Tuesday Thoughts | 11 October 2022 | A New Way to Frame Thoughts of Jealousy and Envy

Tuesday Thoughts | 11 October 2022 | A New Way to Frame Thoughts of Jealousy and Envy

A number of years ago I was honoured to be nominated for the Alumni of the Year Award from the Wilfrid Laurier University Alumni Association, and while my Motto remains ‘Everyone Must Serve ’ I’d be lying if I didn’t also bask for a few moments in recognition; after all anyone who has walked into my office over the last decade will have seen my 2011 CSAE Trillium Emerging Talent Award displayed prominently, joined by my 2005 OYL Volunteer Award.

In a lot of ways, the reasons that I display awards so prominently, is the confidence boost I got when I first received them – a constant visual reminder that at some point someone(s) saw something in me that I have a responsibility to continue to share with the world. Those moments have shaped me, they reinforced my belief in the difference I can make through volunteerism and service, and (at least momentarily) shut down any thoughts of Imposter Syndrome.

Somewhere in a box, I still have my “dedication” award that I earned during my first season swimming with the Markham Aquatic Club; an award given out to anyone who didn’t miss a single practice all year, I have three of them. I wasn’t the strongest swimmer, nor the most talented, but I could still make it my brand to be the person who always shows up where they say they will be. To this day, you can take it to the bank if when you ask me if I have time for something, I tell you that “I’ll make time”.

About a week ago I was reading an Alumni update from (you guessed it) Wilfrid Laurier University, when I noticed a piece about an Alumna I don’t know, winning an award I’d never heard of; my interest was piqued. I’m not ashamed to admit, that my very first thoughts were “who is this person?” and “what did THEY do to be deserving of this award?”. Because I’m human too people, and on some level, I’m chasing the dopamine hit, and the confidence boost that comes with being “the best”.

And then, something in my thinking flipped, I stopped reading the accompanying text, to this day, I can’t actually tell you, who that person was, or what they did to be so deserving. Because suddenly I had a bolt of inspiration that were this person my friend, I would simply be happy for them, even if they had beat me to finish. And, since strangers are friends waiting to happen , the most generous thing I can do for myself, and for my potential future friend is simply to be happy for them even while they remain a stranger.

Yesterday was World Mental Health Day, and also Thanksgiving Monday here in Canada (hello my American friends); I wanted to share this new perspective with those of you who might not have had the best Thanksgiving ever, in 2018 I spent Thanksgiving in a hospital far from home, at the bedside of a critically ill parent, and I know what a struggle it was to see the happy smiling faces being stuffed with Turkey in my Facebook and IG feeds.

The faster we can reframe the “why not me?” thoughts to, “I’m happy for you” thoughts, the better our sense of fulfillment, and calm, and overall mental health will be. That’s what I found myself thinking about as Thanksgiving collided with World Mental Health Day 2022.

This week’s Call to Action: is to flex both our gratitude muscles and our graciousness muscles, this might not be something you can do right this instant, but I hope that over the course of the day, the week, the month, when you feel that green-eyed-monster start to raise its ugly head, you can face it down with feelings of pride for your friend, already realised or from a potential future.

If you’re wondering whatever happened with that Alumni Award Nomination, that was the same year Brad Katsuyama founder of the IEX stock exchange was nominated. Somehow, whatever it was that I had “accomplished” that year just didn’t stack up…. (that’s a joke, he is incredibly deserving of recognition from our Alma Mater).


??????SEE YOU IN HALIFAX? Attending the CSAE 2022 Annual Conference in Halifax? Send me a DM or Reply to this article, I'd love to make plans to (re)connect.

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New and Noteworthy?is a collection of things readers of?#TuesdayThoughts ?might find interesting, important, or informative;

??What to Watch: Save the Associations Dance Montage can you spot Yours Truly , Tracy Folkes Hanson , or Kaitlin Solomon ?

??What to Read:?Canadian businesswoman takes journey within as she tackles famous Camino de Santiago during brutal heat wave in the Toronto Sun featuring Rania Walker | Giving Tuesday 2022: Everything Nonprofits Need to Know from Keela.co | As inflation grips Canada, people turn to crowdfunding to meet basic needs in Policy Options h/t Cathy Barr | Heather Reid 's chapter in Life Out Loud (then read the rest of the book)

????What to Do:?Read Lindsay Murray 's Redstone Blog - Why Associations Should Invest in Young Leaders AND then attend her session at the CSAE Conference next week in Halifax | Attend the Make It Happen Conference h/t Cindy Wagman

????♀?Cool Jobs (Paid and Volunteer):?Mobilizer @ Green Party of Ontario h/t Jackie DaSilva | the Event call for Volunteers h/t Tami Adams | Senior Philanthropy Officer @ Terry Fox Foundation h/t Shelbie Wilson

??Take Note:?CSAE Talk Tuesday , today at 2pmEDT for CSAE Members

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Join my community, where?I Connect People and Ideas. Use?#TuesdayThoughts ?to share this edition of the Newsletter with your networks.

LinkedIn?Danielle S. Russell, CAE (she/her) ?| Instagram ???@danielle.s.russell ?| Twitter?@dani__russell ?|?YouTube???One Woman Island

Watch This Week's Video on the One Woman Island ??????????

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??I am a Certified Association Executive with nearly over a dozen years of experience in leadership positions in Canada's Not-for-Profit Sector; as a College Professor, occasional Speaker, and contributor to blogs, newsletters, and media, I am skilled at using the art of storytelling to explain my ideas and inform audiences and readers on a variety of topics.

??♀?I am also a Certified Organizational Specialist and Practical Minimalist, who happens to have an unhealthy love for Excel Spreadsheets. I don't do this work often, but I am always happy to give a bit of advice if you are struggling.

??Did you know I also paint and draw? I am passionate about the benefits of Adult Colouring, and can create custom colouring sheets for speech and workshop audiences, by request.

Not-for-Profit Consulting Services ?(pdf) | Check Out my website?daniellerussell.ca

Rebecca Harris, M.A., CAE

Leading Non-Profit Growth

2 年

I am so lucky to know you and count you as a friend! I value our friendship and our ability to know when to push each other and when to support each other. Also, dinner was fun and we definitely need to do it again soon!

Rania Walker

President of Front Door PR - Telling your brand story to Canadian audiences through high-impact PR campaigns, media and events. Connect with me if you want meaningful media exposure.

2 年

Hello Friend!! And thanks for the shout out - I am humbled and honoured to be the company of all these incredible people. I hope we can meet in person one day Danielle, because Colleen thinks the world of you, and is always singing your praises. Nice to meet you all :D

Tami Adams - Founder, Speaker Strategist, Agent, Speaker Coach

?? Natural Connector Certified WBE, Speaker Strategist & Agent securing Human Connection Keynote Speakers for your events and meetings!

2 年

Love ya, thank you so much for the call-out, yes MPI Peeps anyone want to help us out and work on an epic event, DM me here!

Kaitlin Solomon, M.P.S

B2C Customer Segment Marketing

2 年

Thankful for all our community connections!

Shellbie Wilson

Executive Director, Pinball Clemons Foundation

2 年

Wow - thanks Danielle! What a positive and awesome way to think about how we approach our thinking and engage with those around us. Appreciate your kind and thoughtful post!


