Brexit is hanging over the UK like a dark cloud!
The economy is hanging on by its fingertips; and if anything we are even worse off now than we were three years ago!
External business investment has started to shrink and dry up, plus more companies are laying off staff by the thousands again (like they were during the recession) and closing shops every week.
The UK political fraternity has always thought that the UK public are stupid and don’t know what’s going on, but that is most definitely not the case and it is going to come back to haunt them when election time comes around again: Mark my words!
Some of the more, should I say sensible, MPs in the House of Commons, not just in the Conservative Party but from other political parties as well, have realised (and voiced publicly) the fact that they know that the UK government can’t keep handling things in the manner they have been doing so far and expecting this merry-go-round sideshow; in what is a complete circus, to be tolerated by the UK public, as they know that the Conservative Party will be annihilated at the next UK general election and retribution will most definitely be swift!
I have to say, the phrase “Let’s make Britain great again” always amuses me; I mean, when was Britain ever really great and what’s so great about Britain right now?
It seems that everything is going in the complete opposite direction and getting even worse!
So, if you ever hear me say that phrase out loud, I hope you will realise I’m being sarcastic!
The UK definitely needs a supernatural boost right now as it’s going to take an absolute miracle to sort all these things out and just trying to have a positive attitude is not going to cut it!
In my complete and honest opinion, the UK has huge issues right now with Brexit, with the rise in survival sex work (due to the new Universal Credit benefits system) and the Prime Minister leadership battle in full swing, which is causing all kinds of other issues and old resentments within politics to rise to the surface!
So, the question I’m asking is:
What is it going to take to fix Great Britain’s problems (and what else can go wrong)??
A genius has combined Theresa May's exit with the sad EastEnders music |
Metro News:
Boris Johnson's poll leads vanish as loud altercation with partner deals major blow to Tory leadership bid | The Independent:
Joe Anderson revokes Esther McVey's 'Scouse privileges' as he urges Tories not to select her as next Prime Minister - Liverpool Echo:
UN report compares Tory welfare policies to creation of workhouses | Politics |
The Guardian:
Survival sex - Wikipedia:
DWP: Universal Credit pushing women to sell sex 'to get £5 for electric bill' -
Mirror Online:
Universal credit delays a factor in sex work, government accepts | Society |
The Guardian:
Heartbreaking photos show sex worker's woodland 'home' next to primary school - Birmingham Live:
The rise of ‘survival sex’ is a crushing reminder of the results of Britain's austerity-fuelled poverty | The Independent:
I sleep with men for £10 because Universal Credit's left me and my seven-year-old destitute - I'll even see punters on Christmas Day:
Universal credit: The DWP doesn’t care about the benefit pushing people into survival sex work:
I'm a single mum who works THREE jobs - but I still can't pay my rent on Universal Credit:
How austerity is forcing disabled women into sex work | Society | The Guardian:
'I stole sugar and milk sachets from McDonald's as wait for Universal Credit left me penniless':
Peer claims £300 a day in expenses to walk 200 yards to work at House of Lords - Telegraph:
UN tears into Tory-led austerity as 'ideological project causing pain and misery' in devastating report on UK poverty crisis | The Independent:
We don't just need a Universal Basic Income, we need a Universal Basic Services System. Here's what it would look like. | Evolve Politics:
DWP is cutting 570,000 people's Universal Credit to pay off old Tax Credit debts - Mirror Online:
Universal Credit cuts hit-list revealed as DWP claws back benefits with penalties - Birmingham Live:
Pensioner, 81, killed herself after her pension was wrongly frozen | Metro News:
Sheffield council backs universal basic income trial | Society | The Guardian:
Avani - Teardrops:
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