Tucker Carlson Tonight Show... where we get real news!
08-10-2020 through 08-14-2020 Tucker Carlson Tonight Show - Best in Class!

Tucker Carlson Tonight Show... where we get real news!

08-10-2020: https://www.bitchute.com/video/OO4X9J16yLP7/

08-10-2020 The video above starts the show last night with news that Trump was rushed out of White House briefing room because there shots fired outside the perimeter of the White House… Trump did not want to go back tot eh bunker, waited and returned to finish the press conference… Watch the calm of Trump as he is told by the Secret Service… Watch left video, report Secret Service shot suspect armed outside the White House


@ 02:30 on the dial… mass shooting in District of Columbia with 20 injured and 1 dead and yet most News Channels failed to report on the violence because it is related to demonstrations… The behavior of news outlets has become such a case of negligence that we only watch FOX now and try to follow the news through our club. Perhaps we ought to DEMAND these channels removed from our cable bill and if most Americans do the same, at some point… they will understand we deserve better…

The single biggest mass shooting in the USA in 2020 and yet… watch Tucker criticize the news organizations for barely touching the story… 21 people shot in our Nation’s capital… most African American… don’t their lives matter? 

‘Dead bodies don’t count unless they are political useful bodies!’

DC Mayor rather than discuss these events, spoke about the fact she has no tolerance for citizens violating her lock down orders… We can’t have large gatherings… 

@ 05:22… South Dakota motorcycle group gathers and the news anchors only talked about the fact they were not wearing masks… ‘super-spreaders’ yet no one talked about what was happening in DC and other cities…

@ 06:25 George Town is discussed because of the violence taking place, most people there have signs they support BLM and yet… the mob screams preventing residents to sleep for they are that loud…

@ 07:40 Democrats downplay American chaos as election nears… why? These are Biden voters… story after story ignored!

@ 08:25… council members vote to defund the police, yet one council member calls for police protection at his home 8 times during the last months!!! Since April he has called 8 times… due to demonstrations near his home… Los Angeles!

@ 09:14 an elderly woman tries to stop the mob and gets paint poured over her as they tell her ‘this is not your time! Wear your mask’

@ 09:33 Chicago is covered and the video reveals the caravan of looters that sacked stores during the weekend… and Democrats continue to confront the truth, news media does not cover what is happening… in an effort to have them all vote for Biden

Tucker Carlson asks: What country is this?

@ 11:52 Tucker says people will not live with chaos in their cities so we may see the greatest shift of moving toward, a demographic shift… returning major cities to what they were 50 years ago… dangerous… dirty… broke… 

@ 12:40 on the dial, Chaos & violence in America ahead of the election, Peter Kirsanow, US Commission on Civil Rights discusses these events with Tucker…

@ 17:00 on the dial… Nancy Pelosi tries to return us to… RUSSIA… influencing our election… [Nancy Pelosi is a DISGRACE to the office of Speaker of the House!!!]

@ 19:00 on the dial a review of how the news covers these ridiculous talking points

@ 20:00 on the dial Glenn Beck is brought to the show to discuss a return of the Russia Hoax… Glenn Beck is a Political Commentator and some of his phrases actually surprise Tucker!

@ 28:00 Tucker discusses NYC Governor Cuomo, putting some of the past news coverage to discuss it with Janice Dean, Senior Meteorologist… who lost both her parents in law due to the measures taken by G. Cuomo 

@ 32:00 Biden… the main candidate for VP: Susan Rice… Terry Schilling, American Principles Project discusses the issues of Biden’s stance on transgender issues

@ end of show Greg Gutfeld discusses the media with Tucker…

08-11-2020: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Fs0wNFkV2ZBi/

08-11-2020 Tucker Carlson Tonight Show

Show starts with Tucker saying he was not expecting this choice because Kamala Harris is not sincere, transparently one dimensional, as empty as Biden is… the most empty candidate ticket in US history… 

