Tuesday Night!
Well, it’s almost Tuesday and I have to tell you I can’t wait for this to be over. I have noticed that neither party is running on a platform of what wonderful things they are going to bring to this country. Their platform for both parties is to denigrate the other side.
My mom used to say all the time to me, “If you don’t have anything good to say Ralphy—shut your piehole! I think my mom was wise in that regard. So, since the end of the world is supposed to happen this Tuesday, I thought I might point out a few things for my fellow Americans.
Look on the bright side. One, it doesn’t matter which side wins—they are just two organized groups who get to raid the tax base and the printing machine. They are both bad and will look out for themselves. Two, the dollar will continue to become more worthless—yes folks, there is no inflation for goods, it just keeps taking more of those worthless greenbacks to exchange for everything. Including an inflated stock market—because the price of a share of stock costs more if you are buying with this instant money that the Federal Reserve keeps producing. So no, the market is not roaring—it is just taking more American currency to buy that share. The Dow Jones, S&P, Nasdaq does not take this into account—giving you the allusion that the market is rising to new highs. The only highs are the amount of worthless greenbacks it will take to buy shares of actual companies
So, I try to not keep too much in cash, because it is quickly reducing in buying power. I think you would be better off investing in good wine and whisky, and things of portable value—like gold bars.
So, this Tuesday, my woman and I, along with our little dog Robbie, will watch Britbox or Acorn TV and in the morning on Wednesday have a good belly laugh. Robbie doesn’t give a hoot, and I think he is smarter than most people.
Ralph Griffith, author of The Real Bernie Madoff, Our 7 Years in Prison Together.