TULSI : the holy basil.

TULSI : the holy basil.

The 'tulsi' plant or Indian basil is an important symbol in the Hindu religious tradition. The name 'tulsi' connotes "the incomparable one". Tulsi is a venerated plant and Hindus worship it in the morning and evening. Tulsi grows wild in the tropics and warm regions. Dark or Shyama tulsi and light or Rama tulsi are the two main varieties of basil in India.

Tulsi As A Deity :

In the Hindu mythology, tulsi is very dear to Lord Vishnu. According to one legend, Tulsi was the incarnation of a princess who fell in love with Lord Krishna, and so had a curse to be outside the home laid on her by his consort Radha. Tulsi is also mentioned in the stories of Meera and of Radha immortalised in Jayadev's Gita Govinda. The story of Lord Krishna has it that when Krishna was weighed in gold, not even all the ornaments of Satyabhama could outweigh him. But a single tulsi leaf placed by Rukmani on the pan tilted the scale. Tulsi is regarded as feminine & a garland solely made of tulsi leaves is the first offering to the Lord as part of the daily ritual in Hindu households. The plant is accorded the sixth place among the eight objects of worship in the ritual of the consecration of the Kalasha, the container of holy water.

The presence of tulsi plant symbolizes the religious bent of a Hindu family. A Hindu household is considered incomplete if it doesn't have a tulsi plant in the courtyard. Many families have the tulsi planted in a specially built structure, which has images of deities installed on all four sides, and an alcove for a small earthen oil lamp. Some households can even have up to a dozen tulsi plants on the verandah or in the garden forming a "tulsi-van" or "tulsivrindavan" - a miniature basil forest.

Tulsi As An Elixir :

Apart from its religious significance it is of great medicinal significance, and is a prime herb in Indian ayurvedic treatment. Marked by its strong aroma and a stringent taste, tusli is a kind of "the elixir of life" as it promotes longevity. The plant's extracts can be used to prevent and cure many illnesses and common ailments like common cold, headaches, stomach disorders, inflammation, heart disease, various forms of poisoning and malaria. Essential oil extracted from karpoora tulsi is mostly used for medicinal purposes & it is used in the manufacture of herbal toiletry.

Conclusion :

I have tulsi (holy basil) in a pot in my Delhi home & am highly benefitted from this enticer herb. I strongly believe that the simple chewing of 8 – 10 leaves of Tulsi is a potent adaptive that lowers cell sensitivity to stress and raises the body’s ability to adapt to changing situations.


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