04:00 on the dial he replays the videos of the attacks of Kamala Harris, who for the most part grew up in Canada, attacking Harris during the debates… @ 05:00 on the dial, Tucker reminds the public how Harris went for the accusations that Biden had inappropriate encounters with other females, putting on a poster the words of Harris: ‘I believe these women and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it!’ What? Biden selects a woman for VP who believes Biden has done these acts… Kamala Harris is USEFUL. Because she will say whatever is necessary for the ticket or for her future. 06:00 Abortion proponents sent out a letter to editors / reporters / news organizations warning reporters that in the wake of GF’s death, any critical comment on Biden would be considered racist… and it worked. After the selection of Harris, The New York Times called Kamala Harris a pragmatic moderate… what?

07:00… men can’t get pregnant so why would we pay for their abortions? Kamala Harris supports Americans paying for male abortions… what?

08:20… Kamala Harris supports free health care for non-citizens… the interview where she says… Let me just be very clear about this… I stand for public safety, health care for any and all individuals… ‘PUBLIC SAFETY’ Interesting choice of words!

@ 11:00 on the dial, Tucker brings Richard Goodstein, Former Clinton Adviser, to answer the basic question of how can Joe Biden select a woman to run with him, as his VP choice, in particular when this woman has attacked him for racism, inappropriate behavior toward women… Rather than answer the question, Mr. Goodstein attacks Tucker for not pronouncing Kamala Harris name and the give and take between these two is another example of that rare and unique style for Tucker goes at him full force

11:40 on the dial… ‘So I am disrespecting her…’ Bravo Tucker!!! No one in political life is beyond our criticism, the fact they run for office gives us the right to criticize… and then Richard Goodstein attacks Trump instead…

17:00 on the dial… Tucker brings Dana Perino, Watch Dana weekdays at 2 PM & 5 PM, to discuss the selection of Kamala Harris… and she says it was a good choice

20:00 on the dial… we go back to masks and how now government workers MUST wear a mask even when alone at home or during ZOOM conferences! WHAT??

21:00 on the dial… ‘Attempted Murder charges to be brought upon people who do not wear a mask as people expose others to catching the virus… what???

22:00 University of Georgia suggests people should wear masks when having sex!

22:40 on the dial… the new rule is discussed by Dr. Scott Atlas, White House Coronavirus tase force member, who corrects Tucker for saying he has thought a lot about wearing a mask while having sex… laughing it off and saying a fear, now hysteria has over taken the people of the USA with regards to catching the virus

23:90 on the dial, Tucker reminds us that fear has a useful political value…

27:24 the case of a young woman who worked at the White House, traveled, had an off the record comment with reporters and that was surfaced through all media outlets, she got fired… Madeleine Westerhout… Off the Record is her new released book!

31:30… Joe Biden may have forgotten who his wife is but not forgotten how to pander to voters and Biden video on reaching out to Muslim activists is shared with the audience… now, Tucker mentions Biden wants to bring religion back into schools but about Islamic faith…

32:50 Tucker brings Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a former Muslim who has authored a book by the name of Heretic… Why Islam needs a reformation NOW! 

[This segment is brilliant beyond compare because only someone with the background of Ayaan Hirsi Ali could have discussed these issues as she tells Tucker that he cut the tape short of the statement that really mattered when Biden says words that were probably put into his speech by someone who wanted to provide a view that Biden will demand we obey Sharia Law… she goes on to explain those words and what they mean… we do not know enough to fully understand but have done some research below to know more about this brilliant woman]

33:00 on the dial, Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains: when you go to the next segment on the clip you shared, Biden says quoting the prophet Muhammad if you can’t use your hand, use your tongue

[Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported that the prophet Muhammad said, "Whoever amongst you sees an evil, he must change it with his hand. If he is not able to do so, then with his tongue. And if he is not able to do so, then with his heart, and that is the weakest form of faith”.]

