Tuesdays Love

Tuesdays Love

Good Morning Friends,


I hope this email finds you well rested and in good health. Today’s story is a reminder? not to judge people, we are all different in our own way, but essentially the same. We all want to be liked/loved, appreciated, trusted and valued for who we are. I hope you find the value in it. Wishing you an Awesome Tuesday.



Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your Creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don't waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail. ~Og Mandino


This is dedicated to all the teens like me who have had a hard time but are working through it and who like being who they are! I am I... Do not change me, condemn me, nor put me down. Accept me for what I am, No, you need not agree with me, But accept me, for I am total in being. I have my faults I have my guilts But that is who I am. Perfect I will never be!!! Allow me to be uninhibited, DO NOT PRESURE ME Into feeling what I do not feel. Accept me when I am flying high, As I have accepted you When you were flying high. Do not put me down, Nor make me feel unhappy about me. I AM I... And I like being what I am... ME! ---?Author Unknown


Today's Humor:


There once was a blonde who was very tired of blonde jokes and insults directed at her intelligence.

So, she cut and dyed her hair, got a make-over, got in her car, and began driving around in the country.

Suddenly, she came to a herd of sheep in the road. She stopped her car and went over to the shepherd who was tending to them.

"If I can guess the exact number of sheep here, will you let me have one?" she asked.

The shepherd, thinking this was a pretty safe bet, agreed.

"You have 171 sheep," said the blonde in triumph.

Surprised, the shepherd told her to pick out a sheep of her choice.

She looked around for a while and finally found one that she really liked.

She picked it up and was petting it when the shepherd walked over to her and asked, "if I can guess your real hair color, will you give me my sheep back?"

The blonde thought it was only fair to let him try. "You're a blonde! Now give me back my dog."



