Tu B'Shvat
Tarece Johnson-Morgan
HR & Belonging | Global Purpose Approach | Arts, Culture, & Education | MPA, MBA, Ed.D.
Tu B'Shvat
the ground absorbs me
and earth lovingly accepts me
she hugs me
and makes me feel
the sky opens up to me
and I feel her light
her energy gives me hope
and inspires me to sprout
as the clouds celebrate
by showering me with
my dreams reach
deep into the land
rich and lovely
the earth makes way
she allows me to spread
into her soul
I grow strong
we connect
as I touch her
our spirits
we are one.
The earth nurtures me
she gives me confidence
to break through
any barriers
the river
not too far away
shares her glistening riches
softening the hard soil.
She encourages me
to flow
as she does
and move
with the music
of the wind.
My eyes look up
and I pull my body
toward space
open and free.
I reach up
from my foundation
by her
and I can see
a vision of
the future
and what I will be.
She lifts me up
and I spread out.
I thrive in this land
warm and inviting
scented with salty sweets
I mature silently
as my arms extend
yearning to produce
the essence of her
I am tall
and wide
in this glorious land
of milk and honey.
The breeze whispers to me
sharing her secrets
she tickles me
ever so lovingly
and pieces of me
float away
and she carries them
across the land
I am high
and deep
a massive presence
born from the earth
and advancing to the sky
I can see the ocean
of floating life
and taste the water
of peace
and purpose.
I am ready
and ripe
to bless her
with my heart
to sustain her with my love
and to share the fruit of my life.
Oh what a wonderful action
the planter did
when she purposefully
introduced me
to the earth
and sang songs to my soul.
Image Credit: The Moon School
Author: Dr. Tarece Johnson
Poem from the book: Butterflies in Fields of Corn
#TuBShvat #TuBiShvat #TuBShevat #TuBiShevat#RoshHaShanahLallanot #NewYearOfTheTree #Fruit #Tree #Women#Feminism #MotherEarth #TreeOfLife #PlantASeed #PlantATree#Love #Ahava #Ahavah #Shalom #Simcha #Spirituality #Judaism