Video: How President Biden could change America


The Economist on Election 2020… what a Biden victory could mean for America… and there it is… Coronavirus is mentioned as the reason why Trump may lose the election… so let’s ask… do we doubt China sent the world the virus?

Why are we not discussing the fact that CHINA is interfering on the elections in the USA?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali advocates that a Muslim reformation is the only way to end the horrors of terrorism, sectarian warfare and the repression of women and minorities… 

The author reviews her book and her ideas that inspired her to write a book… click below: https://youtu.be/RFfDhh5cEqc

Starr Forum: Heretic, why Islam needs a reformation now, left is the MIT Center for International Studies video a conversation with Ayaan Hirsi Ali 


About the Speaker: Ayaan Hirsi Ali was born in Mogadishu, Somalia in 1969. As a young child, she was subjected to female genital mutilation. As she grew up, she embraced Islam and strove to live as a devout Muslim. But she began to question aspects of her faith.Jan 14, 2020

Ayaan Hirsi Magan was born into a devout Somali Muslim family. Her father, Hirsi Magan Isse, was a political dissident who spent several years in jail. When he escaped into self-imposed exile in the mid-1970s, his family followed him from Somalia to Saudi Arabia, then briefly to Ethiopia, before settling in Kenya, where Ayaan spent most of her youth. Throughout her school years, Ayaan received a strict Muslim education, and, as a young girl, she underwent traditional Somali female genital cutting, ordered by her grandmother in keeping with her understanding of Islam. In 1992 Ayaan was married—against her will—to a distant cousin. While en route to join him in Canada, she fled to the Netherlands, where she applied successfully for political asylum; during the process she changed her name to Ayaan Hirsi Ali and adjusted her birth date to make it difficult for her family to find her. In the Netherlands, Hirsi Ali studied political science at the State University of Leiden and graduated with a master’s degree in 2000. She then worked for the centre-left Labour Party (Partij van de Arbeid; PvdA) as a researcher on immigration issues. While with the party, she developed a reputation as a sharp critic both of Islam and of the Dutch government’s policies toward immigration and the integration of immigrants (especially Muslims) into Dutch society. She contended that Dutch laws were overly accommodating toward immigrants, enabling the formation of “backward” Muslim enclaves whose practices ultimately posed a threat to the country’s stability. In 2002 Hirsi Ali shifted her allegiance to the liberal People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie; VVD), and she was elected to the parliament the following year. In the Netherlands, Hirsi Ali studied political science at the State University of Leiden and graduated with a master’s degree in 2000. She then worked for the centre-left Labour Party (Partij van de Arbeid; PvdA) as a researcher on immigration issues. While with the party, she developed a reputation as a sharp critic both of Islam and of the Dutch government’s policies toward immigration and the integration of immigrants (especially Muslims) into Dutch society. She contended that Dutch laws were overly accommodating toward immigrants, enabling the formation of “backward” Muslim enclaves whose practices ultimately posed a threat to the country’s stability. In 2002 Hirsi Ali shifted her allegiance to the liberal People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie; VVD), and she was elected to the parliament the following year.

A distinguished political leader and relentless champion of free speech and women’s rights, Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of today’s most admired and controversial public figures. She is featured at MIT to discuss her latest book: Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now (published March 2015). Hirsi Ali has been honored as one of TIME Magazine's "100 Most Influential People", a Glamour Magazine Hero and as Reader's Digest's European of the Year. Praised as “required reading for everyone everywhere,” her memoir Infidel illustrates how a determined woman can impact much more history than just her own. Currently, Hirsi Ali is a fellow with the Future of Diplomacy Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University.

Joining the conversation will be John Tirman, the executive director and a principal research scientist at MIT's Center for International Studies. A prolific writer, his most recent book is Dream Chasers: Immigration and the American Backlash (published March 2015).

* * * * * *

08-12-2020: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Odv4XqYxDd4c/

08-12-2020, video of show, starts with a review of Kamala Harris who ‘may end up running the country’ were the democrats to win… Now… all clips are there!

