TT#14: "Tech talk on GraphQL"

TT#14: "Tech talk on GraphQL"

?? Unveiling GraphQL: A Tasty API Analogy! ????

Ever been to a restaurant and received a massive menu, even when you just wanted a simple burger? Traditional APIs (like REST APIs) often work similarly, delivering a fixed set of data, whether you need it or not.

Now, enter GraphQL - the savvy waiter of the digital world! ?? Imagine having a personalized chat with this digital maestro, asking for exactly what you want. Instead of a bulky menu, GraphQL allows you to tailor your request, ensuring you get only the specific data you're craving.

In the tech realm, GraphQL empowers clients to define the data structure they desire, and in response, servers serve up a neat JSON package with precisely that information. It's like having a dynamic conversation that trims down unnecessary data, minimizes over-fetching, and boosts the efficiency of your app's interactions with the server.

So, next time you think of APIs, picture GraphQL as your digital waiter, ready to serve your app's appetite with a delightful, customized data feast! ???

?? Exploring GraphQL: The Marvels and Considerations! ????

GraphQL, a superhero in the API world, offers incredible powers, but every superhero has its strengths and challenges. Here's a quick dive into the Pros and Cons to help you navigate its terrain:


?? Data Efficiency: Order only what you need! No more data wastage; it's like picking only your favorite dishes from a restaurant menu.

?? Flexibility: Craft dynamic queries, creating a custom data experience. It's akin to designing your own tailored menu.

??? Strong Type System: Ensures data consistency – a reliable chef delivering dishes exactly as ordered.

??? Improved Developer Experience: Clear syntax and introspection make development a breeze. Developers can easily discover and access data.

?? Single API Endpoint: Streamlined development with one central hub for all data needs – imagine ordering everything from a single kitchen.


?? Learning Curve: GraphQL's learning curve is like picking up a new language – takes time and effort.

?? Complexity: Managing intricate data relationships is like juggling multiple dishes; careful not to drop anything!

?? Security Concerns: Flexibility may introduce security vulnerabilities. Think of it as having an open kitchen – extra precautions needed.

?? Limited Tooling and Standardization: Compared to REST, GraphQL's toolkit is like using a new set of kitchenware – might need some specialized tools.

?? Overkill for Simple Apps: For straightforward apps, GraphQL might be like opting for a gourmet feast when a simple sandwich suffices.

In a nutshell, GraphQL is a powerhouse, but no tool fits all. Consider these nuances for a seamless journey in the API universe! ???

?? Unleashing GraphQL in Prominent Companies! ??

Ever wondered where GraphQL is making waves? Here's a peek into top-notch organizations harnessing the power of GraphQL:

  1. Facebook : Pioneering GraphQL in 2012, Facebook unleashed a game-changer in API efficiency. A stellar alternative to REST, offering top-notch performance benefits.
  2. GitHub : GitHub's public GraphQL API takes precision to the next level compared to REST. Perfect for integrations, data retrieval, and streamlined workflows.
  3. Shopify : Powering its APIs with GraphQL, Shopify elevates data fetching precision. Ideal for the intricate needs of an e-commerce giant.
  4. Airbnb : Speed and efficiency are paramount for Airbnb , adopting GraphQL with React Hooks and Apollo. A strategic move steering away from Redux.
  5. Twitter : Efficient data fetching is Twitter 's game with GraphQL. Minimizing data transfer over networks, it's a win-win for performance.

These tech giants integrated GraphQL to tackle data challenges, enhancing API optimization and developer experiences. A testament to GraphQL's prowess in the tech landscape! ???

Below is the code snippet with detailed explanation. ??

public class ProductController {

    private ProductService productService;

    private Resource schemaResource;

    private GraphQL graphQL;

    public void loadSchema() throws IOException {
        // Load GraphQL schema from the specified file
        File schemaFile = schemaResource.getFile();
        TypeDefinitionRegistry registry = new SchemaParser().parse(schemaFile);
        // Build runtime wiring for GraphQL
        RuntimeWiring wiring = buildWiring();
        // Generate executable GraphQL schema
        GraphQLSchema schema = new SchemaGenerator().makeExecutableSchema(registry, wiring);
        // Create GraphQL instance
        graphQL = GraphQL.newGraphQL(schema).build();

    private RuntimeWiring buildWiring() {
        // Define a data fetcher for the 'findProduct' query
        DataFetcher<Product> fetcher = data -> {
            return productService.findProduct(data.getArgument("id"));

        // Build runtime wiring with the 'findProduct' data fetcher
        return RuntimeWiring.newRuntimeWiring().type("Query",
                        typeWriting -> typeWriting.dataFetcher("findProduct", fetcher))

    public ResponseEntity<Object> getPersonByEmail(@RequestBody String query) {
        // Execute GraphQL query and return the result
        ExecutionResult result = graphQL.execute(query);
        return new ResponseEntity<>(result, HttpStatus.OK);
schema {
    query: Query

type Product {
    id: String
    name: String!
    description: String
    price: Float
    inStock: Boolean!

type Query {
    findProduct(id: String) : Product


  1. @RestController Annotation: Marks the class as a Spring MVC controller that handles HTTP requests.
  2. Dependency Injection: @Autowired private ProductService productService;: Injects an instance of ProductService into the controller.
  3. GraphQL Schema Loading: @Value("classpath:graphql/schema.graphqls") private Resource schemaResource;: Specifies the location of the GraphQL schema file (schema.graphqls).@PostConstruct public void loadSchema() throws IOException: The loadSchema method is annotated with @PostConstruct, meaning it will be executed after the bean has been initialized. It loads the GraphQL schema from the specified file and creates an executable GraphQL schema.
  4. Runtime Wiring: RuntimeWiring buildWiring(): Defines a data fetcher for the findProduct query, which fetches product data using the ProductService. It then builds runtime wiring with this data fetcher.
  5. GraphQL Endpoint: @PostMapping("/getProductById"): Handles POST requests to the /getProductById endpoint.public ResponseEntity<Object> getPersonByEmail(@RequestBody String query): Accepts a GraphQL query as a JSON string in the request body.ExecutionResult result = graphQL.execute(query);: Executes the GraphQL query using the created GraphQL instance. return new ResponseEntity<>(result, HttpStatus.OK);: Returns the GraphQL execution result as a response.
  6. GraphQL Schema: Describes the GraphQL schema with a Product type and a Query type that includes the findProduct query.

This code sets up a simple Spring Boot application with GraphQL, providing a REST endpoint (/getProductById) to execute GraphQL queries based on the defined schema. The ProductService is used to fetch product data.

?? Explore the code and dive into the world of GraphQL with this hands-on project. ??

Check it out on GitLab: GraphQL Example Repository

#GraphQL #SpringBoot #CodingAdventure"

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