Tuesdays Positive Vibes

Tuesdays Positive Vibes

Good Morning Friends,


I hope the long weekend brought you the necessary downtime with family and friends that you needed to make a fresh start today and in this New Year. Our choices are many, it’s up to each of us to choose wisely to ensure our day is what we need or want it to be. Life gives back what we send out each day, so stay positive, keep smiling and do what you can to make a difference and make it Your Best Year Ever!



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt


We cannot change anything until we accept it. - Carl Jung


"I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart."

?~?Vincent van Gogh


Your Best Year Like in everything we do, in life there is not a second chance; every moment, either we lose or win! Everything is mental; we bring to our life what we think about most of the time. The road has two ways, one toward light and other toward darkness. Life is a choice! Everything and Everybody starts from zero; it is your choice in what place you finish. If we accept mental poverty, all kinds of poverty is what we get. Change your attitude to win now! Be happy and relaxed, regardless of any circumstance. Always focus only on the solutions; don't let anybody rob you of your happiness. Don't allow challenges or circumstances to defeat you. Do the right thing. Demand from yourself whatever it takes to win - clarity, focus, effort, persistence, sacrifice, discipline, passion, and love - not just to survive but also to win! Life is a give and take; we stop receiving as soon as we stop giving the best of us!! That's the balance of life!!! If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. Every tomorrow you will do even better. Yes you can! Yes you can do this. Make this coming year your year; just you have to believe in you!


Tuesday’s Attempt at humor…… lol

I was in the waiting room of my doctor's office the other day when the doctor started yelling, "Typhoid! Tetanus! Measles!" I went up to the nurse and asked her what was going on. She told me that the doctor liked to call the shots around here.

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Alex Armasu

Founder & CEO, Group 8 Security Solutions Inc. DBA Machine Learning Intelligence

9 个月

Thank you for your valuable post!