After trying the YouTube video version, we found that all Democrats are asking for donations while Tucker speaks, and that most clips are eliminated from the video through Youtube we went with the version provided through bitchute…

@ 03:21 on the dial, Tucker replays a clip on Biden

@ 06:54 Tucker finds a clip where Kamala Harris actually says that teenagers are STUPID yet she stands for letting them vote prior to the age of 18… another clip that is missed through the Internet… why do they keep doing this to Tucker? Do we no longer have first amendment rights? Why is it allowed to say ALL they want about Trump, yet removed when it is said about Democrats?

08-12-2020 Stanley Krieger shares that Tucker Carlson has the Ultimate response to politicians marching alongside BLM


Fox News' Tucker Carlson on Wednesday slammed Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) for standing alongside Black Lives Matter protestors. The host reminded viewers that the BLM movement has been responsible for the rioting and looting taking place across the country and, most recently, in Chicago.

"Well the vandals are brazen. Why? Because they're allowed to be. Because our politicians are shameless cowards. Mostly shameless Democrats but not all," Carlson explained. "You'll remember that Mitt Romney marched and showed his support. What does Mitt Romney think of the looting of downtown Chicago?"

"Is Mitt Romney for theft? For crime? Most people aren't. Most Democrats aren't," the Fox News host said. "But no one's saying this. So instead of condemning BLM, they're getting rid of Columbus Day for Juneteenth. They're marching with BLM. Think that encourages rioting? Yeah."

Carlson also chided the Democratic National Committee's decision to invite Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) – who went by "Sandy" when she was younger – to speak at their convention.

"When the DNC gives a primetime speaking slot to Sandy Cortez, another child of privilege who wants to eliminate prisons and destroy the police, maybe it's kind of an endorsement," Carlson said. "Yeah. You bet it is.”

What's happening in our nation isn't a mistake. Politicians are bending a knee to the rage mob because they're afraid the mob will come after them. People like Mitt Romney go whichever way the wind blows. He's afraid of being canceled himself so what does he do? Stand by their side. He literally follows the "if you can't beat them, join them" mentality. Sadly, it's a theme that's happening all too often. Americans are afraid to stand up and denounce the BLM movement and their atrocities. Why? Because they see what happens when others make the same attempt.

08-13-2020: https://www.bitchute.com/video/b2Ti9snU3mX4/

08-14-2020: https://www.bitchute.com/video/rG9zb0Jgp7Ej/

Starts with our leaders don’t care about our problems, they care about their agendas, forwarding their priorities, and now our major cities are in real trouble.

New York City @ 01:37 on the dial… yes our largest city is collapsing before our very eyes. People are running away from NYC! First, people moved away temporarily, but now… the move seems to be permanent!

@ 03:15: New Yorkers try to excuse what is happening by saying ‘the poor’ what else can they do… unacceptable, poverty is no excuse for criminal activity

Who are New York’s 10 biggest property owners? 


  1. The City of New York… 362.1 million square feet and nearly 5,000 parcels
  2. Tornado Realty Trust… 30 million square feet
  3. St. Green Realty… 28.7 million square feet
  4. Tishman Speyer… grandson of Polish immigrant
  5. Blackstone Group… Peter G. Peterson & Stephen A. Shwarzman
  6. Related companies… Stephen Ross…
  7. Columbia University…
  8. Brookfield Property Partners
  9. RXR Realty
  10. New York University…

The Trump Organization is not amongst the major owners of NYC Real Estate

They own about 500 business entities of which Donald Trump is the sole or principal owner.

Founded in 1923 by his grandmother, Elizabeth Christ Trump, and father, Fred Trump. Trump began leading it in 1971, handed to his children in 2017…

Featured left, Trump Tower, Headquarters of The Trump Organization

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Continue 08-13-2020 Tucker Carlson coverage

Retail is also leaving NYC @ 04:00 on the dial

@ 04:45 Bill De Blasio does not even listen to the problems of business owners… @ 05:14 ‘Bill de Blasio may be more stoned that usual!

