‘TSF-Bites’ – The two-wheeler and a rainy day......

‘TSF-Bites’ – The two-wheeler and a rainy day......

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Friends on the occasion of Engineers Day let me please recall?lines about a Young Engineer who sustained a severe injury in a Road Accident and how his Organisation came to his help and support.

This is also about how consistent we are when it comes to relationships and the ?“we care” attitude.

The undersigned understands not all would be glad to read lengthy articles and experiences (because time is a premium), but I have no choice but ?to pen down this script which I agree is running into pages - in view of its veracity and it being a real-life story of a pious MAN.

This ?young ENGINEER (BSc. Engineering – Electrical & Mechanical from BHU graduated in late ?fifties)?who was a Plant’s ?Dy. Works Manager (called Chote Saab) was managing a large team and, in those days, more than five hundred labrourers skilled and unskilled reported to him.

JABALPUR (MP) Year 1980 ….. ?:

He was ?employed in those days MNC called BURN & Co. (whose history is from 1851) commanding ?respect and enjoying facilities provided by His Organization.

Have you ever heard of gardener allowances, electricity for the house being provided by the employer and of course full medical facilities for family, way back in 1960s? He had all these privileges in those days.

In 1980 He got promoted as ‘Plant Works Manager’ ?and was transferred to another factory ?that was also manufacturing similar refractory products. He ?got his orders to move to NIWAR a rural location as that facility was to produce Bricks, by the new ‘Tunnel Kiln’ ?of the plant which he set up.

He chose to keep his family in Jabalpur itself ?in view of children’s education ?even though it would mean managing double establishment for him. With a?salary which was in a few hundreds only , being a budget expert, He stayed in Niwar cooking all by Himself . He used to come to Jabalpur during weekends at his own expense to look up his family.

It was a rainy day on a week end coupled with a Jabalpur visit & ?the rain droplets were very fierce ?on that ?day, but he had to rush somewhere for the call of duty and when no conveyance was available he ?chose to ride Himself on the lean and unsteady ?LUNA MOPED which He had in His possession. He was half- way probably towards?destination when it started pouring heavily. ?Jabalpur like other small towns becomes messy during rainfall.

He fell from the two-wheeler as the same skidded and with severe pain?in His leg crawled Himself to a nearby Police Umbrella (used by Traffic Cops ?to monitor and guide Motorists).

What caused the mighty fall ?

-was he not aware of the ways of driving a moped?

-was he not aware that it was a heavy down pour with a low visibility?

-was he a rash driver or ?an obedient but not a skilled motorist following?traffic rules?

Well, it was none of the above, ?He knew all aspects of driving, ?as also the brutal fact that he had a ‘worn out & smooth tyre’ ?in his two-wheeler and couldn’t afford to replace with a new one because of fund constraints (but had to succumb to an emergency).

In the midst of the rain a kind gentleman got down from his bicycle??and approached Him and also took him to a nearby hospital in a three-wheeler rickshaw. This kind person later used to visit him at the Hospital and was really GOD sent.

?After been given the initial treatment the X-Rays revealed a femur bone severe fracture on His right Leg.

He was then shifted to Dr. Vasudev’s clinic in the town area of Jabalpur for further treatment.

This Dr. Vasudev knew well that the Patient’s Organisation would foot His medical Bills and?was eligible for Penny -to-Penny medical reimbursement.

The Doctor put Him in simple treatment (traction) and made the young?engineer bedridden in his so-called hospital which actually was a clinic, with ?no further real time treatment.

Friends, please read the?first line of this script?on ‘relationships and caring’ ( This is a story narrating how consistent people are when it comes to relationships and a?‘we care’ attitude).

The young engineer was quite popular in His location and it was observed during the first day of the accident more than hundred people visited the clinic to see the patient and pep Him up.

The number of visitors (footfall) dwindled as the days went by, from hundred?it came down to 50 visitors per day then?to?20 visitors per day and later to a mere three to four people visiting Him on a daily basis at the hospital.

The last few days in the hospital or clinic was represented by ONLY a young boy in his teens who would then carry the engineer’s tiffin or meals on a cycle. No other person visited him except family members.

The patient used to wait for this boy anxiously as to when he would arrive so as to engage in ?conversations…

Later when the concerned persons and family members came to know that the doctor was fooling around the patient was shifted to Vijaya Hospital (MADRAS) ?under the care of the then famous surgeon Dr. P V Mohandas. Indian Airlines from Nagpur to Madras flight unscrewed EIGHT seats and made it a stretcher case. The stretcher along with the patient was let ?into the aircraft. All expenses (per seat charges ) were borne by His?Organisation (Burn Standard Company Limited).

One fall from a two-wheeler – unending problems and months of anxiety !

A few months went by (those days physiotherapists?were not readily available) and the young engineer of his own will power and abiding by the Doctor’s instruction was discharged from Vijaya Hospital & stood on his own legs and continued his contribution to the Organization where he was employed.

Of course he was then transferred to their Head Office i.e. Howrah works in Calcutta on promotion where he became Dy. General Manager (Projects) and finally retired from there.

So friends are you curious to know who the young engineer was and the little boy who used to visit Him to deliver His meals.

“They are none other than the engineer being my Father Late Shri K V Subramaniam (BHU Alumni) and the young boy in his teens was none other than myself”.

The scenario is still fresh in my mind and is also a relief giver to the undersigned during tough times and trying times.

Mr. K V S as colleagues would call (to name a few are Mr. K N Marwaha, Mr. B S Gill, Mr. M K Minocha) , post His employment and retirement ??tried working in private concerns, but the proprietary nature of the promoters in such set ups did not match his ideology so he?chose to stay put at his own Bungalow?in Chennai , the erstwhile ?Madras. He completed the reading of the Bhagavatam a couple of times and used to practice spirituality daily until departure to Bhagavath Dham on 27th March’ 2013. We are blessed by his good deeds of charity and employment given to many poor and needy. And must add that his singing talent is passed on to my son who also shares his handsome features.

Friends meeting with an accident and hospitalization can build in loss of confidence and hence let us do our prescribed duties pertaining to SAFETY.

Thank you, friends, for reading this note on the biography of an ardent devotee of Lord Venkatchalpathy (Late Shri.?K V Subramaniam, a revered honest Engineer who strived for His family and contributed greatly to the society.

‘Transmitr Sewa Foundation’ ?wishes all Engineers A VERY HAPPY ENGINEERS DAY.

TSF expects all motor veh users specially?two-wheeler users to be responsible and safe.


Best Regards,

Mohan Subramaniam | Founder & Program Director

Cell: 91-99620 75211 | Cell & Whats App: 91-98201 68237

E-Mail:?[email protected]?| skype: ksmohan 19



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