Tuesday Thoughts | 4 October 2022 | The Last 90 Days
Danielle S. Russell, CAE, C.Dir
Multi-Award Winning Association Leader | Connector of Ideas and People | Consultant | Author | Speaker | Chartered Director
In early 2020 (just before *you know what*) I had the opportunity to sit on a panel that looked at the First 90 Days as an Executive Director of a new organization, the skills, strategies, and approaches that can be used to make the most of that time, and make early impact. As a job seeker, I think about that a lot; I’ve certainly been asked about it, by recruiters, and interview panels, and the little voice in the back of my head reminding me that being Ready to Hire means I need to have a good-to-go back pocket plan.
Recently, a close member of my network completed their last 90 days in a job, and while notice periods are often part of contractual obligations, I think that most responsible parties deeply understand that its how you end, not how you begin, that often matters most to your lasting legacy and efficacy. These thoughts are not new either, I wrote about these concepts when I left the Air Cadet League, Ontario in December of last year.
Sometimes, the endings and the beginnings are less obvious, and as such we get lulled into thinking they are less impactful on our lives; but with each new season, we get another chance to start fresh, and change our perspectives, to re-examine our goals, and to ensure that the path we are on is going to our desired destination. This time, is one of those times, as of a couple of days ago, there were 90 days left in 2022; since this is the first #TuesdayThoughts of October, I’m just going to take some liberties and round up a bit. Today, is the start of the Last 90 Days of 2022 (unless you’ve already done your Q4 planning, in that case, as you were…).
This is the second last of the “big” planning windows for any year, part of my annual routine also includes a finish strong sprint through December; but for now I’m focused on all of Q4.
I’m taking a hard look at the status of my 2022 Resolutions and Goals, a lot got done this year, a few things that were unplanned got added – full disclosure, “start a YouTube Channel” was NOT in this year’s New Year’s workplan – and there are still a few items that could realistically get done in the next 90 days. I’m also reviewing my bucket-list, that evergreen list of items that carries over year-over-year and occasionally gets added to as items get checked off.
This year has already seen “Teach a College or University Course” and “Get Paid to Give A Speech” receive a satisfying CHECK mark. What I didn’t anticipate was how this time of “funderemployment” (that’s funemployment + underemployment) would lead to so many projects that have now become part of my professional identity – College Professor, YouTuber, Speaker. We can also add Consultant to that list, although, who on earth puts that on a Bucket List?
One of the big projects that has an ever closing window of possibility, is the whole, convert dining room to art studio – separate office from art studio – set up bigger better home office, process; as someone with scent sensitivities I need to be painting while I can still open the windows for a bit of fresh air, and that *ahem* “window” is closing. What I didn’t factor for here, was the emotional element of decluttering decades worth of stuff to make the switch possible.
Seasonality, in general is a big consideration at this time of year, as we strive to finish strong for 2022, we cannot ignore the changing weather, nor the inescapable proliferation of “pumpkin spice” everything. One of my remaining goals for this year is to really start in on my first book – I’ll be combining everything I know about Political Participation and Activism, with everything I know about Volunteerism, Philanthropy, and Making Impact, into a handbook for anyone who wants to make the most impact with their time, talents and money. It seems like the most sensible intersection of the tales of my “misspent” youth (that’s a Skulls reference) in Politics, with my decade-and-a-half working with Associations, Charities and all manner of Not-for-Profits.
Knowing yourself is so key to planning your time in a way you’ll actually enjoy spending it, with as little “procrastination friction” as possible, I know I have ZERO interest in sitting and writing a book on a bright Summer’s day, and I know that my Gretchen Rubin Tendency is Obliger so I plan to harness the “community power” of National Novel Writing Month (even though I am writing a work of non-fiction) to really make a dent into my first draft – it also doesn’t hurt that #NaNoWriMo is in November, when I’ll be perfectly happy tucked into my home office (probably my current one) to be tapping away at a keyboard.
I’m also starting to think about 2023, what are the big hairy goals, the smaller (but potentially impactful) projects, and the stuff that just seems to get added along the way? If I want to keep speaking, I need to be tracking and responding to calls for submissions; if I want to keep prioritizing my Family (which I do) I need to make space; if I want to build on all the work I’ve been doing in this year of funderemployment I need to continue to build relationships, and connections and network.
My long term planning also needs to include some intentional thinking about my longer-term goals; my Personal 5 Year Plan is 5-years-and-8-months-old, my professional plan over 7 years old; I’ve accomplished much of what I set out to do, but leaving them to languish is no way to ensure continuous growth, and improvement, and accomplishment.
Finally, I need to return to the original Serenity Prayer – seeking to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. I have accepted that I cannot simply will the perfect next job into being; but I can be consistent in seeking out a role where I can make an impact, to articulating where I want to go next, and to consistently adding value in the interim.