@ 05:45 De Blasio blames the problems on Donald Trump

@ 06:20 Chicago… Mayor of Chicago receives a letter from a Property Management company that says: ‘residents across the city of Chicago are adjusting their daily routines out of fear. They are avoiding neighborhood walks after 6 PM. At night they don’t stand too close to their windows or… dare to enjoy their outdoor balconies or terraces. This is not a way to live, and I can’t fault homeowners when hey tell me they are considering leaving Chicago. Steven Levy, Sudler Property Management wrote that letter.


PRESIDENT Email: [email protected]

Phone: 312.706.2320 - Fax: 312.751.0901

Steven Levy is a Principal and President of Sudler Property Management. He joined the firm in 1996,

From: Hope Reynolds

Subject: News about Chicago

Date: August 14, 2020 at 4:54:12 AM EDT

To: [email protected]

Mr. Steven Levy

Sudler property Management President


- We were saddened beyond belief at the news reporting of 08-13-2020 where Tucker Carlson explained what you are going through…

- Would you mind sending us a copy of the letter you issued to the Mayor to let her know many are leaving what once was a gorgeous city to visit?

- As a former employee of Motorola / Nortel Communications, I had the opportunity to visit Chicago several times and fell in love with the City, enjoying a cruise dinner in what felt like a sea voyage, yet it was Lake Michigan… the third largest of the Great Lakes…

- We stand with you… what is happening to our Major Cities is simply unacceptable!

- We live in Florida, but will issue a letter of support and write an article through LinkedIn to be shared via e-mail, Facebook… in PROTEST of the lack of fiduciary responsibility displayed by elected officials throughout these United States, and in your case by your Mayor… Lori Lightfoot...

Hope Reynolds

Author: Destroyed Dreams and Sue?os Destruidos

@ 07:00 Tucker points out the Mayor of Chicago is trying to fault Republicans when there has not been one in power since decades ago! Why are we permitting this throughout the USA??? What is every American doing about this? By the time we turn around, our way of life may be over! WAKE UP AMERICA!

@ 08:00 on the dial, a man protests that in Minneapolis the city makes it impossible to rebuild businesses… charging people for doing the work that they should do out of our tax revenue!

@ 09:21 Bent, Colorado… trapped ICE officers… who is paying and funding chases & violence? The elites such as George Soros! Why?

@ 10:00 The Middle Class is under attack in the USA… why? We voted for Donald J. Trump…

@ 11:00 on the dial… Melissa Francis, After the Bell Co-host explains why people are escaping from New York… people used to think they had to live in NYC for the great jobs / great schools, but as a result of the Pandemic, they have realized they don’t have to live in major cities to have great jobs… and are moving away… Homeless encampments take root in New York City… Schools are not coming back, so why stay in New York City? Melissa Francis, often sees crazy, naked men throughout the streets of New York… homeless pedophiles near elementary school… more and more families are packing up and leaving! 

@ 15:00 on the dial… a 5 year old boy murdered in North Carolina, yet we do not see coverage through Media outlets or the outrage of society! He was riding his bike in front of his home when a neighbor walked up to the child and shot him!


Man faces murder charges: 


We pray for the family, we mourn the 5 year old…

@ 16:37 on the dial, Biden to demand all Americans use masks, even outside!

Every single Americans should be using masks even outside for the next three months… institute mask mandate throughout the land, it is not about our rights but our responsibilities that matter… what is the science behind this?

@ 18:00 Doctor Mark Siegel explains the call for Nation-wide mask mandate, Tucker says he is troubled by a mandate to wear masks or he is not patriotic…

The politics of FEAR… outside it is difficult to spread… how about wearing helmets while riding bikes? People are riding bikes without a helmet but wearing a mask??? Look at the ridiculous photos of people kissing while wearing masks!

