# TubeWaySolar

# TubeWaySolar

Short version - developmental study - TubeWaySolar - a modern public transport system

TubeWay is designed as a connection-friendly medium and long-distance transport system. TubeWay is to transport both people and goods in five speed sections. 

Environmental and resource conservation, energy efficiency and security are the guiding principles here.

At TubeWay, highly efficient, pneumatic levitation is the physical basis.

Analogous to locomotives on the railways, TubeWay - electrically operated jacking capsules distributed in the route network - take on this task. The TubeWay drive system allows traffic to flow harmoniously through an all-moving internal drive. Therefore the lateral flow in the pipe wall is proportionally much smaller than, for example, the flow of water in a garden hose.

Thus, the cabins glide in a permanent air flow with only a slight pressure difference, in front of a cabin as suction and behind it as pressure.

 Each of the 26 m long cabins is controlled via regional, computer-assisted control centers.

Appealingly transparent, light hollow chamber tubes as elevated highways form the basis of TubeWaySolar.

Instead of on wheels, TubeWay glides quietly on Teflon rings supported by air cushions.

The sun provides the energy required to operate TubeWay. Large-area PV films applied to the tubes generate electricity from daylight. The electricity surplus that arises during the day also provides the nightly mobility service via grid feed-in.

Here are some advantages of the TubeWay system:

# Unlike magnetic field drives, TubeWay does not burden passengers or those close to the route with questionable e-magnetic micro-load radiation *

# CO2 emissions and noise as well as friction losses and the use of fossil fuels are completely eliminated

# TubeWay bypasses the air conditions that prevail outdoors, where the resistance increases to the square with increasing speed

 # TubeWay conquers heights in a playful way, crosses rivers and valleys with ease. This hermetic system is almost completely spared the effort required for mountain trips due to the subsequent sliding down of the same loads

# You hardly notice curves even at top speed because the cabins lean gently into the curve

# Unobstructed view from the airy high-altitude journey on tracked pipe routes

# TubeWay leaves the field open to people, animals and agricultural work

# Railway tracks or motorway routes take up a lot of soil. With TubeWay, only around 50 m2 are calculated for the support base per kilometer

# In sensitive natural areas, the route is carefully expanded with only half-length tube modules and their delivery by cargo helicopter 

What business aspects and opportunities does TubeWaySolar have?

Many pre-investments and carefully planned implementation steps are required for its implementation - but once established, investors and operators could generate steady profits from TubeWay. 

With its R&D funding programs, the EU can make co-investments in TubeWay and thus influence the CO2 balance in the long term.

Hopefully results from feasibility and cost-benefit studies as well as acceptance and environmental assessments will soon show that TubeWay offers strong growth prospects for the future. 

TubeWay was developed based on the pneumatic post that has been tried and tested for 160 years. The capacity of a TubeWay double route would correspond to that of a six-lane highway.

Technical implementations are created very quickly these days and also created cheaply by MVP: a dozen specialist teams and some core area companies offer financiers a manageable budget. For gradual implementation, teams of industrial specialists, high finance and the EU may come to a mutually fruitful cooperation.

TubeWay could turn the energy and traffic transition around. As an ambitious, climate-friendly mobility project, initial establishments are needed. 

Using TubeWaySolar as a broad-based transport system, we can also extend the preservation of the precious resources of oil / natural gas by a lot. Even in the long term, we still need our crude oil for a variety of applications. However, our mineral oil is too valuable for climate-damaging exhaust gases and road asphalt!

TubeWay has the effect that urban traffic areas - as a result of reduced traffic volume - are converted back into green, quiet and usable experience spaces for the residents. 

The change to renewables can be beneficial for everyone. It should and must enable future generations to survive. It is therefore important to encourage high finance and large industries to switch to sustainability and to maintain our common foundations. Let us actively face up to this order! Results from feasibility and cost-benefit studies as well as acceptance and environmental assessments are still pending. They require the intention of an implementation cooperation.

 * https://www.ingenieur.de/technik/fachbereiche/verkehr/china-plant-magnetschwebebahnen-in-zwei-grossstaedten/  - in english:

* (WHO) argues that it has not been possible to properly assess the health effects of radiation. The Changsha Environmental Administration states that the planned rail road will have electromagnetic radiation with a field strength of 1.6 microtesla. This is far less than the limit of 100 microtesla people in China since 1998. However, opponents point to the example of Switzerland, where the threat limit is set at only 0.2 microtesla. 

Transrapid in Shanghai: People favour the trains in particular because of their low noise level. However, the unclear health effects of electromagnetic radiation are cause for conflict.

Source: Imaginechina / How much radiation China can sustain is currently the subject of heated debate. Some argue against setting a unit value for the entire country. But if a standard value were to be set, then 10 microtesla seems suitable. After all, that would be fifty times the Swiss value, but at the same time only ten percent of the previous Chinese value.

Required distance of residential buildings to the Maglev train still unclear. The construction costs of the Maglev light rail will depend on the outcome of this discussion. The lower the value is set, the more space must be left between the railway line and the nearest residential buildings. However, this may lead to extensive, expensive land purchases in order to be able to meet the danger limit. If, for example, the Swiss value were chosen in Changsha, then 500 meters would have to remain empty on both sides of the railway line. By today's standards in China, residential buildings can be built directly next to the railway line.  

It remains to be seen whether Elon Musk's "Hyperloop" will provide a possible solution to our future need for public mobility.

See also: www.youtube.com >> tubeway solar


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