TU/e puts new SALD machine into operation
The Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has commissioned a new machine for "Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition" (SALD) from tech-startup SALD BV
Eindhoven, March 8th, 2022 – The Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has commissioned new equipment for the innovative technology “Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition” (SALD). Technology start-up SALD is the supplier, which has dedicated itself to this technology and named itself after it. SALD is a manufacturing process for the rapid application of atomically thin coatings onto a substrate to achieve new material and interface properties.
In the university laboratory, SALD processes can be tested in various operating conditions. The research and development work is managed by professor Erwin Kessels, a professor within the applied physics department of Eindhoven University, with a particular focus on plasma and material processing. "My goal is to advance atomic-scale processing for energy and information technologies such as photovoltaics and nanoelectronics," says Prof. Erwin Kessels, outlining his research work.
The delivery of the new machine takes place as part of a comprehensive collaboration between the university and the technology start-up. It is part of the research project "Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition - More Materials, More Demanding Applications" of the NWO Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences. The NWO (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek) is the Dutch national scientific organization. The project was intended to open up new application areas for SALD, for example in Li-ion batteries.SALD machine invaluable in research
Project manager Bart Macco, Ph.D., a co-worker in Prof. Erwin Kessels' laboratory, is very excited: “Access to this laboratory tool will be invaluable for the success of the project. We can use it to test new processes, new materials, and new substrates very quickly.” The SALD machine is optimized for research and development and can be easily adjusted to assess the influence of different parameters on the "Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition" process. As part of the collaboration between SALD BV and the university, an ongoing student exchange ensures a seamless transfer of know-how and gives the students insights into the operational aspects of a technology firm.
?The substrate "flies" through different process zones
?The essential foundations for the technology of atomic layer deposition (ALD), as the stacking of atomic layers is called in scientific jargon, were laid by Russian and Finnish scientists in the 1960s and 1970s, respectively. Although patented as early as the 1980s, the spatial ALD (Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition) application has only received increased scientific attention since the second half of the 2010s. A decisive advantage of "Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition" compared to the conventional ALD method is the higher deposition rate (throughput) and industrial scalability. In spatial ALD, the atomic layers are created much faster by ‘flying’ the substrate through different zones of the reactor (so to speak), with each zone containing different gases or reactants. The "flying" of the substrate allows for faster layer deposition while maintaining accuracy. The speed advantage is particularly important for industrial use.
?Frank Verhage, CEO of SALD BV, comments: "We are very pleased to support the scientific research and development of this technology with our SALD equipment."
?Through "Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition", SALD (www.spatialald.com) has developed a worldwide unique, patented process for applying coatings that are as thin as a single atom on an industrial scale. These atomic coatings can bring revolutions to entire industries, including the manufacturing of battery cells for cars and smart devices, and the solar energy industry.
For more information please contact: SALD BV, PO Box 520, 5600 AM Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Web: www.spatialald.com, Email: [email protected], Tel: +31 40 23 80 500,
Contact: Lonneke van Wel, tel. +31 40 238 05 00, email: [email protected]
?PR agency: euromarcom public relations, Tel. +49611-973150, email: [email protected], Internet: www.euromarcom.de, www.facebook.com/euromarcom (like if you like-:)?
Directeur eigenaar TechMas Adviesbureau/Pensionado
2 年Thanks for sharing, wish you all a lot of succes. We as Huikeshoven are proud to be the heating partner for the machine.????
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2 年Let us go for R2R
InnoVisser Innovation Consulting / SMRT.bio
2 年Congratulations to the TUe on your R&D tool and thank you for the close collaboration!