@ 20:00 Tucker says, this is getting really scary… when you make a decree that politicians say is rooted in science… show US the proof!!! 

Lockdowns vs openness is discussed and the case of Sweden is again re-visited… Sweden appears to be over the pandemic and most people have had exposure to one another achieving immunity… Let’s review:

05-15-2020: Video to the right reviews what Sweden has done through the Pandemic…


@ 22:25 The case of New Zealand is shared where they were in complete lockdown and now have new cases again as people have walked outside… physically separating people and removing them from their homes… what? 


@ 24:00 on the dial Nuclear Lab Executives are sent to a White Privilege Camp at tax payer expense!!! What the hell is this?

@ 25:25 on the dial, Chris Rufo, Discovery Institute Research Fellow discusses the mandatory nature of this initiative, break down white male activity, write letters of apology for their own privilege, spreading like wild fire, more dangerous than the nuclear weapons themselves… If this was done to any other group, we would say it is immoral… Racism masquerading as anti-racism, building on guilt, almost everywhere, in schools… government… under the radar spreading like wild fire! Is this legal? @ 27:04 Mr. Rufo says there is an investigation going on right now, he has discussed this with The White House and he will do all in his power to prevent this illegal, un-Constitutional violation of our Civil Rights and he is declaring a one man war against this in the United States!!! Bravo!!!

“Homelessness is not primarily a housing problem—it’s a human problem that involves addiction, mental illness, and the collapse of the family,” says Rufo, who has published a Heritage report that details the failure of the federal government’s Housing First agenda and promotes homelessness policies that prioritize treatment and a path to self-sufficiency. “Working with Heritage scholars to address how federal programs make homelessness worse will bring policymakers the full picture of how to implement reforms that help the homeless.”

Homeless: https://www.heritage.org/housing/report/the-housing-first-approach-has-failed-time-reform-federal-policy-and-make-it-work 

@ 27:35… Kamala Harris has plans to take away our guns… buy back… will give 100 days to… or she will do through Executive Action… Ok… enough… the power grab through Executive Actions MUST stop!!! If un-Constitutional, there is no executive action that is legal in the first place… 

@ 29:28 Colion Noir, Gun Rights Advocate discusses Kamala Harris… gun confiscation in the radar! Gun confiscation mandated by the power of guns!

@ 33:00 on the dial future of even more businesses in jeopardy! Now, the stimulus funds given to business owners is taxable??? Bait & Switch… money was given for small businesses to hire people back and pay rent due, now that is taxable??? Not a grant but a forgivable loan!!! That was not the original intent when accepted!!! Government take over of small businesses!

* * * * * * * * * * *

Starts with Biden / Masks

@ The high cost of America’s lockdown… @ 02:09 Suicide of a young man… 

@ 04:30 on the dial… a review of Dr. Fauci… economic devastation is very inconvenient… what? What a buffoon!

@ 07:00 on the dial, New York City will NOT celebrate 9/11 in 2020… what?

@ 08:43 on the dial… the high cost of the politicized lockdown is discussed with Ned Ryun, American Majority CEO

@ 12:00 on the dial… 5 year old killed in North Carolina… the case is explained

@ 15:50 on the dial… deeply corrupted FBI agents expected to plead guilty!

@ 16:30… The Pebble mine in Alaska is discussed as it may tamper with a pristine area, wild life, salmon spun there, and fisheries…


@ 22:50, Dems say institutional racism is an existential threat… YALE University in the news, the DOJ has determined Yale discriminates against white / Asian kids

@ 30:35 California democrats want to repeal the State’s ban on Racial discrimination in college admissions is discussed with Ward Connerly, who works with Californians for Equal Rights… succinctly explains… 

@ 34:00 New Zealand went without coronavirus transmissions yet now they believe the coronavirus came in frozen foods… what???


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