Tuesdays Possibilities

Tuesdays Possibilities

Good Morning Friends,

Tuesday has a arrived?and with it come the?choices of?how we begin the day.??The thing?we must?remember is to Stay Positive and focus on what’s important to us. Throughout our lives we have repeatedly heard the familiar saying, "What a difference a day makes".??Read the story and decide for yourself.....

“Life” truly is whatever you want or make it to be!



"Your time is limited; don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinion drowned your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

Steve Jobs


"Be present, it is the only moment that matters."

Author Unknown



The other day my friend told me to let go.... he told me not to be so worried about what I'm doing, or what I look like, but to just let myself go once in awhile. This really got me thinking. Maybe I should let go. Maybe I should do something crazy, just so I can say I did. I've got many long years ahead of me, and plenty of time to live a fun and happy life.

Sometimes, an opportunity only knocks at the door once, and if you don't answer it at that particular moment, then you'll never get another chance. Life is tough, and most of the time we spend our days wondering why things go the way they do.

After thinking for awhile I'm finally realizing that maybe thinking about this so much, is wasting the time in which we could be going out and making the days go better. We're wasting the time we have here on Earth. By attempting to figure out why life goes the way it does, we lose time when we could be having fun, and living our lives to the fullest.

We are only here for a short amount of time. An average of 70-100 years seems long, but it goes faster then we realize. It's so incredibly important to live every day to it's fullest potential. When you're 87 years old and laying on your death bed, do you want to look back and think of things that you wished you had done?

I don't know about you but I want to look back and remember all the times when I let myself go, and had fun. I want to remember the times when I actually let myself be open to try new things, and open the door to wonderful opportunities.

Life is only wonderful if you leave yourself open to be part of it. Think about it.?


Tuesday's Laugh........


Airplane Jokes


Joe was a steward for Fly High airlines. He watched as an older lady boarded the plane holding a dog in a cage. “Excuse me,” said Joe “dogs are not allowed on board, you have to check it in with the baggage.” The lady wasn’t happy, but Joe was an experienced steward and succeeded in convincing the lady without much of a scene. Upon arrival, Joe took a peek in the cage, and to his great surprise, saw that the dog was dead! Frantic that they may get sued, Joe quickly sent one of his underlings out to town to buy a dog that looked exactly the same. Just in the nick of time the underling arrived with the dog They quickly switched dogs and breathed a sigh of relief. “This isn’t my dog!” said the lady as soon as she saw it. “I’m sure it is” insisted Joe “I was very careful about where I put it.” “It’s not my dog” argued the lady, “you see, I was bringing my dog to my home town to have him buried, and this dog is alive!”



Matthew Sorg, CHST, CESCO的更多文章

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