Before I dive into my traditional calls to action (with which I end each issue of #TuesdayThoughts – please subscribe); I want to make three calls for assistance, in the order they generally appear in this article.
1)?????If you get value from my work, from my thoughts, or just generally find yourself to be in alignment of the values I demonstrate – help me find my next great career adventure. Please make the introduction, send the job post along, “mention my name in rooms full of opportunities”; a huge thanks to Christine, Joe, Colin, Tracy, Herleen, and everyone else who has passed on ideas, opportunities, thoughts and encouragement.
2)?????I’m looking for some technical expertise to lean on as I start to map out my first book, in particular I’m hoping to make this a handbook that can be used on both sides of the Canada/US Border. To my American friends, I’m looking to deepen my understanding of two things – tax incentives or rules around Charitable Donations; and restrictions on Lobbying and other forms of Political Activism.
3)?????Expertise on career and life mapping. I completed my Professional 5-year plan as part of the CAE 500 module, and my personal in a session facilitated by a former classmate with experience in the life coaching space; if you or someone you know specializes in this area, I’d love to have the introduction made. Try to remember your girl is funemployed BEFORE you suggest someone who bills out at hundreds of dollars an hour.
And now, the thing you’ve all hung tough for, for longer than usual. This week’s Call to Action: Recognize this seemingly insignificant opportunity to kickstart your planning to finish 2022 strong, and to start to map out success and growth for 2023.
*Need Help with decluttering and organization to make your 2022/2023 a success? I have a little extra time on my hands, and I am looking for a maximum of 1-2 people/households to assist either virtually or in-person. As a Certified Organizational Specialist, I can help you tailor solutions to your organizing style. There is an opportunity to access these services free-of-charge, if you are willing to be featured on my YouTube Channel.*
New and Noteworthy?is a collection of things readers of #TuesdayThoughts might find interesting, important, or informative;
??Other Stuff I Did This Week (shameless self promotion):?This week I was excited to contribute to the CSAE Blog ahead of my session on Introvert Friendly Events and Experiences coming up the National Conference in Halifax on October 20
??What to Read:?Damage Control: Reducing the Cost of Climate Impact in Canada, from the Canadian Climate Institute h/t Rick Smith | The thing I wish I could have read after my Dad's accident, Road to Recovery from Spinal Cord Injury Ontario and Julie Sawchuk | How White Women Use Strategic Tears to Silence Women of Colour from the Guardian | Should applicants be paid for job interviews? from CBC | Don't care about the municipal election? You're not alone, but here's why you should vote from CBC h/t Bernie Morton | Understanding Top Volunteers from the Canadian Knowledge Hub for Giving and Volunteering
????What to Do:?Open dialogue with members of Event Minds Matter h/t Janice Cardinale | Access Free Executive Coaching
????♀?Cool Jobs (Paid and Volunteer):?Member @ Canadian Human Rights Tribunal | Program Manager @ Innovation Factory Hamilton | Director of the Board @ Community Living Ontario Foundation h/t Kevin Spafford | Executive Director @ Tamil Community Centre
??Take Note:?Congratulations to my fellow Golden Hawk Alumni, Dr. Caroline Cole Power on being named to the 100 Accomplished Black Canadian Women | Owais Rafique is giving away a FREE Portrait Session to one Lucky person working in Hospitality/Food in Toronto/GTA | Call for Speakers for the Association of Change Management Professionals Global Connect 2023, Masterclass Series | New 2022 Canadian Nonprofit Sector Salary and Benefits Report from Charity Village
??I am a Certified Association Executive with nearly over a dozen years of experience in leadership positions in Canada's Not-for-Profit Sector; as a College Professor, occasional Speaker, and contributor to blogs, newsletters, and media, I am skilled at using the art of storytelling to explain my ideas and inform audiences and readers on a variety of topics.
??♀?I am also a Certified Organizational Specialist and Practical Minimalist, who happens to have an unhealthy love for Excel Spreadsheets. I don't do this work often, but I am always happy to give a bit of advice if you are struggling.
??Did you know I also paint and draw? I am passionate about the benefits of Adult Colouring, and can create custom colouring sheets for speech and workshop audiences, by request.
Not-for-Profit Consulting Services?(pdf) | Check Out my website?daniellerussell.ca
Join my community, where?I Connect People and Ideas. Use?#TuesdayThoughts?to share this edition of the Newsletter with your networks.
LinkedIn?Danielle S. Russell, CAE (she/her)?| Instagram ???@danielle.s.russell?| Twitter?@dani__russell?|?YouTube???One Woman Island
Forbes Woman, Top 100 Most Influential People in Events 23/24, Top 20 Most influential Canada 24, Smart Meetings Entrepreneur & Hall of Fame, BizBash 15 over 50, Gather Voices Top 50 2024. Founder Event Minds Matter.
2 年I am Danielle S. Russell, CAE and proud of it. Loved that school for my girls. They accomplished much more than an education.
Creative Director
2 年I gotchu ! ??